Lansdowne Oil & Gas

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Johandesilva 12 Jun 2017

Re: Moving, but wrong way Sad to see this go down. More pain to come with another cash call imminently. On the flipside I tend to always get my fantasy short call wrong... but this time I dont see LOGP getting out of this without more dilution at a discount.

Trek 07 Jun 2017

Re: Moving, but wrong way Agree, whatever the deal finally is, got to beworth more than the 5mil at the moment.

sobeit 07 Jun 2017

Re: Moving, but wrong way Price falls are attempts to get you to sell.Look at Providence today. For the last few days the share price has been falling and yet today they announce a major investment by Total in the Druid/Drombeg well to the tune of $27m for the option to buy in, most of which will be paid in the next ten days.Read the details here:[link] Druid/Drombeg are a success, I would expect Barryroe to be close behind and then we will see how much Lansdowne shares are worth.Keep the faith. Our day will come.

sobeit 07 Jun 2017

Re: Moving, but wrong way It is possible that Lansdowne are due to put out their 2016 accounts which have to be published by the end of the month and without a Barryroe deal they will make painful reading.My take on Lansdowne is that even if no deal is done on Barryroe in the short term there has to be a value in their 20% holding in Barryroe and it has surely, even in a fire sale, got to be worth a certain multiple of £5m the current share price value of the company.As for the drop in price, in a share traded at 1p the price change is huge but in the real world it is peanuts. After all, you could buy 3.3m shares for £33k at 1p each and if you sell at that price it can possibly scare people into selling which are then bought up by the "wide" boys. It is easier to manipulate the market when the share price is this low rather than when the share price is in the £ range. After all, .1p is 10% here whereas in a £1 a share it is 1%.Big bucks have been made in the past with penny shares. Here's hoping.

highlander1970 07 Jun 2017

Moving, but wrong way 3.3 million moved around so far today which comes as a surprise considering that PVR now have Total involved. Surely there will be some read across and Total would be running a rule over Barryroe at the same time

highlander1970 03 Jun 2017

Someone wanted to gather up a few of these quickly yesterday!Would be nice if it was someone in the know with some news imminent!Something has to move with this soon surely!!

sobeit 27 Mar 2017

Undervalued While the SeaEnergy move was good for Lansdowne there are a few other things about Lansdowne that make them interesting.The first is that Lansdowne is protected from liquidation by its holding in Barryroe. If it was to get into financial trouble before a farm-out it is clear it has enough value in Barryroe to satisfy its current share price and probably a price up to 5p. After all, even in a fire sale, Lansdowne's 20% in Barryroe is worth far more than £30m.To show that Lansdowne, at its current price, is undervalued you only need to check out [link] you will see that 4 major shareholders hold over 50% of the equity with LC Capital Master Fund Ltd holding over 27% alone. Are all of these charity cases? Definitely not.So, at some point Barryroe will come into focus and the share price will reflect more of its value than it does at present.And just to discount that there is anything wrong with Barryroe you have only got to check out Mott MacDonald, the major consultancy firm, who did the Barryroe feasibility study in 2013 and who still have it on their website to know that they would not have it there if there was anything wrong.Go to the following link and page down to where you see under Projects "Barryroe" and you can read what they did for Lansdowne and Providence and since it is still there, nothing has changed in the meantime.[link]

DanDaDan 27 Mar 2017

Waiting Game Been waiting a long time for this to move.Nothing to hold it back now,It is time to put the Spring back into this sp, IMO.GLA.

highlander1970 24 Mar 2017

Re: Volume it's a pity they lowered the spread by lowering the ask instead of increasing the bid but hey ho, as you say, clearer skies ahead now that Sea are out of the way and no potential lawyers to get involved etc.I am wondering if this is a precondition of a farmout/sell off that could have been a hinderance?Hopefully we will find out in the near future.GLAH

the old trout 24 Mar 2017

Re: Volume Nothing to hold it back now that overhang has cleared highlander, so about time they narrowed that spread. Great to see Sea Energy gone though, spike on farmout news should be spectacular now ATB,T

highlander1970 24 Mar 2017

Volume 4th highest daily volume of the year so far. Seems to be gathering a bit of interest again at last.

sobeit 24 Mar 2017

Re: SEA gone Clears the decks for a Barryroe deal.Obviously the disposal of the shares in Sea Energy happened before today so today's share activity is a good sign.Interesting times.

highlander1970 24 Mar 2017

SEA gone time to move up now they have moved their sharesThat would explain the non movement of the SP despite the buying

Trek 20 Mar 2017

volume Bit of volume flying through this morning,is it going to be our week!

highlander1970 15 Mar 2017

Reminder for anyone looking this is what Lansdowne have 20% of in shallow water offshore Ireland[link]
