Nice Write Up Credits to Cloud9 on LSE for link. is a fast growing financial news agency located in San Francisco========== ========== =======It Seems Landore Resources Ltd. Will Go Up. Just Reaches 52-Week High[link] 13, 2016 Clifton Ray The stock of Landore Resources Ltd. (LON:LND) hit a new 52-week high and has GBX 6.63 target or 70.00% above todays GBX 3.90 share price. The 9 months bullish chart indicates low risk for the GBX 27.32M company. The 1-year high was reported on Sep, 14 by If the GBX 6.63 price target is reached, the company will be worth GBX 19.12 million more.The 52-week high event is an important milestone for every stock because it shows very positive momentum and is time when buyers come in. During such notable technical setup, fundamental investors usually stay away and are careful shorting or selling the stock. The stock increased 14.71% or GBX 0.5 on September 13, hitting GBX 3.9. About 4.65 million shares traded hands or 307.89% up from the average. Landore Resources Ltd. (LON:LND) has risen 552.17% since February 11, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 535.69% the S&P500.Landore Resources Limited is engaged in mineral exploration, including the identification, acquisition and development of mineral projects either alone or with joint venture partners. The company has a market cap of 27.32 million GBP. The Company, through its subsidiary, Landore Resources Canada Inc. , is engaged in mineral exploration in Eastern Canada. It currently has negative earnings. Landore owns or has the mineral rights to over six properties in Eastern Canada, of which Mount Fronsac and Root Lake are optioned to third parties.
This slow burns nice This hasnt got the press up derderves. ticks all the boxes for me, DYOR etc but, long standing company, good BOD, good geographics, news flow all looking good and still very undervalued. Gold miners are flying too, not a better time to find some, visable too.Im keeing my eyes very close to this, but im buying the dips as this SP could look very very low very soon.
Proactive's View Visible gold from drilling at BAM bodes extremely well for Landore[link] Resources has delivereed some extremely attracively looking drill hits from BAM East, and there could be more to comeHigh grade has been the highlight of the recent drilling campaign undertaken by Landore Resources Limited (LON:LND) at its BAM East gold project on the companys wider and extensively mienralised Junior Lake property.In particular, one drill hole hit 53.5 metres at 1.38 grams per tonne gold, including 9 metres at 4.74 grams and one metre at just over 30 grams.Perhaps even more significantly, 20 of the 28 holes drilled so far have yielded visible gold.Typically, gold in modern drill core is only visible through a microscope, so to have gold showings of up to 2 millimetre in length visible to the naked eye, as Landore has in its latest BAM core is quite something.Certainly, it means that the grade is likely to hold up well, when newly appointed consultants RPA Inc of Toronto come to wrap a resource number around BAM in the coming months.And given the nearness to surface of these intercepts, it also means that even at this early stage Landore is justified in beginning to conceive of the project as a low-cost bulk tonnage open-pit operation.Visible gold is usually quite straightforward to extract from its surrounding ore, so initial recoveries would likely be high, all tending towards the assembly of a robust economic model for BAM.But its early days yet. The drill rigs are set to start turning again in October, and well know more after the results from that campaign are in.The next round of drilling will commence with large-diameter holes to allow the company to recover larger samples for metallurgical testing.Following on from that, drilling to test for mineralisation will continue to the east, west, and down-dip.It will be particularly interesting to get a clearer idea of the extent of the mineralisation at BAM, because it is situated right in the middle of a highly prospective 2.7 kilometre geophysical anomaly.At the western end of this anomaly lies the original BAM discovery zone, first investigated by Landore back in 2003.The new zone current comprises 500 metres of consistent lithology along strike and up to 150 metres down dip. If that can be extended by the next round of drilling, then it will become apparent that Landore really is onto something interesting here.But there could be more good news ahead of that, though. Results from the final 10 holes that Landore drilled over the summer are still pending, and could well deliver another round of attractive intercepts.And with the gold price still strong at over US$1,340, what better time to be delivering good news drilling results into the market?
Surprised no uptick here today Obviously investors with specialist enough knowledge to meaningfully analyse the feedback posted today haven't been further convinced...indeed going by the share price the last two RNS's haven't further convinced....although, seeing the glass half full, people haven't been unconvinced either, in fairness.I'm staying in this - small bet only - as I'd kick myself if it multi bagged from here in the future and I wasn't involved.Keep the faith here, I'd say.
A Very Merry Xmas Hello to one and all trust this finds you well.Another announcement has just confirmed what we had all hoped for that the visible gold has been extended and would seem to get better at depth. The widths of these findings are of interest and with 10 more results in the pipeline.and with core samples being re submitted more news will follow.A trenching and channel sampling program is continuing along the 2.7 kilometre length with results to follow. I feel there is a lot going on behind the scenes dotting the I,s and crossing the T,s the results thus far i feel are very very exiting.With a follow up program being put together to test and extend the Gold zone from east to West we could be looking at a very merry xmas.AS ALWAYS STAY DRY RIDE THE WAVE !!!!
Results of first 12 drill holes BAM EAST GOLD PROSPECTJUNIOR LAKE PROPERTYLondon, United Kingdom - September-5th 2016 - Landore Resources Limited(AIM:LND) ("Landore Resources" or "the Company" is pleased to provide thisprogress report on extension drilling of the BAM East Gold prospect on itsJunior Lake Property, Ontario, Canada ("BAM East Gold Prospect"
.The summer drilling campaign is now complete. In total, 22 NQ diamond drillholes (0416-524 to 0416-545), for 4,077 metres (m), have been drilled to testthe east, west and down dip extensions of the new gold zone. To date resultshave been received for the first 12 drill holes.Highlights:· Drilling results continue to report wide zones of gold mineralisationincluding high grade intersections with drill-hole 0416-535 reporting 53.50metres (m) at 1.38 grams/tonne gold (g/t) including 9.00m at 4.74g/t gold and1.00m at 30.60g/t gold.· Additional sampling within the adjacent leucogabbro rock hassignificantly extended the mineralisation in the previously reporteddrill-hole 0416-525 from 24.5m at 0.98g/t gold to 40.5 m at 1.32g/t gold.· Visible Gold: 20 of the 28 holes so far drilled into the Bam East GoldProspect have multiple instances of visible gold (VG) up to 2 millimeters longoccurring as singular pieces or in clusters contained in or adjacent to quartzveinlets.· Drilling has now confirmed BAM East Gold Prospect lithology to 500malong strike and up to 150m down dip. The prospect remains open to the eastand west and down dip.Consulting Engineers RPA Inc. (RPA) of Toronto, Canada, have been retained byLandore Resources with the view of completing an initial Mineral Resourceestimate on the Bam East Gold prospect. A site visit was completed in earlyAugust to review the drilling and geology of the prospect.The wide gold mineralisation, close to surface, has potential for the initialdevelopment to be progressed as a low cost, bulk tonnage, open pit operation.Initial studies indicate the mineralisation to be native gold with nosulphides associated with precious metal minerals observed to date. This wouldindicate a simple processing route with excellent recovery potential.Drilling is scheduled to re-commence in October, firstly with large diameterholes to provide material for metallurgical testing, after which drilling willcontinue to the east, west and down dip to test for further extension of thisexciting new gold prospect.BAM East Gold Prospect:This new gold prospect is located approximately midway along a 2.7-kilometrelong, east-southeast to west-northwest trending MaxMin geophysical anomaly(MM-7), at the western end of which is located the historical BAM gold zonediscovered by Landore Resources in 2003.BAM East gold mineralisation is a typical shear-hosted gold-bearing system inan Archaean greenstone belt. Findings from exploration drilling on the BAMEast Gold prospect has revealed a lithological sequence consisting ofleucogabbro to the south, metasedimentary rocks in the central portion, tomafic volcanics to the north. All lithological units have been subjected tovariable shearing and deformation, markedly the metasedimentary unit.The gold mineralisation revealed to-date is predominantly contained in themetasediments, with some gold mineralisation occurring in the leucogabbrorocks. Visible gold occurs within or near quartz veinlets which are controlledby a shear system.The summer drilling campaign is now complete. In total, 22 NQ diamond drillholes (0416-524 to 0416-545), for 4,077m, have been drilled to test the east,west and down dip extensions of the new gold zone. To date results have beenreceived for the first 12 drill holes.Latest results received include the following. Easting Northing Drill-hole From Interval* Au No Metres Metres g/t 2450E 50N 0416-532 119.00 20.00 1.6
Re: visible Gold !!! Visible Gold: 20 of the 28 holes so far drilled into the Bam East GoldProspect have multiple instances of visible gold (VG) up to 2 millimeters longoccurring as singular pieces or in clusters contained in or adjacent to quartzveinlets.
Bottom Drawer The Bottom Drawer might be filled with gold.
Map and Sections Data doesn't mean much unless they post a map and coupe of sections on the website its impossible to understand the extent of the mineralisation without it, hope they get they something up soon
Re: visible Gold !!! The profit taking has been significant and no harm in that. That said the results so far are exceptional imo, and with POG on the rise, more core results to come, I'm happy to hold this until we see how big this might actually be.
visible Gold !!! I do hope the security is good, that's got to be so tempting, where was it?, need to get my shovel It's a pity the hit+run brigade then clouded the positive news, still, they made some money, the computer said sell, baah, the flock moves on
Re: Oups. Sold 1/3 on my holding at 2.55 Well I did the opposite and added 80k at 2.59 Grades look great and you don't normally get visible gold in core samples afaik. More good grades are almost a given on the results so far. This *could* be a significant gold discovery.
Oups. Sold 1/3 on my holding at 2.55 Pump and dump is omnipresent on AIM and towards hedging my bets I took some profits (this mornings purchase pushed my average purchase price from 2 to 2.25p)I still have skin in the game and some hope here but it's a game of chance and I'm no gold reserves expert.I hope a profitable mine is founded off the back of this but have no clue whether it will be.. or in what timeframes..
Just bought some more I'm no expert on just how good this discovery is but this update is a progressive on last and it looks like the next update - with feedback on other drilled holes - will be progressive again so I expect the share price to move meaningfully upwards.Good luck to all holders.. hopefully ''we're on a gold mine here''
LATEST DRILLING EXTENDS 03 August 2016LANDORE RESOURCES LIMITED(AIM Ticker: LND.L)LATEST DRILLING EXTENDS THE EXCITINGBAM EAST GOLD PROSPECTJUNIOR LAKE PROPERTYLondon, United Kingdom - August 3rd 2016 - Landore Resources Limited (AIM:LND)("Landore" or "the Company" is pleased to provide this progress report onextension drilling of the BAM East gold prospect on its Junior Lake Property,Ontario, Canada ("BAM East Gold Prospect"
.Following the positive results from drilling on the BAM East Gold Prospect,announced by the Company on 4th April 2016, Landore remobilised to site on the30th June 2016 to undertake a 3,500m drill programme to test the east, westand down dip extensions of the new gold zone. To date, 15 NQ diamond drillholes (0416-524 to 0416-538), for 2,613m, have been completed with resultsreceived for the first 4 drill holes.Highlights:· Drilling continues to report wide zones of gold mineralisation includinghigh grade intersections with drill hole 0416-526 reporting 38.50 metres (m)at 3.42 grams/tonne (g/t) gold including 1.94m at 34.69g/t gold, 3m at 8.84g/tgold and 3m at 6.61g/t gold.· VISIBLE GOLD: 10 of the 15 drill holes completed to date have multipleinstances of visible gold (VG) up to 2 millimeters long occurring as singularpieces or in clusters contained in or adjacent to quartz veinlets.· Drilling at 50m stations has extended the BAM East Gold Prospectlithology to 400m along strike and up to 150m down dip. The prospect remainsopen along strike to the east and west and down dip.Results received include the following. Easting Northing Drill-hole From Interval* Au No Metres Metres g/t 2600E 50N 0416-525 51.50 24.5 0.98 including 70.00 4.00 3.61 2550E 50N 0416-526 56.50 6.70 1.79 and 76.50 38.50 3.42 including 76.50 1.94 34.69 " 84.50 3.00 8.84 " 100.00 3.00 6.81 2550E 00N 0416-527 126.57 11.43 2.23 including 128.50 0.75 9.68 * Holes were drilled north at 45 degrees into a lithological package dippingapproximately 40 degrees to the south. The actual true thickness ofmineralisation is estimated to represent between 90-95% of the intervals shownin the above table.Since there are multiple instances of visible gold as well as high grade goldin current drilling, core samples from intervals of interest will bere-submitted for screen metallic gold analysis to obtain betterreproducibility of gold results.The Junior Lake Property:The Junior Lake Property, 100% owned by Landore, is located in the province ofOntario, Canada, approximately 235 kilometres north-northeast of Thunder Bay,and is host to the B4-7 Nickel-Copper-Cobalt-PGEs resource plus theExploration Target and the Alpha Zone, the VW Nickel resource and numerousother highly prospective mineral occurrences including the BAM gold zone andthe newly discovered BAM East Gold Prospect.BAM East Gold Prospect:The BAM East Gold Prospect is located approximately midway along a 2.7kilometre long, east-southeast to west-northwest trending MaxMin geophysicalanomaly ("MM-7"
, at the western end of which is located the historical BAMgold zone discovered by Landore in 2003. MM-7 has not previously been drilltested.Findings from exploration drilling on the BAM East Gold Prospect has revealeda lithological sequence consisting of leucogabbro to the south,metasedimentary rocks in the central portion, to mafic volcanics to the north.All lithological units have been subjected to variable shearing anddeformation, markedly the metasedimentary unit.The gold mineralisation revealed to-date is predominantly con