Re: Update - 98% recovery of gold A teaser before the maiden resource news. Still under the radar here
Re: Update - 98% recovery of gold This one is shaping up really nicely.
Re: Update - 98% recovery of gold This one is shaped my up really nicely.
Update - 98% recovery of gold 98% recovery of gold using a simple combined gravity/leaching process...nice PRELIMINARY METALLURGICAL ASSESSMENTBAM EAST GOLD PROSPECTJUNIOR LAKE PROPERTYLondon, United Kingdom - January 23rd 2017 - Landore Resources Limited(AIM:LND) ("Landore Resources" or "the Company" is pleased to provide resultsof the Preliminary Metallurgical Assessment of the BAM East Gold prospectmineralization on its Junior Lake Property, Ontario, Canada ("BAM East GoldProspect"
.Preliminary Assessment of Metallurgical Composites from the BAM East GoldProspect: Drill core material, in the form of two composites of 28 samplesweighing a total of 67 kilograms, was submitted to ALS Metallurgy, Kamloops ofBritish Columbia for Gravity Concentration and Cyanidation Bottle Roll leachtesting on the gravity tails.Highlights:· Combined gold recovery by gravity concentration followed by cyanidationleach extraction of the gravity tail averaged about 98 percent for bothcomposites tested.· Gravity Concentration: Feed gold recovery to the pan concentrate rangedbetween 58 and 59 percent for Composite 1 and Composite 2. Between 0.02 and0.03 percent of the feed mass was recovered to the pan concentrates gradingbetween 3,687 and 6,977 grams/tonne gold.· Gold leach kinetics recorded for all tests at a nominal primary grindsizing of 75µm K80 were rapid, with close to peak gold extraction measured inthe first sampling interval at 6 hours.Commenting on this report, Chief Executive Officer of Landore Resources, BillHumphries, said:"These outstanding results, showing 98% recovery of gold using a simplecombined gravity/leaching process, further supports our expectations that theexciting BAM East Gold deposit has the strong potential of low capex/opexcosts amongst the lowest quartile of gold mining producers.Metallurgical Testing:The preliminary assessment was designed to assess the metallurgical responseof the mineralised samples from the BAM East Gold deposit and to provide adetermination of the gold feed grade. The two composites were assessed for thefollowing:· Chemical characteristics of the feed.· Potential for gravity recovery of gold from Composite 1 and Composite2.· Cyanidation leach response of the gravity tails for the two composites.The two representative composites were selected using crushed half drill corefrom two previously reported intersections within the Central Zone consistingof:Composite 1: Line 2600E, Drill-hole 0416-525 (NQ diamond core) from 65 metresdepth, intersection reporting 1.90grams/tonne (g/t) gold over 9.0m. There wasno recorded visible gold (VG) and the highest grade was 6.38g/t over onemetre.Total weight of Composite 1 was approximately 15 kilograms.Composite 2: Line 2400E, Drill-hole 0416-547 (HQ diamond core) from 217.25metres depth, intersection reporting 2.32g/t gold over 16.68 metres. Therewere 6 recorded sightings of VG and the highest grade was 17.35g/t over onemetre.Total weight of Composite 2 was approximately 52 Kilograms.Overall Gravity and Leach Results Composite PanConGoldGrade,g/tonne GravityGoldRecovery-percent LeachGoldExtraction-percent Overall results OverallGoldExtraction-percent Calc.GoldFeedGradetoGravity-g/tonne 12 36876977 57.558.8 96.994.7 98.797.8 2.032.02 Extract from Final report:Conclusions and Recommendations:Metallurgical testing with Composite 1 and Composite 2 was performed at anominal primary grind sizing of 75µm K80. The entire mass remaining of eachComposite, about 12 kilograms for Composite 1 and 45 kilograms for Composite2, were introduced to the Knelson concentrator.Gravity separation test work results indicated that the two composites wereamenable to g
Re: Chart Currently imo, its looking like a retest of the 50sma is likely, unless other news pushes this up..
Re: Also in *not
Chart No charting expert but it looks like if we can push above the 3.7 - 3.8 level, then the next resistance is around 4.8.Perhaps a retest of the 50sma first wouldn't be a surprise either .
Also in 1) it's a very low market cap and could easily mulitbag this quarter2) they operate in a safe and stable environment (not a war zone or dodgy politics)3) they also have lithium prospects which are in demandThis is a little gem and I'm talking about lettuce
Proactive [link]
Re: RNS Update I thought something decent was on the cards from the actions on Monday, thru wed but I specifically was drawn to the comments Landore awaits with excited anticipation receipt of the Maiden Resource andTechnical Report for the BAM East Gold Prospect in Q1 2017."I know nooothing
I'm In Terrific potential.
I bought some more this morning and am surprised it hasn't gone further up from here.Still, not long to wait now for high level expert assessment feedback.I'm excited about this ( but understand that luck - one way or other - will still play a big part here)
RNS Update Looks very good, but no surprise someone was tipped off yesterday for a bit of insider trading.BAM EAST GOLD PROSPECTJUNIOR LAKE PROPERTYLondon, United Kingdom - January 12th 2017 - Landore Resources Limited(AIM:LND) ("Landore Resources" or "the Company"
is pleased to provide thisprogress report on extension drilling of the BAM East Gold prospect on itsJunior Lake Property, Ontario, Canada ("BAM East Gold Prospect"
.Highlights:· Drilling results continue to report wide zones of gold mineralisationincluding high grade intersections with drill-hole 0416-555 reporting 18.27metres (m) at 3.69 grams/tonne (g/t) gold including 2.00m at 21.49g/t goldand drill-hole 0416-557 reporting 30.00m at 2.27g/t gold including 5.00m at4.17g/t.· The Central Zone of the BAM East Gold Prospect has now been extended toover 800 metres of strike length from 2100E to 2900E and to > 250m down dip.The Zone remains open down dip and to the east and west along strike.· Drilling and exploration on the BAM East Gold Prospect has concluded forthe year with all results now received and submitted for inclusion towards theMaiden Resource and Technical Report due for release in Q1 2017.Commenting on this report, Chief Executive Officer of Landore Resources, BillHumphries, said:"Since Landore's discovery of the BAM East Gold Prospect in late 2015 drillinghas successfully delineated a significant gold occurrence in the Central Zone,over 800 metres in length and 250+ metres down dip, together with identifyingother highly prospective gold occurrences with similar lithology along apotential 2.7 kilometre strike length.Landore awaits with excited anticipation receipt of the Maiden Resource andTechnical Report for the BAM East Gold Prospect in Q1 2017."BAM East Gold Prospect:This new gold prospect is located approximately midway along a 2.7-kilometrelong, east-southeast to west-northwest trending MaxMin geophysical anomaly(MM-7), at the western end of which is located the historical BAM gold zonediscovered by Landore Resources in 2003.Since drilling commenced on the BAM East Gold project in December 2015, 44(6HQ and 38NQ) diamond drill holes, for 8,539 metres, have been drilled,successfully delineating a significant gold occurrence in the Central Zone andidentifying other highly prospective areas with similar lithology along the2.7 kilometre potential strike length.All results have now been received and submitted for inclusion towards theMaiden Resource and Technical Report due for release in Q1 2017.Fall Drilling Campaign:The fall drilling campaign has been completed with 15 (6-HQ and 9-NQ) diamonddrill holes (0416-546 to 0416-560), for 3,682 metres, having been drilled totest the east, west and down dip extensions of the new gold zone.Latest results received include the following. Easting Northing Drill-hole From Interval* Au No Metres Metres g/t 1000E 500N 0416-550 15.50 1.10 2.37 1000E 400N 0416-551 107.70 6.10 1.25 including 112.10 0.70 6.44 2100E 228N 0416-560 66.44 5.01 1.37 2100E 100N 0416-556 199.22 6.32 1.15 2200E 70N 0416-555 186.00 18.27 3.69 including 202.27 2.00 21.49 2397E 00N 0416-557 126.71 9.45 0.74 and 161.72 3.00 1.02 and 172.72 30.00 2.27 including 175.72 5.00 4.17 including 193.72 1.00 11.70 2550E 10S 0416-558 149.00 8.16 1.39 including 149.00 0.65 8.85 * Drill Holes 0416-557 and 558 were drilled north at 55 degrees with theremaining drill-holes at 45 deg
Re: True, not huge volumes but 300k buys v a single 3k sell. Given the extreme shortage of stock, and the ability to sell at least 450k in one hit, I'd speculate there's a reasonably large buy order being worked that's yet to be filled, which is obviously good for the SP
Re: Given the small volumes they appear to be raising the price to trigger automated sells. This has been happening since MondayI know noooothing