Re: Lamaune Iron shares Thank you AoW, very clearly explained. They must have found a reasonable amount of iron on that site to justify setting up a separtate company. Perhaps one day it will provide us with a little bonus (tongue is located firmly in cheek!) Vekta
Re: Lamaune Iron shares Good evening AllTo judge whether this is a good deal for the Lamaune Iron Inc. shareholders we have to understand that CDN$ 6,159,320 was owed to Landore Canada Inc.What we do know is that this debt is being valued at 576,192,087 common shares in Lamaune Iron Inc.This gives an inferred value of approx. CDN$ 0.0107 for each Lamaune Iron Inc. share.This does not mean that those of us who own Lamaune Iron Inc shares will be able to sell them for CDN$ 0.0107 a share as it is purely an inferred value.Just for interest.Good luck all...
Re: Lamaune Iron shares How many of you out there (like me) hold shares in Lamaune? (they are not listed). Could someone also explain (in simple terms) what has just happened? and are there any implications?Vekta---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------Good evening VektaIll attempt to explain what has happened:Lamaune Iron Inc which is a Private Company in which many of us hold shares (when it was spun-off from LND) had an outstanding debt owed to Landore Resources Canada Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of LND)This debt will now be settled in exchange for 576,192,087 new shares being issued in Lamaune Iron Inc which will be transferred across to Landore Canada Inc. For such a transaction to take place the shareholding majority in Lamaune Iron Inc have to vote this through.If approved Lamaune Iron Inc will be debt free with regard to what it owes Landore Resources Canada Inc but this will leave Landore Resources Canada Inc owning 90.2% of Lamaune Iron Inc shares - leaving us shareholders with collectively just 9.8% of Lamaune Iron Inc due to the huge dilution caused by the issuance of new shares in exchange of the debt.For those who invested in Landore Resources in the early days and who were issued the shares in Lamaune Iron Inc as LND spun off their Iron interests this is a serious backward step if those shareholders no longer own LND shares.I hope that makes sense.Good luck
hi yes I hold lameueue or what ever they're called shares and wanted to dispose of them for years.In fact its because LND gave me these worthless untradeable shares that i have not topped up my share holding in LND.Should LND have split the company and given me a pay-off i would have taken this company more seriously.I can't even find a price for these lameue shares not alone deal in them.Will read RNS and see what I think
Lamaune Iron shares How many of you out there (like me) hold shares in Lamaune? (they are not listed). Could someone also explain (in simple terms) what has just happened? and are there any implications? Vekta
Re: Parallels with Pategonia Gold Good evening thepipersonYou are correct in that the Concert Party hold a collective percentage of PGD shares meaning they can at any time buy just one more share to be forced to make a bid for the company at the highest price paid by the Concert Party for a share in the preceding 12 months. In PGDs case the Concert Party have not bought a share in the last 12 months therefore can at any time buy just one more share and be forced to bid for the company at the price paid for that share unless that right is waived by the shareholding majority.Although the Concert Party have the controlling interest in the company there are still a large number of private investors still invested.Good luck...
Parallels with Pategonia Gold AOW,You say:'Another company in which many here are also/were invested Patagonia Gold in which Bill Humphries sat on the Board as he does here - upon the announcement of a near doubling of the gold resource figure the Share Price/Market Cap actually fell over the next few days valuing the company at less'.However, is it not the case that PG is in reality now effectively owned by a few directors who, through a sharp but legal practice on the London market, effectively dis-enfranchised all the small shareholders? I cannot remember the precise details, but is it not that which is holding the PG share price so low? Its been under 2p for years. The PG directors can obtain all the shares, whatever the market price for the price of their last purchase, which was around 2p - I seem to remember.-Thepiperson
Re: Being Objective: Good morning all,Taken from Fat Prophets daily newsletter.' Nickel is likely to join copper and the general resurgance in other commodity prices before too long. After peaking above $32,000 during the last boom nickel has found support at $10,000. and is now pressing trend line resistance on the upside'.Gold is up today as well.Keep holding .' Fortune favours the bold' as my mentor used to say.HG
Re: Being Objective: Good morning AOW,excellent isummary of the situation.I have held these shares for 15 years and added on the news flow so I cannot be called an impatient trader. I would think the recent fall is due to impatience more than anything.On a positive note funding has always been found.This is probably a good time to buy a few of these and sell on news. I sometimes wish I had that outlook!I will continue to hold with 'realistic' expectations.HG
Being Objective: Good morning AllIn March of this year as we know LND raised C$3.3m gross - through a subscription of 74,075,000 new ordinary shares at 2.7p - representing a discount of approximately 7.5% to the previous days closing middle market price of 2.92p.With the conclusion of the spring/summer drilling campaign - we await formal confirmation from the company of the commencement of further exploration work on BAM East which was due to have started 5 days ago on 3rd August.My concern is the lack of funds moving forward with less having been raised the last time around than the company stated was required which I presume is the reason why the Share Price has dropped by approx. 12.5% since that time even though the results from BAM seem encouraging.There are numerous companies out there who have gone through tough times proving up their in ground assets' but just do not have the financial resources to move those assets to production with those who are in a position to fund production knowing that there is no point in them 'entering the frame' as a minority shareholder when they could own the lot in the future at less of a cost.Whilst we all like to gild the lily and only look for positives I believe that it is important to take into consideration economic realities prevalent to the marketplace in which we are financially exposed.Another company in which many here are also/were invested Patagonia Gold in which Bill Humphries sat on the Board as he does here - upon the announcement of a near doubling of the gold resource figure the Share Price/Market Cap actually fell over the next few days valuing the company at less.Lets hope that once the figures are known - churned and calculated by those in the know from BAM and BAM East that LND will have a huge resource figure which excites those who are cash heavy and watching our progress with anticipation - resulting in them outbidding each other to take a cut of the action moving forward nothing would be better but not always does this happen especially in these markets thats all.Good luck all
More Gold but no vision about eventually exploiting this gold yet. PROGRESS REPORTBAM EAST GOLD PROJECTJUNIOR LAKE PROPERTYLondon, United Kingdom - 27 July 2017 - Landore Resources Limited (AIM:LND)("Landore Resources" or "the Company" is pleased to provide this progressreport on extension and infill drilling of the BAM East Gold Deposit on itsJunior Lake Property, Ontario, Canada ("BAM East Gold Project"
.Highlights:· The Spring/Summer drilling campaign has concluded with 65 HQ and NQdiamond drill-holes (0417-561 to 0417-625) having been drilled, for a total of11,060 metres (m). The drilling successfully infilled the Inferred portion ofthe Deposit and extended it to the east and west for a total length of 1,000metres. The Deposit remains open along strike to the east and west and downdip.· Field exploration commences 3 August 2017 on Junior Lake concentratingon the Archaean greenstone belt which traverses the property from east to westfor 19 kilometres and hosts the BAM East Gold Deposit. Three Geological teamssupported by a Geophysics contractor will be engaged on this programme.Drilling results not previously reported include the following: Easting Northing Drill-hole From Interval* Au No Metres Metres g/t 2050E 250N 0417-597 72.52 8.23 1.93 Incl. 76.75 4.00 3.34 2100E 225N 0417-601 70.22 24.28 0.56 2250E 180N 0417-614 86.63 18.87 0.69 2250E 180N 0417-616 57.28 11.28 2.14 Incl. 60.74 2.32 8.85 2600E 50S 0417-576 138.00 7.00 1.11 and 160.00 5.37 5.37 Incl. 164.00 1.37 9.93 2650E 50S 0417-579 40.50 7.00 1.99 Incl. 46.50 1.00 12.35 and 232.69 1.00 37.40 2700E 90N 0417-582 12.88 23.27 0.79 Incl. 14.88 4.00 2.82 2700E 50S 0417-584 88.80 4.30 0.76 and 115.83 1.00 8.03 and 177.00 6.00 2.29 2750E 50N 0417-588 97.50 7.20 1.42 Incl. 102.70 1.00 6.06 * Holes 0416-597,601 and 614 were drilled north at 65/68/65 degreesrespectively with the remainder at 45 degrees into a lithological packagedipping approximately 40 degrees to the south. The actual true thickness ofmineralisation is estimated to represent between 80-90% of the intervals shownin the above table.To date results have been received for 34 Resource and three exploration drillholesSpring/Summer Drilling Campaign:The Spring/Summer drilling campaign is now complete with 65 HQ and NQ diamonddrill-holes (0417-561 to 0417-625), for a total of 11060 metres (m), drilledfor this campaign. Drilling proceeded as planned on time and within budget.The processing of the core, including logging, sampling and assaying, isongoing and results will be reported when received and collated.Drilling on the BAM East Gold Project re-commenced 1 April 2017 focussing onthe further delineation and extension of the defined resource together withtargeting potential deposits on the highly prospective geophysical trend MM-7,host to the BAM East Gold Deposit.The campaign included 41 HQ and 11 NQ diamond drill holes, for 7469 and 1536metres respectively, successfully infilling the Inferred portion of theexisting resource zone and has been extended 1,000 metres to the east and westand down dip. The Deposit remains open along strike to the east and west anddown dip.In addition, 13 NQ diamond drill holes for 2,055 metres have been drilledfurther to the east
Re: Thriller They need a partner to come in and shoulder the exp cost, with over a 1000m of strike and some reasonable grade the project being in Canada will potentially have some suitors in the near term, >500K oz at 1.5g/t Au and this will fly in Canada so I think the report is positive I am holding and will add as the story develops
Re: Thriller Unless the price of gold and nickel show significant improvement I can see no substantial rise here.I continue to remain invested just in case. It needs a great deal of investment to get this to fruition.Do not wish to underate the progress and potential here.Just my take on it.HG
Thriller Both LND and VOG went up yesterday.Today we got good news from both.Any conclusions anyone...?Make a good Frederick Forsyth thriller book
PROGRESS REPORT BAM EAST GOLD PROJECTJUNIOR LAKE PROPERTYLondon, United Kingdom - June 28, 2017 - Landore Resources Limited (AIM:LND)("Landore Resources" or "the Company" is pleased to provide this progressreport on extension and infill drilling of the BAM East Gold Project on itsJunior Lake Property, Ontario, Canada ("BAM East Gold Project"
.Highlights:· Drilling results continue to report wide zones of gold mineralisationincluding high grade intersections with drill Hole 0417-574 reporting 18.79metres (m) at 3.65 grams per tonne gold (g/t) including 2.99 metres at 12.25g/t gold and 4.2 metres at 5.08 g/t gold.· The BAM East Gold Deposit, Central Zone, has now been confirmed over1,000 metres of strike length from 2000E to 3000E and remains open down dip,to the east and to the west along strike.· Drilling has also confirmed the BAM East Gold lithology over 2,550m ofstrike length from 950E to 3,500E along the highly prospective east-southeastto west-northwest trending MaxMin geophysical anomaly (MM-7), also remainingopen to the east and west along strike.Spring/Summer Drilling Campaign:The Spring/Summer drilling campaign is nearing completion with 59 HQ and NQdiamond drill-holes (0417-561 to 0417-619), for a total of 9,920 metres (m),drilled to date. Drilling has proceeded as planned on time and within budget.The processing of the core, including logging, sampling and assaying, isongoing and results will be reported when received and collated.Commenting on this report, Chief Executive Officer, Bill Humphries, said:"I am very pleased with the results to date from this current drillingcampaign steadily advancing the Inferred resource to Indicated Categorytogether with extending the delineated resource to the east and west to 1,000metres in length. Indications are that the BAM East Gold deposit has thepotential for substantial growth..In addition, over the past 6 months Landore has completed a review of allpreviously discovered gold occurrences along the 30 kilometre, east to west,highly prospective, Greenstone belt which traverses Landore's flagship JuniorLake Property and the neighbouring Lamaune Iron Inc. property. The reviewsconcluded that several of these gold prospects, including the Lamaune GoldDeposit were similar in geology and mineralisation to the BAM East GoldDeposit highlighting the potential for other similar deposits along thistrend.Landore will commence an extensive exploration and Geophysics campaign alongthis trend upon completion of the drilling programme aimed at identifyingadditional gold prospects.To date results have been received for 14 drill holes.Results not previously reported include the following: Easting Northing Drill-hole From Interval* Au No Metres Metres g/t 2200E 20N 0417-565 231.61 2.0 2.19 and 254.61 9.00 2.14 2150E 75N 0417-566 167.53 8.17 1.42 and 206.33 15.37 1.05 2000E 170N 0417-570 166.00 5.36 0.95 2000E 120N 0417-571 203.64 17.36 1.82 including 214.00 1.00 22.20 2400E 75S 0417-572 234.00 5.00 1.54 2450E 10S 0417-574 106.74 5.76 1.25 and 166.61 18.79 3.65 including 166.61 2.99 12.25 including 168.60 1.00 23.80 including 181.20 4.20 5.08 * Holes 0416-572 and 574 were drilled north at 56 and 52 degrees respectivelywith the remainder at 45 degrees into a lithological package dippingapproximately 40 degrees to the south. The actual true thickness ofmineralisation is estimated to represent between 80-90% of the intervals shownin the ab