More Gold ( posted by me elsewhere ) going by the Brancote valuation ( I have no clue really) but 3.5 miilion ounces at $300 GP for £160 million sellout = 9p for Landore ( GP £1200 700k ounces ) thats looks about right to me…as things atand now.
Re: First PGD Now LND: Good evening AOWI remember when this share was 21p. About 17 years ago as I recall.I am still hopeful that this share will come good and provide enough for a decent funeral.To be fair to the old chap (he must be old now) he has wasted a great deal of his own money on it.I still hold these but I never buy Aim shares now. I have been mugged too often.Let us hope that you are wrong in your assessment.HG
First PGD Now LND: Good morning All27/09/17 AOW 'No pleasure in being right - I witnessed the same at PGD where the company was brought to it's knees before BH exited left and took up the mantle here with a similar situation arising.'05/04/18 LND Share Price now sitting at 1.4 pence.History repeating itself with the same management making the same mistakes. First with PGD now with LND.For the Share Price to return to just the share placement price of 2.7 Pence when the company raised capital in March last year the Share Price would have to rise by 93% from where we sit today.That's a pretty spectacular drop within 12 months and reflects what the market thinks of the company and it's management.For the Share Price to return to say 10 Pence that takes a 615% rise from where we sit today.Remember when the Share Price sat at 21 Pence?The facts speak for themselves - an utter disgrace.Good luck All...
Thoughts please...... Being honest here,I don't know how to interpret drill results,but this all sounds promising.
Whole package Trust this finds you all well.With the announcement of all the work being done to bring everything up to 101 plus the upgrade to include 11,060 metres of additional Gold drilling in 2017 and an upgrade to b47 to include 16,910 metres of additional drilling in 2013/2015.And reviews of the 40 to 50,000 oz of The Lamaune Gold Prospect: and Iron Ore.A listing on TSX would make perfect sense, with so much product spread over a 31km stretch the value of LND is in my opinion way undervalued with the upgrades and and further drilling things should change.As always stay dry ride the wave. !!Peace
Re: Placing @ 2p raise of 1m. Poster on LSE .. Prickett CV.. OAP.. Associated with so many business failures.
Placing @ 2p raise of 1m. Last one was only in march @ 2.7p raising 2m.
Re: Cannacord Genuity - 6.5614% AoW intimated this would be the case a short while ago so not entirely a surprise but the market hasn't liked it.---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------Good evening 'A Mushroom Kept in the Dark'/AllSadly my greatest fear with regard to the company not having sufficient funds is now out in the public domain.No pleasure in being right - I witnessed the same at PGD where the company was brought to it's knees before BH exited left and took up the mantle here with a similar situation arising.Loads of companies out there to choose from with serious amounts of in ground resources/reserves but no funds to enable them to move from exploration to production. Those with available funds are able to bide their time and pick off the weakest at a price which suits them - after all there is no point in the 'cash rich' paying more today when the price will be less in the foreseeable future. Many desirable assets are held within companies which can't continue - thereafter those assets can be picked up in a fire sale for next to nothing.Sad but true.Long gone are the times when one could buy into a 'minnow' who would take all the risks knowing that if successful a 'Major' would buy them out or pay handsomely to pay a premium to enter into a JV.The world has changed - investment has changed - with money being made by trading volatility in the small caps - the Blue Chip's generating a decent income paying investors a high yield will always be in demand when interest rates are low.Brancote was a long long time ago and a company director is only as good as his last appointment. Not good to viewed by the markets as being a 'one trick pony' especially when you are heading up a company that requires cash.A few years ago I moved most of my 'hard earned' out of the markets into high yield residential properties which have performed well to date - I wish that I could say the same for my shareholdings in the companies in which I have remained.Good luck all...
Re: Cannacord Genuity - 6.5614% It could be, but I'm not overly confident now its one where pi's benefit. Would loe to be proved wrong though.
Re: Cannacord Genuity - 6.5614% I would like to think that they had performed due diligence prior to the holdings and factored that into the equation yet still thought this was a good long term buy.AoW intimated this would be the case a short while ago so not entirely a surprise but the market hasn't liked it.I would like to know what the strategic plan is here whether it is to sell on completion of resource findings or monetise the assets in the ground via a JV or something.If it is just about digging holes and telling others what resource we have till we sell then id be happy to keep salaries reasonable and options rather than higher salaries and no revenue income.I hate seeing inflated salaries for companies that are not generating cash flow I know nooothing
Re: Cannacord Genuity - 6.5614% Could be one of Baldricks cunning plans! Says I hopefully.HG
Re: Cannacord Genuity - 6.5614% will need to raise further equity ========== ========== ====Yep, way to go management, shout out near the top of the page the need for a placing (doubt they will get debt). Either they are just honest and stupid, or just stupid. I've sold half my holding
Re: Cannacord Genuity - 6.5614% Looks like they just lost nearly 20% of it!!
Cannacord Genuity - 6.5614% Nice initial holdings RNS
Another KM of gold Resource 'Indications are that the mineralisation is improving to the east.'Looks like the latest results at Bam Zone, one KM away from Bam East, indicates that the Bam East Zone extends up to the original Bam Zone gold drills. This would mean a potential resource possibly covering 2.2km.I would like to hear more early stage talk of how to exploit this potential reserve but good news all the sameDRILLING CONFIRMS GOLD ALONG TREND OFBAM EAST GOLD DEPOSITJUNIOR LAKE PROPERTYLondon, United Kingdom - 18 September 2017 - Landore Resources Limited (AIM:LND) ("Landore Resources" or "the Company" is pleased to provide this progress report on extension drilling of the BAM East Gold Project on its Junior Lake Property, Ontario, Canada ("BAM East Gold Project"
.Highlights:-- Drilling at the original BAM Zone has successfully identified a potential resource with similar lithology and grades to the BAM East Gold Deposit located 1000 metres along strike to the east. The original BAM Zone mineralisation remains open along strike to the east, west and down dip.-- Step out drilling along strike from the BAM East Gold Deposit has extended the mineralisation with similar lithology and grades 100 metres West and 500 metres to the East giving a potential resource continuity of 1.2 kilometres from 2000E to 3200E. The BAM East Gold mineralisation remains open along strike to the east, west and down dip.BAM East Gold Project Area[link] website to enlarge.Drilling results include the following:Original BAM Zone Easting Northing Drill-hole From Interval* Au -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ No Metres Metres g/t -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ 1000E 400N 0416-551 111.40 2.40 2.65 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ 1000E 450E 0417-573 52.80 4.01 1.16 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ 1000E 550N 0417-580 75.62 10.02 0.65 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ 1050E 450N 0417-581 31.60 1.00 3.26 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ and 44.60 1.00 27.50 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ and 51.50 12.93 0.73 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ 1050E 400N 0417-583 112.92 11.95 0.44 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ 1100E 400N 0417-585 95.35 21.15 0.91 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ 1100E 350N 0417-586 162.60 0.57 9.43 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ and 171.46 7.84 1.64 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ Drilling results not previously reported include the followingBAM East Gold-Eastern Extension Easting Northing Drill-hole From Interval* Au -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ No Metres Metres g/t -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ 2850E 25S 0417-600 13.00 13.00 0.59 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ and 89.70 7.87 2.48 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ including 91.70 1.00 14.90 -------- --------- ---------- - ------- ---------- ------ 2950E 50S 0417-607 9.72 10.28 0.93 ----