Re: Conversion is a@67p at the moment Just noticed my post 21st... i topped up @ 59p ... around that price now .
Re: Conversion is a@67p at the moment Thought of topping in ISA.. But not sure it will be able to stay there after takeover ?
Conversion is a@67p at the moment SGL @ 1157 * 0.96 using 16.57 FX = circa 67p Makes the current price quite discounted around 9p discount ... Weird as its the widest its been for some time I think this now becomes a play on SGL so if that rises gold is rising and given that stock is very oversold I wonder if we might see a big uplift if that roars back to previous levels
Re: Take-Over fool that I might well be I've topped up again here recently.. as much towards bringing my average down as anything .. position still pretty small and overall well under water now and I'd sell a good chunk of it in late 60's if this was to go back there ..I hear the buzz on low Platinum prices are a - big - problem and I also note that the ongoing fall in sibyane stillwater share price over the last year has been scary and so the value of the lonmin offer keeps going down .. and the dollar is weakening too..a very tricky situation.. but with a strengthening global economy demand for PGM should pick up and prices rise and SGL and Lonmin start to rise.. maybe/hopefully.. but as ever this is a super dangerous and tricky stock and so be very careful.. hard core players only imho...
Re: Take-Over Just read an articlel bloomberg 19 March.Michael Bolliger of UBS... "its South Africas Brazil moment "
Re: Take-Over You did not give a comment on your post nk1999. ?Did you think good or bad news .Topped again @ 59p... bit lower now .
Re: Take-Over RNS - 16 March 2018: "Sibanye-Stillwater files with competition commission Sibanye-Stillwater (Tickers JSE: SGL and NYSE: SBGL) and Lonmin Plc ("Lonmin" advise that Sibanye-Stillwater has filed a submission with the South African competition authorities, with regard to the proposed acquisition of Lonmin which was announced on 14 December 2017 (the "Proposed Transaction"
. As is required by the South African Competition Act No. 89 of 1998, the required stakeholders have also been duly notified. Sibanye-Stillwater and Lonmin remain fully committed to the Proposed Transaction which they continue to expect to close in the second half of this year. Neal Froneman, CEO of Sibanye-Stillwater, and Ben Magara, CEO of Lonmin, commenting on the filing, said: "We are delighted to have filed the submission with the South African competition authorities. The Proposed Transaction remains in the best interest of stakeholders and will create a leading mine-to-market producer of PGMs in South Africa."
Re: Take-Over Can not log on ( D ) or e-mail this morning.Old 63p buy limit lifted ( set two week ago )@ 9.08Two parts both show as sells ( not the buys they are ) Trade type "AT" ( not the type "O" jaf said there deals show as ( GCM yesterday ))
Re: Take-Over Looks like it is still on .Was a notification e-mail yesterday but no update on offer.
Re: Stopped out No mention of take-over since my original comment of 14.12.2017.I must admit not following the take-over since. If the deal has not yet been done, then LMI appears to me to be becoming less and less attractive to a suiter - and then there is a risk of the deal folding. Sorry nothing much to add here.The B
Re: Stopped out You say nothing about the take over offer buzz ?
Re: Stopped out I have just been going through the e-mails and spotted my name mentioned and so I have had a quick revisit of the figures in my simplistic way. I had a look at my earlier post and the thing that sticks out is the $/Rand exchange rate:-[link] LMI costs are quoted in Rand, then the recent strengthening of the Rand means that they get fewer Rand for their PGMs - I posted in November when the exchange rate was about 14 Rand per $ but now it is of the order of 12 Rand per $.Platinum currently about $950/oz[link] at 14 Rand/$ gives 13,300 Rand/oz - giving a profit margin with costs of about R11,500/oz. However, at R12/$ the income falls to R11,400 ie No profit margin at the moment, in fact at the current R11.87/$ ( ie~R11280/oz) they would be operating at a loss. (Of course some of their costs such as fuel will be priced in $ so it is not that simple).It is ironic that one of the negative reasons that I gave was the apparent unwelcome political environment for miners: the subsequent introduction of a more business orientated politician may well have made things worse as it probably contributed to the strengthening of the R/$ exchange rate.To conclude, things seem to be getting more challenging than made my previous post. With the price of gold relatively quite high now (about $1330/oz) I am not sure if there will be much increase in the price of PGMs so the future may just hinge on the exchange rate. So I do not think that LMI is a share that I see a clear 'buy' case for at the moment.The B
Re: Stopped out Got an e-mail saying offer had changed in some way but i can not see what ?Maybe someone can explain .share price has strengthened in last week .
Re: Stopped out This was an all share offer ?Notice Sibanye has a NYSE listing .. is that what we would end up with rather than JSE .Or have they said they are keeping LSE ?
Re: Stopped out That offer looks in danger as the Sibanye - Stilwater price has dropped off.The buzz posted the price dropped to 74p.. when i last posted here.See it dropped to 60p around Christmas.63p yesterday