Leyshon Energy Forum

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14:27 04/09/2014

Freemason.. Yes, I think you're right. Still, it was a laugh while it lasted!

14:18 04/09/2014

SP Instructions - Light the blue touch paper and retire to a safe distance! LOL

13:37 03/07/2014

12:29:26 4.4975 222,367 10.00k Shows as sell, but clearly a buy at that price.

10:44 03/07/2014

Stupid spread 25%!

10:07 01/07/2014

happy days ! think this will move quite quickly with a little interest

09:59 01/07/2014

Game on I guess

09:58 01/07/2014

Spread tightened just now, 5.26%

08:26 01/07/2014

bid 4.25 ask 5.00 ...... ridiculous spread !

12:49 30/06/2014

Just posted on Twitter: Some thing brewing on LEN. I'm last 30 minutes almost 800k buys went trough and all are buys.

09:43 27/06/2014

jumped in on this for a small dabble, only looking to hold for a week max
