London Capital Group Holdings Live Discussion

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dave297 29 Apr 2016

Finals Today 2015 was as abysmal as expected but the strong start to 2016 is encouraging,particularly as we are 4 months in & with lots of volatility.Interesting to see if CS buys more shares today to average down his cost

dave297 26 Apr 2016

Delayed Results Results now due "by Thursday".Delays are rarely good news,although in the case of LCG the numbers for the year to 31/12/15 are known & presumably the numbers since January are also known & as we are now end of April the Outlook Statement for 16 should be fairly detailed as we now have 4 months experience of our new platform.Possible scenarios-1)Trade has been abysmal & we are going under2)Trade has been encouraging & we are raising more capital to improve Balance Sheet 3)We are being bought cheaply by Sabet,ie 10-15p & any recovery will be played down.2 & 3 are certainly better than 1,which could lead to another "Doh" moment,although I only have 200k shares.Over & Out,for now.

dave297 22 Apr 2016

Results due Monday If positive outlook statement there is a possibility that our modest SP will be 15-20p by the end of next week.If problems persist & our new platform is failing to attract customers in sufficient volumes our leader will no doubt mount a rescue bid @ 5p or less.Interesting week ahead.

dave297 16 Apr 2016

Bonkers Probably but I now have a fair holding,at AV of about 6pwith view to the nature of the investment which,following forthcoming results will either fail,be bought cheaply by Sabet (say 15p p share,or will raise new funds,at,say 15p, & the SP will then rise strongly based on further recovery hopes.V high risk V potentially v high reward

dave297 05 Apr 2016 Have a Buy note out on LCG with an interesting & in depth rational.Bottom line is that LCG is a tiny company whose valuation model is substantially lower than its peers,much of which,of course,is explained by its abysmal performance.Any sign of an upturn in our fortunes should see an increased SP, & particularly of the CEO & Board buy more following Results.V high risk = potential for v high reward

dave297 30 Mar 2016

Delayed Results Until 25/4/16 from today-usually not a good sign !

dave297 17 Mar 2016

Risk V Reward Probably certifiable but bought a few more yesterday at under 6p.Extremely high risk ( could lose the lot)but any signs of improving revenues & a well received new trading platform & this could multi bag.Insiders obviously cannot buy now is we are in a close period ahead of results,although employees/traders working for Lcg should have a good idea as to how business is & the extremely low volume suggests that they & their pals are not buying.

dave297 29 Feb 2016

Finals due soon If our new technology & platform really is demonstrating transformational change for us I would have thought that our Board would be keen to publish the 2015 Results, put them behind us & following a hoped for ( by me) positive trading statement for the first 2 months + of 2016 we can move forward decisively & our SP can continue its rehabilitation since Januarys trading update.The prospects of a fundraising to further bolster our Balance Sheet & Capital Ratios may act to depress our SP but if our underlying business is recovering /growing strongly that should be seen as a positive.Finals have previously been published in Feb or March

dave297 13 Feb 2016

Re: Potential Appreciate that I am currently speaking with myself-but must confess to being pleased to have bought a couple of weeks ago @ smidgen over 6p to see that I would now have to pay about 8.5p.Market volatility coupled with our relaunch will hopefully be resulting in stronger trading than expected & if our offering is a good as our Board think we may be winning back some lost clients & winning new bus from IG etc.Our market cap remains v low & there still remains substantial potential here.Interesting to see if Directors buy again,at higher levels,when they can

dave297 28 Jan 2016

Re: Potential Bought a few yesterday in 2 tranches @ little over 6p-although all trades yesterday shown as sales ?Small investment which will either disappear or multi bag-I will have to wait & see!

dave297 27 Jan 2016

Potential I sold my small hoding some years ago for a small loss but following todays trading statement I am considering investing again on the basis that if they have got their technology platform right,they may well grow & a tiny valuation provides potential for a mutibagger-the only caveat being the potential for a fundraising to improve the capital ratios etc

Another Jacko 24 Sep 2015

Re: Sold Hi OxtraderYes I'm delighted that I sold when I did. Turnover has dropped off a cliff and losses are huge. If it wasn't for the cash pile then I would say there was no future for this company but maybe they have the time to turn it around. I certainly won't be investing again that much I do know.

Oxtrader 24 Sep 2015

Re: Sold A year on 'another Jacko' from your last post and it must be very warming to see you sold out when you did! I'm not sure LCG will ever see the bottom of this - IG will be pleased.

II Editor 05 Mar 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 6/03/2015 "FRIDAY FREEBIE - Our initial Futures targets are NOT x'd out. Our AIM today is LONDON CAPITAL GROUP  (LSE:LCG)   which completes our week of obscure AIM shares. Something to get out of the way is this company shows an ultimate bottom of 12p and ..."[link]

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