Re: RNS....placing @ 33p Thanks for the last 2 posts robjm66, both in my view clearly show/explain that nothing significant had happened or that should have effected the share price so signifantly. The movement in price cannot be 'blamed' on shareholders or investors expectations not being met or 'skitishness' - The sell quantities over the last week were insigificant and infact the majority of sells were generated subsequent to having 20% illogically wiped off the share price in 1 day followed by another 10% the next. It's not surprising that some jumped ship but it wasn't their sells that generated the drop - it was at the whim of the mm's over whom there seems to be no control or regulation that makes any sense.Nothing new there I hear you say - better/smarter folk than you have complained about the apparent unfairness of AIM and got nowhere - true, but I still think it's amazing that everyone rolls over & accepts this everyday and commonplace form of daylight robbery without a murmur.
Re: RNS....placing @ 33p well worth a watch-------aim0raider2 Dec '17 - 14:41 - 53372 of 53380 10 0Has anyone seen this?[link]
Re: RNS....placing @ 33p posted on advfn bt cutandpolished61KEFI Minerals legal success outweighed by financing disappointment. BUT...HotStockRockets | Friday 1 December 2017If you like this, please share this article using the buttons belowDisclosure: Financial Investigative Media Limited, which is not owned by Tom Winnifrith but by a trust for his dependants, owns shares in companies mentioned in this article. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.Good news from KEFI Minerals (KEFI) with an announcement that the Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia has dismissed its potential liability regarding an inherited claim for damages. However, the shares currently remain depressed following a project finance update...On the legal claim, despite it having been based on the impact of exploration field activities which pre-dated KEFI's Tulu Kapi gold project involvement, the company was still liable for $0.6 million. It adds if another appeal is raised, which remains a possibility, KEFI would defend its position on the basis that it remains firmly of the belief, on legal advice and as previously reported, that it has no contingent or actual liability.The shares are though currently down despite also that the project finance update announcement commenced; KEFI Minerals confirms that it has made considerable progress towards finalising the US$140 million infrastructure finance lease facility for the development of the Tulu Kapi gold project. Major milestones achieved included the documentation having been lodged with the Ethiopian Government for approval and the Ethiopian Minister of Finance and Economic Development has formalised budget approval for the Government to proceed with their construction and investment roles for the project. The issue looks to though be in the following paragraph;The proposed financing structure has been refined in response to soundings with potential investors in the listed bonds and the placing of the bonds is now expected to commence during Q1 2018, with drawdown expected soon thereafter conditional on equity capital subscription. The c. US$20 million residual equity requirement will then be triggered and may comprise, in order of preference, equity issues at one or more of the intermediate, project, or parent company levels.This compares to it previously stated, for example, the rest of 2017 is expected to be equally busy as we work to close the project financing and move towards development. The slight delay here and explicit mention of equity requirement has seemingly spooked investors. However, the latter looked already discounted and the company continues to expect project construction to lead to production commissioning towards the end of 2019.We recently noted an estimated NPV (8%) at the start of construction of $74 million. With the shares now at 3.5p to buy, that compares to a market cap of £11.6 million (currently $15.4 million). We continue to consider that discount far too large and that it will close. As such, we retain faith and the stance remains buy.
Re: RNS....placing @ 33p Think TW has or had some kind of family trust with kefi shares guess that could colour his objectivity on one hand but shows his confidence in kefi coming good eventually on the other. As for how good a TW tip is most peoples view is likely to depended on whether they have lost money or not on them. Worth reading his views as he probably has good access to kefi board but also worth reading peoples views who are more negative on kefi on various boards even if (as i do) you disagree with them.
Re: RNS....placing @ 33p Share Prophets put a link up from Cantor Fitzgerald.. 27/11/17.They claim it was only meant to read by institution investors very bullish.Helped give me the courage to average down again ( St Andrews day buy ) @ 2.73p As with all AIM have to hope no placing in in the background .Just after my buy e-mail from hot stocks rocket suggesting " short term financing disappointment buying opportunity "That might of put me off as not sure how trustworthy TW is.
Re: Falling Knife? Sentiment not good at the moment and Harry seems to make it worse every time he opens his mouth. He is actually a lot more relaxed than share holders as he is confident that Kefi will get there in the end and seems too complacent over delays.Maybe having lost most his hair already he is not concerned about shareholders pulling theirs out! Having said that underlying prospects are no worse than they were when the shareprice was higher maybe even a bit better. Catch a knife? Well the share price could easily go lower. Possible boost on the upside in the short or middle term if harry says he has cobbleded together a deal for the remaining money needed at intermediate of project level. 29 Nov '17 - 12:40 - 53301 of 53315 4 0[link]
Kefi - small fortune Tip:- want to make a small fortune in Kefi ? Invest a large one first!
Falling Knife? Do I or don't I, that's the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous markets, or by opposing, make a mint?Top up or not?
Re: RNS . COURT WIN . Still three main options including intermediate level and possible new investor.The c. US$20 million residual equity requirement will then be triggered and may comprise, in order of preference, equity issues at one or more of the intermediate, project, or parent company levels.[link] slide five.Recent dip mainly caused by people (understandably) losing patience with how long things are taking. As Freddie says 600k pretty trivial.
Re: RNS . COURT WIN . That was price at close yesterday.This latest news is welcome but not really significant in the greater scheme. Just takes a $0.6 million liability off the books.The fall yesterday was probably triggered by the RNS making it clear that the $20 million funding shortfall for Tulu Kapi would be met by issuing equity at project or parent level.I thought this was already priced in and, like you, see this as an opportunity to average down (again)
RNS . COURT WIN . 27 - 11- 17I would of thought this was good news ... share price shows down 12.73 % above ?
Re: RNS....placing @ 33p Topped up @ 3.6p
Re: Progress...... really? I agree - nothing significantly new in todays RNS and there's nothing quite like a 'no new news' RNS to upset the impatient and give the MMs a chance to test support. I thought -20% and the final -15% was very harsh considering the volumes involved - if I'd been around I might have topped up a little bit.Still got plenty of anticipation though and firmly believe our day will come and think that today's reaction was disproportional.
Re: Progress...... really? Well the title was a bit deceptive as do not see much new in the rns to indicate progress from what I already understood the situation to be Hanky Panky. Think even if they have one or two people locals dragging their feet over re settlement they might change their mind when they see other people moving or get a slightly better deal. Meanwhile the company has to be sensitive and patient with local communities.So i would say of the two factors the final dealand its make up is a lot more significant and likely slowing things down still. Especially when you see the push for a intermediate deal a new partner and faster expansion in Ethiopia.
Re: Progress...... really? You are right Freddie. What I was trying to say was that they had chosen a financial rather an operations update.My take was that in order to get this project underway they need the resettlement and finances to be sorted, so which was holding this back previously and which now?