KEFI Minerals

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oldschoolrobjm 15 Jul 2018

Agm kefi Kefi agm [link]

oldschoolrobjm 13 Jul 2018

Kefi agm (Robjm66)sorry all for the break in posting new interactive site came at the same time as computer gave up the ghost. Now have a iPad which I am gradually getting used. Have been keeping up with developments with kefi and topped after the placement for working capital purposes on the principal that all the bad news was now out there. Attended the agm and asked a few questions if anyone wants to ask m any feel free and I will try to figure out the button to reply. Agm notes making progress on project equity. Feedback from government the syndicate and the local government during the last couple weeks good. Harry talked about the posative vibes on the ground in the country actually almost cracked a smile. Good community relations compensation agreed. Asked some questions seems all good so far. Preparing prospectus for bond financing, bond finance flexible better than other forms of finance innotavive but this kind of fininincing becoming more used. Ethiopian risk now reduced bond after recent events machinery of implemtation in progress. kefi-minerals-agm-pres-july18.pdf 1749.06 KB kefi-agm-statement-july18.pdf 457.23 KB kefi-result-of-agm-july18.pdf 424.57 KB

Ripley94 13 Jul 2018

RNS....placing @ 33p KEFI… XXXXX Topped up again today on 9% fall back @ 2.35p no news.

Ripley94 19 Jun 2018

RNS....placing @ 33p Just topped up @ the placing price of 2.5p . Just read a poor RNS of a few days ago maybe reason for price drop.

Ripley94 17 Jun 2018

RNS....placing @ 33p KEFI… XXXXX I wonder if hot stocks rockets new there was a placing going on when they posted a buy up to 5p just one day before on 13th June 18

Ripley94 15 Jun 2018

RNS....placing @ 33p KEFI… XXXXX That was a lucky slice … they did run for a placing @ 2.5p after the rise … … AIM lol

Ripley94 14 Jun 2018

RNS....placing @ 33p KEFI… XXXX Its not allowing edit previous post. want to start adding tag as i do not know what post is referring to on this silly new site.

robjm66 04 Jun 2018

Re: update [link]

robjm66 19 May 2018

Re: Topped again yesterday. Holding off topping up till there is more certainty over what and if funds needed for working capital purposes before a final deal. Personally do not doubt that a final deal will be done eventually.

Ripley94 19 May 2018

Topped again yesterday. 2.4p ... did not lift day before.

robjm66 17 May 2018

Re: update KEFI Minerals (AIM: KEFI), the gold exploration and development company with projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is pleased to advise that the IMF has forecast Ethiopia to be the fastest growing economy in Africa this year.Links to relevant media reports are provided below:CNN - Ethiopia is now Africa's fastest growing economy [link] - IMF Sees Ethiopia Beating Ghana as Fastest-Growing Africa Economy[link] IMF data these articles are based on is available here .A detailed report on Ethiopia was published by the IMF on 24 January 2018. The summary of this report states:“Ethiopia has an impressive record of human development improvements and output growth—averaging about 10 percent in the last decade—underpinned by public investment and productivity gains. However, over the last three years, droughts and weak international prices for agricultural commodities dampened growth and opened an external imbalance. Ethiopia is now experiencing a growth recovery after the 2015/16 drought. The authorities’ determined actions to control public borrowing and imports has reduced the current account deficit; and foreign direct investment is rising fast. However, exports remained stagnant in 2016/17 and drought conditions lingered in some areas.”which is sourced from here. A PDF of the full IMF report is available here.-Ends-Thank you for your interest in KEFI Minerals.

robjm66 15 May 2018

Re: update andysand15 May '18 - 12:41 - 54511 of 54511 0 1 0The market will not respond until one question has been answered. Dilution. Yes=price downNo=rallyNo news=drift down. You can't value a share unless you know what percentage of the company it represents.---------- -(My thoughts on his comment) The extra money buffer planned could mean no dilution at company level post deal/start of construction just the gap before. How much is left in thepiggybank now for working capital purposes. People likely to wait till final year end results?

robjm66 15 May 2018

Re: update estseon15 May '18 - 07:46 - 54503 of 54506 0 12 0Re the RNS released todayreviously, the company had suggested a gold price linked coupon on the bonds. The coupon would have been 8% at $1100, 16% at $1700 and would have varied proportionately between those two gold price levels. At $1300, the coupon would have been almost 10.7%.Now HAA is saying that the bonds will carry a flat coupon of about 7%. At the current PoG, that represents a saving of about one third of the interest bill.If that is a correct interpretation of the RNS, it is not only good news from the perspective of project NPV but is also good news from the perspective of investors' appetite for buying the bonds. Not only has the market shown appetite for an increased issue but it is also willing to accept a reduced coupon.Investors should stop worrying about the bond issue. The bond issue arranger has been sounding out prospective investors in order to price the coupon and the prospectus must be well advanced.

robjm66 11 May 2018

Re: update [link]

robjm66 11 May 2018

Re: update [link] last minute of video local community in contact with Kefi and the local community want ot get on with things
