Re: AGM [link]
AGM [link]
Re: RNS [link]
Re: RNS Topiceljaylett15 Jun '17 - 14:14 - 51808 of 51812 6 0External pressures that have weighed on the share price performance of KEFI Minerals plc (LON:KEFI) are easing, according to Cantor Fitzgerald.The broker initiated coverage on the gold miner with a buy recommendation and 26p target price, not far off five times the current share price of 5.57p.The Tulu Kapi gold project in Ethiopia now stands on the cusp of development and could be producing up to 134,000 ounces of gold a year from 2019, while the Jibal Qutman heap leach project in Saudi Arabia could, Cantor submits, provide a low-cost means of financing greater production and more intensive exploration in a country seeking to expand its mining industry.Cantor saluted the burnishing job KEFI has done on the Tulu Kapi project that it bought from Nyota Minerals in 2014.When KEFI acquired the Tulu Kapi project in 2013/14 it appeared to be an uneconomic gold deposit; however, KEFI's management team skilfully increased the mineral resource by 68% through strategic drilling and trenching, and have shown that through tighter operational planning and by focusing on higher grade mining and reducing costs, Tulu Kapi can be a robust gold mine producing an average 115kozpa at steady state with costs in the lower third on the global cost curve, Cantor noted.The broker says the Ethiopian Government is investing, and the project has begun again to attract interest from international debt financing groups.
Re: RNS jaylett15 Jun '17 - 088 - 51798 of 51805 8 0(Bloomberg) -- Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Asa Bridle initiated coverage of Kefi Minerals Plc with a recommendation of buy.Bridle predicted KEFI Minerals will trade at 26p within a year, implying a 371 percent increase from the last close. KEFI Minerals had 1 buy recommendation before today.A slightly more agreeable broker target than the usual 9p. Let's see if this puts a rocket under the price.
Re: Annual report [link]
Annual report [link] we successfully responded by focusing our efforts on alternative financiers familiar with Africa, especially Ethiopia, and particularly on proposals designed around African-experienced gold project contractors. As a result, we are now assessing three proposals. At the same time, operational activities continued uninterrupted and we now have a development-ready mine, once the funding package is finalised. We lookforward to commencing development in 2017 and open-pit gold production in 2019."
Re: RNS From advfnhairyback25 Jun '17 - 20:39 - 51719 of 51720 4 0andy 51717,thats about right.its been about production all the way from the mad 9 months years ago when anything remotely associated with gold (inc KEFI) went nuts SP wise......long time ago now,but i was there with a measly 3m shares,believed the hype and never sold.and then we had the irreparable damage caused by plimer that i will never forgive him for (or the other directors that allow him his existence that benefits no one at all that i can see).most comps have fallen away because there was never anything material in the ground,and some have flown since,but KEFI lies in the ether between the 2.that would make sense if they were solely focused in KSA,but the Eth assets have been largely ignored and the directors know they can only be unlocked by funding and a real probability of production.imo they have made mistakes with the timing and pricing of placings,and they know it,but they now have real skin the game,major investors and a construction and mining team that would not have committed if they were not satisfied.then we have a govt that have looked at it,and finally committed significant attention and cash to something that is politically difficult but in the continuing long term interests of the country.they have also paid over a large proportion of the VAT due from a previous enterprise,that also sends a message imo.i like the fact that GoE have not leveraged ownership yet on the satellites,despite all indications being that grades are good and profitability better.the delayed 'programme' appears now to be on course with the updated DFS,and recent events do not suggest that POG (as andy has mentioned) is likely to be anything but profitable in the early years when we need it most.$55m p.a free cash flow from pit only is massive in any language,particularly compared to the current list of imminent mine possibilities.thats $55m p.a declared chaps.the NPVs are compelling at start of construction and production (declared).the NPVs based on indications on the satellites have yet to be declared with mutterings only on the pit grades and potential total production at maybe 150k oz not sure if anyone really appreciates what that means in terms of net cash flow,IRR and NPV if senior debt is limited to the levels that ests has indicated.........and that is at $1250/oz POG.factor in guji and other satellites and a dreamy $1350 POG and silly numbers by 2020 are on the cards.this ignores positive happening in KSA.this is why deano invested............just in case.a bit like other comps he has possibly dabbled in,but posts on.AIM is a nightmare for sure,about the only thing i agree with him on,but he knows that sometimes it comes off.KEFI imo is one of those that will come off,is hated for a reason that i actually agree with,but which therefore offers opportunities for the brave as well in the short term.i really hope im right,lolHB
Re: Game changer [link]
Re: RNS [link]
Re: RNS RFC Ambrian..To follow up the latest release from KEFI Minerals, Jim Taylor has put out KEFI Minerals Tulu Kapi 2017 DFS Update, 25 May 2017. The company updated its DFS for the Tulu Kapi Gold Project in Ethiopia. Reserves and the mining schedule remain the same as our previous estimates, and cash costs are marginally lower. There were minor changes to capex too and an increased level of disclosure, plus the presentation of managements upside case. Our target price has been revised downwards to reflect the new capex information and the latest FX rates.We reiterated our Buy rating, with our target price going from 10.5p to 8.8p. We are adjusting our target price based on additional capex not previously captured in our model and the latest FX rates. While the upside to the current share price implied by our target price remains substantial (+61%), it is worth noting that the current share price implies a 0.2x P/NAV to our unrisked NAV. We believe the stock offers a substantial re-rating opportunity once the Ethiopian state of emergency has ended and financing is secured.
RNS GLAAandeeltje.[link] or the "Company" 2017 DEFINITIVE FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE FOR THE TULU KAPI GOLD PROJECTStudy incorporates improvements to 2015 Definitive Feasibility Study KEFI Minerals (AIM: KEFI), the gold exploration and development company with projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is pleased to announce completion of the 2017 Definitive Feasibility Study Update ("2017 DFS Update"
for the Tulu Kapi Gold Project ("Tulu Kapi"
, taking the Company another key step closer towards finalisation of project funding. The 2017 DFS Update incorporates due diligence and refinements since the 2015 Definitive Feasibility Study ("2015 DFS"
published in August 2015 and provides increased confidence in the Company's plans to develop Tulu Kapi. Completed by Lycopodium Minerals Pty Limited ("Lycopodium"
and approved by KEFI, the 2017 DFS Update is now the base case for overlaying the funding commitments, whilst higher targets will be set for business planning purposes. The financial analyses have been prepared by Endeavour Financial. KEFI's Executive Chairman, Mr Harry Anagnostaras-Adams, said: "today publishing an updated definitive feasibility study (2017 DFS), we are pleased to have completed another vital step towards finalising funding arrangements. Total funding requirements of approximately US$160 million and other key aspects remain consistent with recent guidance. "Comparison with KEFI's 2015 DFS two years ago summarises the myriad of refinements since then, such as detailed operational plans with project contractors including accelerated ore processing that increases gold production to 115,000 ounces per annum, thus improving profitability and cash flows. The update also details the technical rigour behind the improvements made to the project since KEFI assumed control in 2014." Key Points of the 2017 DFS Update (100% of Tulu Kapi Gold Project - Open Pit only) 2017 DFS Update2015 DFSAverage head grade2.1g/t gold2.1g/t goldTotal gold production980,000 oz961,000 ouncesOre processing rate1.5-1.7Mtpa1.2MtpaAverage annual gold production (first 8 years)115,000 oz p.a.95,000 oz p.a.Cash Operating CostsUS$684/ozUS$661/ozAll-in Sustaining CostsUS$777/ozUS$780/ozAll-in Costs (including initial capex)US$933/ozUS$906/ozIRR22%28%NPV at start of construction (8% real discount rate)US$97MUS$125MNPV at start of production (8% real discount rate)US$272MUS$256MPayback3 years2.5 yearsNet Operating Cash Flow (average for first 8 years)US$55M p.a.US$50M p.a.The economic metrics tabulated above are for contract mining of the open pit only, based on a gold price of US$1,250 flat over life-of-mine and are on an unleveraged and after-tax basis. · Summary: the 2017 DFS Update has similar financial outcomes to the 2015 DFS.· Gold production: forecast open-pit gold production increases slightly to 980,000 oz over ten years due to improved metallurgical recovery, with an average of c. 115,000 oz pa for the first eight years of production based on nameplate processing plant throughput as warranted under the proposed contract with Lycopodium.· All-in Sustaining Costs: estimate remains at less than US$800/oz. This includes all operating costs, royalties, sustaining capital and closure costs, but excludes financing costs and income taxes. This ranks Tulu Kapi in the best (lowest) quartile of gold producers globally.· Net operating cash flow: increased slightly to US$55M pa, from US$50M pa in the 2015 DFS.· Initial capital expenditure: estimated at US$145M for 1.5-1.7Mtpa ore processing plant on a contract-mining basis and after accounting for contractual deferrals (US$161M before contractual payment deferrals). The lower 2015 DFS
Re: RNS Hopefully the government will now feel like its in their interest that this project succeeds.
Re: RNS [link]
Re: RNS [link]