Kea Petroleum Forum

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12:09 01/04/2014

4p is pretty conservative - who knows what will happen if they confirm a farm out relating to the mercury find

12:09 01/04/2014

yeah a couple of nice buys! not you was it james?

12:08 01/04/2014


11:57 01/04/2014

4p target for me

16:35 31/03/2014

expecting more this week

16:35 31/03/2014


15:42 31/03/2014

buys at 2.9

14:48 31/03/2014

Chart looks good!

14:48 31/03/2014

plenty in the history, i've not looked at it all

14:42 31/03/2014

farm out details. its in todays rns

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