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Kea Petroleum Forum

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16:29 01/04/2014

looks like you'll be able to get back into DOR cheaper

16:25 01/04/2014

KDR stole the thunder

16:25 01/04/2014

just stay above 3p

15:57 01/04/2014

maybe i should post tips on here more often

15:54 01/04/2014

who bought some MIN?!

15:49 01/04/2014

spread is a bit of a joke on GDL

15:49 01/04/2014

and GDL, news due over the coming month on contracts in india and china.

15:48 01/04/2014

and approval for hotels in crete going through tomorrow

15:48 01/04/2014

GDL and MIN. MIN trading statement due this week

15:48 01/04/2014

i have two strong buys, less in the grips of traders

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