Kea Petroleum Forum

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13:49 23/05/2014

chart is bullish, that'll do

13:48 23/05/2014

so i wont put one forward

13:48 23/05/2014

i'm kak with selling and target prices

13:32 23/05/2014

and you can imagine some of the ROSE money coming in

13:32 23/05/2014

hence the slump recently, but this is now ticking up nicely

10:53 21/05/2014

moving again......

10:05 21/05/2014

looking good for a rise back to 2/5-3p

10:11 09/05/2014

Has everybody gone and sold up?

16:40 01/04/2014

looks good for further rise until news

16:40 01/04/2014

stayed above 3p, so above 200 sma easy

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