Re: Here we go.... Unfortunately all of the prem. ejacs. are killing any share preice momentum at the moment!
Re: Here we go.... Surge perhaps simply delayed following headline news yesterday about batteries/home usage auguring well for the future.
Here we go.... Something's afoot ! +22% News due ??TP
Re: Cadence I thought the SP of Cadence and BCN might bounce this morning what with the headline news about batteries and home usage but zilch! Cadence looks more of a dead duck than ever but I still have hopes for BCN which at least has enabled me to claw back some (not much) of my Cadence huge loss.
Re: Cadence Pretty grim unless they start moving towards production. This continued policy of investing in early stage miners can never produce revenue and until said miners get digging there's little added value to be realised.I'm still in hoping to break even at some point in the future, but I'm not anticipating that will happen any time soon.
Cadence Been monitoring this company for a few months, just looking for an opinion on their future prospects. RegardsKerr