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petethenovice 13 Nov 2017

Re: Why ? anyone any idea why the fall today. I am looking to buy back in at some point.??

petethenovice 10 Nov 2017

Re: Why ? and the way the Tories are performing a labour victory at the next election is getting more likely

casabanker 09 Nov 2017

Re: Why ? The trouble is, he has the agenda.Casa.

Bigmike2 08 Nov 2017

Re: Why ? What a clever man Corbin is NOT

casabanker 08 Nov 2017

Re: Why ? It's something to do with Mr Corbyn's promise to take infrastructure investment in house when he is elected.Casa.

foolish learner 26 Oct 2017

Why ? Help pleaseWhy are JLIF and HICL tumbling/in free fall, when HDIV is rising despite their dividend cutFor interest I will post a similar question on HDIV

Dingledangle 26 Sep 2017

Re: labour fantasies The country is already bankrupt and is only functioning through printing money to pay off its interest on borrowings. This is seen as a rational concept.

cashpharma 26 Sep 2017

labour fantasies How on earth have we got to the point where people seriously entertain McDonnell 's nonsense policies? What everyone conveniently forgets about PFI is it was partly a response to the public sector'sinability to manage construction and other contracts within budgets. Private sector efficiency made up for the profit margin extracted.Not sure how its going to afforded- they'll bankrupt the country even quicker than previous Labour governments.

triceratops 26 Sep 2017

Re: Write down on waste Political Risks are the key risks for these type of investments.It's been the case for a while that NHS Trusts/Councils have been hiring the very people who managed the PFI contracts for the constructors. Any issues are used as a reason to hold back payments and, as you say, the worrying development is that this seems to be a way of holding the manager's to ransom.I hold a fair chunk of PFI/Renewable Energy investments and enjoy the inflation linked dividends. It is becoming clear though that as the bill compounds we can expect more of this kind of behaviour. Tops

Regency Green 25 Aug 2017

Re: Write down on waste Games,Don't think this impacts JLIF. Interims due on 11 Sept.

gamesinvestor 24 Aug 2017

Write down on waste This is interesting :-[link] write down of £25M+ against the troubled Manchester Waste project potentially sets a precedent here.Looks like JL have accepted a change in conditions here to keep the contract alive rather than go to protrated and expensive legal proceedings.This simply now allows Manchester Waste to pay a lot less throughout the lifetime of this long term contract. JL conveniently stated that this is just 1 in 100 projects, however, it's not as simple as that.As government departments run out of money they will adopt the same tactic on other infrastructure projects and a domino effect could take place.I think the market will be cautious at best on this news at 80AM this morning -- we will see.Games

elvor 20 Mar 2017

Scrip Dividend hi,I brought into this investment trust last year and I see today that they are offering scrip dividends. As I have my settings currently to automatically reinvest divis (through II) I assume I should stop that and take the scrip divi as there will be no transaction charge and no 0.5% share purchase tax.Is my logic correct?Also any idea how this works through II? I haven't seen this before.Thanks in advance.

Ripley94 09 Feb 2017

Re: Placing 131p now.

cashpharma 05 Aug 2016

Re: predictable As far as I can see, the consequence of near zero interest rates and bond purchases with made up money is huge amounts of mispriced misallocated cheap debt, which is what was supposed to have caused the 2008 crisis.You would expect inflation, yet there is no sign of it.Know one knowws how it will all end, but its insane so it will, probably very badly.

triceratops 04 Aug 2016

Re: predictable I've given up trying to see the logic in what the Central Bankers are doing. The only thing they have been successful in doing is keeping asset prices high and yields low. Governments have shown reducing appetite to follow this up with fiscal measures. At the risk of sounding like the doom mongers on websites like zerohedge I just feel like something horrible is going to unravel in the coming months/years and we may be in a for a period of negative returns.Apart from not re-investing dividends I've sold about 10% of HICL, JLIF and some of my corporate bond ISA holdings today. I've also turned about 20% of my SIPP into cash. I'm sure because of that yields will continue their plunge lower!I just can't see the point of taking market risk (on my equities) credit risk,duration risk (on my nominal bonds) for 3-4% a year return. The risk/reward is so very asymmetric. I'll move more into cash over the coming months if price push higher.Even thinking the unthinkable and buying some silver/gold coins. Which goes against all my Warren Buffet worship! The investing universe is so messed up. Everyone is fearful... so... Stocks and Bonds go up!! Madness.apologies for the rantTops
