Allianz increase to 11% Great endorsement
Re: ITM. Andy Reilly LoasaD - well done you, and I hope it does very well for us all, and of course yoursef - ATB
ITM. Andy Reilly Hello Andy, I have been invested since about a year ago when the stock was around 18 p. ITM is a good Hydrogen stock investment , and wait. It is a Warren Buffet stock, wait for me is the thing to do, so I hold some all the time.I also hold some OXB, and some NASDAQ MTCH another good one at the moment. I am watching VRS the Graphene stock, is has been up then down recently. Graphene looks interesting as a new type of material. We often talk on the ACTA board as a place to talk about our shares. It is a nice place to be for an interesting chat. Anyway ITM should go up in time, Hydrogen is a good one, Plenty of Hydrogen products to use in the future.Loadsadough
Re: I buy more ITM LoadsaD - Well ITM has had torrid time since launching, and has done well to survive - hopefully it will now make further substantial progress on the basis of recent contract wins. I last held 2757 ITM and sold in 2006 (I Bought 13.12.06 at 100.954. Sold 14/12/06 at 114.1p) - I sold very quickly as I felt sentiment wouldnt last long, and it was one of my better decisions as ITM really struggled to suvive at one point! Lets just hope it can now become THE market leader in its sector! I take nothing for granted!!! ATB to all holders (My sone now holds ITM, and it is purely on my advice, so I just hope I am reading the situation for ITM well!
From "Siemens ME power review....." Hydrogen a ripe solution for energy storageWhen thinking of sector coupling, mostwould instantly jump to thermal storage orbatteries particularly lithium ion which isbeing deployed in electric vehicles suchas Tesla.Yet electrolysis is an ideal solution for areasthat have plenty of sunlight year-round witha significant surplus energy capacity.Hydrogen can be used to store electricalenergy from a range of just a few kilowattsto gigawatts, for several weeks.The chemical element can be used as aprocess gas in industry or as a fuel foremission-free fuel cells in mobility. The UAEis already testing the hydrogen-poweredToyota Mirai and opened its first hydrogenfuel station in 2017.Hydrogen can also be further refined to createvaluable raw materials such as ammonia forfertilizer production or methanol as a basechemical and fuel. With low-priced electricityin the region, it is worth storing the hydrogenand converting back into power throughcombined cycle power plants, guaranteeingsecurity of supply.Siemens is developing the Silyzerelectrolyzer to balance the electricity that isgenerated on a fluctuating basis, and hasalready placed these systems in operation inEurope. This technology is ideally suited forwind and solar power, which is generatedon an irregular basis.The greater amount of convertible electricityalso means a larger amount of capacity forpower systems. The solar parks in theMiddle East, which are considerably largerthan those in Europe, could provide thebasis for electrolyzers of completelynew dimensions.Technological additions such as this couldoffer a fundamental transformation of theregions power sector. The stability of thegrid and the reliability of the supply wouldbe more secure than ever before. And itwould be no longer inconceivable thatcountries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwaitcould be more associated with wind andsolar power than with oil.
Plans for new £1.4million low carbon refuelling hub progress in Aberdeen Wonder if ITM are involved? [link]
Re: I buy more ITM Loadsadough, I would like to see the way the winds blowing more over the next couple of years so 5 years may be a better time frame. (Sp 33p)
I buy more ITM Such a cheap price I buy more ITM. Think of it as a Warren Buffet share, just give it say 10 years to see what is then.Loadsadough
Re: Government refusing to licence Hydro... Dont rely on shell. I worked with them years ago on their standards for petrol station integration but to me they seemed to be just playing. Pots of cash but it was just giving their development guys something to do.
Re: Government refusing to licence Hydro... Shame he didnt average down, ample opportunity, we should easily see 120 again. I bought at 270, 320, 135, 75, and then 10p. Never has this co or the market for its products been in better. Upwards no brainer
Big market [link]
Re: Government refusing to licence Hydro... I think morgleman2 is a bit bitter and I guess he is entitled to be. He bought in at 120p many years ago and has long since written that off, so is waiting for the coup de grace that will confirm that writing off. Either that or is being deliberately negative in the hope of being proven wrong. Chin up morgleman2, as the song goes - '' Things can only get better''. It better had as I am in for a scary amount.
Results presentation Deserves new heading. Really encouraged.[link]
Re: Link to results on website Now come across the presentation slides, looks great![link]
Re: Government refusing to licence Hydrogen ... Bizarre comment, ITM have 4 public access hydrogen refuelling stations, and more being built. Cobham services on the M25, is Shells highest profile station. The next one opening is at Beaconsfield Services with Shell, and I understand the hydrogen dispenser will be on the pump island. There is now an industry code of practice for integrating hydrogen production, storage and dispensing, with existing petrol and diesel stations. Its now a standard for all future station build. The OLEV funding for more hydrogen stations was announced by the government last year. So the comment is scaremongering.