Ironridge Resources Live Discussion

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Div Hunter 13 Sep 2017

Re: how on earth you mean only 4?

BuySel 31 Jul 2017

Retracement of 50% done @31.50p Chart below done last Friday of the time for a bounce from the 50% retracement.61.8% should be from a short term of 3 month to less chart[link]

BuySel 31 Jul 2017

Positive RNS today and share price bounce ...........IronRidge excited by progress at Ghana lithium projectsIronRidge is excited by the rapid exploration progress and positive results it is generating on its lithium projects in Ghana.It said ongoing trenching and mapping at the Barari licence, Ewoyaa and Abunko projects, continued to intersect wide spodumene dominant lithium pegmatites within the Cape Coast lithium project area.The company said it was working towards a maiden drill programme later this year. IronRidge said the ultra-high resolution helicopter borne magnetics and radiometrics survey had now been completed with 3,804 line kilometres flown over the Barari and Apam licence areas.

one4all 30 Mar 2017

how on earth is this valued at 4 times more than PREM....

alltold9 09 Mar 2017

ONE TO WATCH! Lots going on behind the scenes!

eltelex 23 Feb 2017

Re: Vox markets tomorrow with Nicola Duk... Been watching for 2 years. Been in and been out. Yesterday's activity drew my attention. Pattern of trading late suggested an announcement or something but news flow is tight. All this suggests a bull run and correction up following breakout.This morning the so is more likely to rise again than slowly drop, usual style. I am prepared to ride along with a stop loss of 20p.

onedb1 23 Feb 2017

Re: Vox markets tomorrow with Nicola Duk... EltelexCorrect me if am wrong , I don't know much about IRR , but took a look at the financials and website and so far its just at exploration stage / correct ? Revenue is just small amount of interest received. Gold , Lithium , Iron ore, with so far a bauxite resource being defined ? Not sure what the NAV of that resource is . I'd like to look at valuing them But as it stands its £53m for acreage being explored ? I will continue tomorrow . but noticed that total assets are at A$ 14.1m or £8.6m . vs a market cap of £53m . So in essence a large amount of confidence in the resources that are currently being explored . Clearly bullish shareholders. Am far too new to this story to make a judgement though

Liamnich04 23 Feb 2017

Re: Vox markets tomorrow with Nicola Duk... Most of the chat is on Twitter & LSE.Are you on twitter?Have followed your posts for a while.. You know your onions!

eltelex 22 Feb 2017

Re: Vox markets tomorrow with Nicola Duke Quiet BB.Perhaps the rise will draw others in.Good surge last thing today - surely good news immenent.

Liamnich04 22 Feb 2017

Vox markets tomorrow with Nicola Duke 21 v 21.5 atm

Liamnich04 20 Feb 2017

Moving up Very undervalued IMHO based on Assets and potential with such strong financial backingBe good to see an update from the BOD ... Lithium in particular with it being such a hot topic

eltelex 15 Sep 2016

Good things happening SP has drifted but a progress update is need to restore sentiment. Not a sell in my books.

eltelex 08 Sep 2016

due for a push up BoD are a good bunch who grow coompaies and sp.

eltelex 12 Aug 2016

Only poster here - come on folks SP should bounce on further developments with Tekton Minerals Pte Ltd

eltelex 10 Aug 2016

pretty nice rise today previous rises were sustained over seveal days and maybe tomorrow and Friday will see us in the no 20ps

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