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nowucit 25 Aug 2016

Re: Giles Interviewed Does not help that the rand has tanked and sa politics is in the mire............

DanDaDan 21 Aug 2016

Giles Interviewed It sounds like Ironveld is raising capital for this $55m project.The smelter is the key subject that needs to be built but is the 26% BEE stake secured with funds??One of the largest UK investments in SA (Limpopo) in the next year according to the interview comments.. It is also a great social investment in the poorer local community and should create 3000 jobs.. Well done Giles and Co.But the cost of funding can only mean sp dilution in my books. Will they use the warrants route and hide/delay the effect of raising this finance?Roll on 2017, but I can only foresee some sp dilution until the smelter is built and put into operation. IRONveld needs its cashflow as that £1.5m past cash call cannot last foreverIMO a great future for IRON but be careful at the moment. $55m is a lot of funding and it will not be given away for nothing.Why are they not trying to rent some smelter space locally and get that cash income flowing?GLA.

DanDaDan 10 Jun 2016

Re: RSN today More good news keeps turning UP.But that smelter will require capital. Will they dilute?In view of the availability of local SA smelters that are under used or switched off, it might be time for Giles to strike another deal to minimise capital expenditure with a long term rental agreement somewhere?Get the income flowing then build your own???Alternatively the cost of construction (£20m?) may be a nice loss to offset against tax on future profits.Just a thought.Roll on 2017. IRONVELD has got multi bagger written all over it...GLA.

Black Pilgrim 07 Jun 2016

RSN today Good one

DanDaDan 20 May 2016

Offtake News Good to see that the offtake agreement has been concluded.Could they rent a smelter for now?Plenty around that are not doing much at the moment.Getting into production for that atomised iron must be next.Great progress especially in SA, at the moment.It looks like we are about to start an income stream.GLA.

DanDaDan 29 Apr 2016

IRON out the Wrinkles SLP just confirmed that $0.3 million was received from Ironveld Holdings as partial repayment of their loan.Harriet's Wish, Aurora and Cracouw ExplorationSLP was also informed that the DMR granted the application in terms of Section 11 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act for ministerial consent to transfer the right to mine iron ore, vanadium and heavy minerals to a subsidiary of Ironveld Plc on 15 April 2016. SLP will now take steps to notarially execute the cession of the right in favour of Ironveld's subsidiary and lodge this with the Mining Titles Office for registration.It looks like things are on track. All we now need are details of that finance deal.Getting ready to be atomised and to bring in the $$$$$$$$s.It is bargain basement sp time IMO.'Don't let the grass grow too long' the English cricket season is starting we need a few sixes to be hit.GLA.

DanDaDan 31 Mar 2016

High quality atomized iron powder . This is where the money will be made. (High quality atomized iron powder). Could we be heading for over £22m + profit pa by 2017 ? The world market slow down has not helped those IRON gurus but this BoD know where they are specialising. Plus once the markets recover SA will need its high grade Limpopo pig iron for internal use. A ready made market.The BoD paid 6.75p for their shares and don't intend to lose any money.Looking on the UP here producing atomised iron powder, vanadium and titanium very soon.That finance deal must be nearly ready to implemented,. then an sp whoosh in 2017 IMO.It is about to be hit for 6p+ very soon.Are they also looking at buying up some unused smelting capacity of other financially strapped miners. Those bargain smelters may already be built PC and just waiting for a call.It is time to start bringing in some cash - the debt funding Banks will like that scenario.Follow the money.GLA.

nowucit 23 Mar 2016

Re: Mail on Sunday - Midas Hello Dave hope you are well.I see Artemis just dropped 1.5mill. shares which I assume has been holding the price down...........All to play forB

bigwavedave 20 Mar 2016

Mail on Sunday - Midas MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Cricket boss Giles Clarke, founder of Majestic Wines, goes in to bat for South African mining firm IronveldRead more: [link]

nowucit 03 Mar 2016

Re: oh dear again..share price down Had another look at the presentation on site which confirms all we know plus( now the slow down in timescale base on their projections). Still no licence - due to be confirmed by year end 2015 so unless that plus finance and offtake agreements comes with a rush of blood before the end of March we could be facing 2017 before production really kicks in. That would also move bigger smelters project on towards 2020 and after. Just hope I am being pessimistic but news is a long time coming......and they don't reply to the e mail contact either!!B

nowucit 17 Feb 2016

oh dear Nothing doing with Africa, the market and commodities in the doldrums and delays inevitable. Cant see anybody in a hurry to bang in funding at the moment. Recent interview with Peter Cox not really inspiring as game plan loosing momentum and time frame.Will we see production in 2016........big question!

nowucit 21 Jan 2016

Re: Nice Chart Market spooked and I cant see any funding agreements being ticked off in this climate. 22% down is a lot more than the mining average even though we are not a mining company. 8p is now a long way off imho during the next three months....................but what do I know!!B

nowucit 19 Jan 2016

Re: Nice Chart Ticking towards the end of January but will there be a delay on the impending decisions???????

DanDaDan 09 Jan 2016

Nice Chart The scene is set - we are about to head North.Just waiting for news on that Finance deal, then this will be 'hit for a 6'.(Even better well over 6.75p).Keep playing a straight bat in sunny Limpopo.This team are doing what they set out to do - so follow the money IMO.GLA.

DanDaDan 30 Dec 2015

Finance Deal Brokered? - FTM I reckon that Finance deal is now all sorted and Ironveld is about to spring into life.The cricket teams are at play and Giles must be happy with the way things are going.Follow the money ..(FTM)Remember they invested at 6.75p to buy the company and they do not like to lose for too LONG.Follow a winning team..GLA

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