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Ripley94 19 Feb 2019

SVS placing 19 November 2018. 1.65p IRON… XXXXX Lower placing today @ 1.75p … In hindsight mistake by getbuzy EPO went higher . This is AIM should of stayed clear extra risk not worth it most are not worth the hassle.

Ripley94 28 Jan 2019

Getbusy Interesting poster sold EPO and put gain into this one typing its his latest average down .

DanDaDan 07 Dec 2017

Latest Report Looking good but still waiting for the funds to buy Middleburgh.The trouble with AIM these days is it does not seem to value assets. It only seems interested in income streams and these are at least 6 months away. So a lowly sp that seems to 'yoyo' at times.Many companies have valuable assets but lack cash to develop.It looks to me that they may be coming back for more placing cash. Check out Primary Bid and let your PIs into the circle Retail crowdfunding works.A slow burner that will eventually pay a nice profit unless it is taken out before it flowers.Putting these in the bottom drawer for now.GLA

DangerHarry 28 Nov 2017

Re: Middleberg update - Placing? Slightly disappointed the placing was not offered to existing share holders. Further dilution and probably not the last one. Here’s hoping the cash is wisely spent to achieve milestones and subsequent news flows thick and fast. It is about time something is delivered, something other than ‘progress’.

DanDaDan 27 Nov 2017

Re: Middleberg update - Placing? Well there you go. That expected placing after the sp was pushed UP.Get ready for a minor dip before this levels out and value is then noticed.GLA.

DanDaDan 10 Nov 2017

Middleburgh Just like a boat, it needs to be fed improvement cash constantly..The sp is UP so are we waiting that placing?Have they considered Primary Bid yet? Let your PIs join the cricket club.Once complete then it is full steam ahead...$$$$$$$$sGLA.

The Basher 03 Nov 2017

Here's the bounce. Sit tight ! Well, could this be the bounce of the century? Unlike many AIM stocks , there are solid reasons (actual production, expansion and clients set up for off take, management with excellent track record)) why this may go through the roof. Holding for the long term but may trade a portion to increase holding for free (if I get it right!)

DanDaDan 27 Oct 2017

Re: Middleberg update - Placing? Is this sp getting pushed UP ready for another placing ?Unless we are about to receive some good news about Middleburgh etc...GLA.

theprior 12 Oct 2017

Middleberg update But nothing concrete to report. Just a bit more “ we are doing” as opposed to “ we have done” !TP

nomnom 21 Sep 2017

Re: A few big sales there! share price going down.

Supertag 08 Sep 2017

A few big sales there! Bit worrying. Let's hope we get some good news soon as way overdue!

Supertag 25 Aug 2017

Re: 18k Buy! Sorry make that £19 k buy.

Supertag 25 Aug 2017

18k Buy! Someone is confident! Let's hope they are correct as news is now overdue.

filberthefox 31 Jul 2017

catching the eye Having been out of this share for a couple of years (took profits) it's looking cheap, so loaded up and now wait and see where it takes in the next 12 months.

DanDaDan 24 Jul 2017

Keep this on your Watchlist. Iron ore income stream to start first in Aug/Sept?Then get ready for the high value HPI, Titanium and Vanadium that will follow once Middleburgh has been upgraded.Will they use Contract Loan Notes for that additional Smelter funding?Keeping any further sp dilution away, until those big income streams are on-line and a higher sp is back in the 10s. Follow the moneyIt is time to get in early, IMO.GLA

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