Invesco Perpetual Enhanced Income Live Discussion

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vitabrevis 12 Jan 2015

Re: FED UP Why don't you write to the Chairman ?Be interesting to see his response to your legitimate concerns.

badnews 11 Jan 2015

FED UP I am exasperated by the recent annual report. Why has our chairman, in the process of renegotiating the performance fees, allowed LIBOR to remain the performance comparator ?? High yield bonds are completely disconnected from LIBOR, and the fund will always return above LIBOR in this environment. Surely it needs to be compared to a high yield bond index!! Another thing, why does the company boast that we have 2 years of dividend payments in reserve, yet has no compunction in charging a management fee, and performance fee on this cash. Why not pay the cash out to us so that we are not paying interest on our own money!? Or at least exclude cash from the management fees.As with most of my investments, I'll just have to find an equivalent ETF to avoid this kind of nonsense because I'm getting a bit fed up with this kind of thing.

budu 18 Nov 2014

Re: NAVs Noted with thanks.

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