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Rober01 23 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 churjonesI do not know if you read Citywire, but there Income Investor magazine (just published) contains an interesting article on alternative investments including, would you believe aircraft leasing!!!Don't tell me you are becoming a popularist in your dotage.cheers

Rober01 23 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 churjonesI still worry about the "banks" in that the company may own the aircraft, but no/reduced business means reduced income, means less to pay off the loans. Perhaps P to P may in part solve this problem, but still....Regards

churjones 22 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 Rober01 DPA are listed on the sfm market board of the LSE not aim listed as i would probably not be interested either, capitalised at 80 mil with 113 mil shares in issue. would have thought the dollar diversity would have interested you. All the aircraft are leased out, DP Aircraft I Limited has purchased two Boeing B787-8 aircraft, manufacturer's serial number 35304 and 35305, both on a long term lease with Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA. i liked Doric air one when it first leased out an A380 and since has taken up other options with Doric 2 &3. So another folly for me ( maybe) i can't resist them ha ha. regards

Rober01 22 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 churjonesI have come across this area in the Investors Chronical fairly regularly. I have to say it an alternative investment which does not excite me. The yields can be high ,but IMO so is the risk (enhanced in this case by the dollar element of course). There is the advantage of the tangible assets i.e the aircraft, but how much the companies involved are in hoc to the banks for these assets is a mute point.I understand there is now a P to P lender specialising in this area, which I suppose could spread the risk but no doubt at a cost in terms of the yield!!Regards

churjones 22 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 Rober01 Just wondered if you were interested in aircraft leasing, have looked at a couple of these products with interest over the last 2 years, and this one came up during my travels, done my bit of work on it and made my decision on where to go with it, wondered what your views might be, priced in dollars without any need to register (american tax system) a decent yield, the downside no isa benefit. DPA the code the aircraft are Boeing manufactured. regards

Rober01 17 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 churjonesInteresting approach!! Thanks for that.I made a lot of money out of Splits. Got my fingers burnt once only , but it cost me £20k in a week. I well remember that. One of my learning mistakes, along with my only tech whose name begins with "M" need I say more, and RSB which I still hold as a serious reminder not to get carried away.Over the 17 years my total learning cost has probably been in the region of 100K and you will probably recall I got rid of my losers in general a couple of years ago to fund Porsche number 4. The upside is that my portfolio is now half the size it was. My losses are registered with HMRC (under the 3 year rule ), my holdings are on average bigger (together with profits) and I have had no losses over the last 2 years. I run a much more balanced portfolio, based on a core and satellite principle. I leave you to figure out what the core is. Hint, my objective is to outperform the FTSE Allshare on the downside. This I do but of course often under perform on the upside.Having achieved the monthly income (yield) I wish, I stay fully invested as a general rule though as with FAIR I will add if there is potential, though generally something will have to go to make room.Currently I agree with you there is and has been for sometime, action brewing ( I feel it you know where) , so I will sit tight until this election is over at least, not even adding to my oldest and only fund (though I do have the paperwork from Aviva). In the meantime I look to sterling to fall against the dollar and if/when it reaches my target price drop I will reduce my CIFU holdings and take the profit.I know you have been looking at VCTs, but there is likely to be no action there for me , until the later part of this year i.e November/December time.Regards

churjones 17 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 Yes was a shame "but" ha ha, you ask about relevance, 3 years ago i would probably have had this on my list, as at that time i was into splits, which i came across only through reading and bought into rights and issue income ( now sold) i started looking more at numbers of shares in issue after 1987 when the market fell apart, and noted that the biggest fallers were those with large issues of shares, it does not necessarily mean i won't buy share because of this, but will not buy them in a rising market as per MGHI or a packaged unit.As to uncertainty, if i look at the global picture today i see more, problems in the background than 2008, i view this as an opportunity, but to realise an opportunity you need to have liquidity and for that reason am starting to hold cash, some of which has been partially spent on PMO HTG as longer term they will rise, ( my view ) Where is the uncertainty UK elections, economy, EU generally loads of problems waiting to rise up,Greece is the start, lack of growth in Asia, American economy stalling, not the end of the world (yet that will come via mankind ) but a reason to be cautious of a fall, or expectant of opportunities. regards

Rober01 17 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 churjonesShame really!! If you had been tempted some ?2 years or so ago. you would have made a lota, lota money, believe me, I did. This is a share which follows the FTSE AllShare index to all intents and purposes, so relatively low risk (given the Zero dividend shares) from a well established manager, but at away above average capital/dividend advantage.I do not understand the relevance of too many shares in issue, for me this produces liquidity, enabling me to buy and sell with ease. You have alluded to this issue on other investments, please explain.Your previous comment on getting out of the market and this comment on market uncertainty is interesting. I presume that you are not advocating market timing, which is a generally accepted no,no, so what type of uncertainty are you referring to?For me the only timing I use is dividend timing, which I use to support my buying and selling (or the reverse, as with my ISA), generally to profitable advantage.Regards

churjones 16 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 I await the paperwork from HMRC, as to MGHI i think we discussed these in a post a few years ago, i liked them then, and still like a lot of what i read, yes they fit a lot of what i look for in a share alas they just have to many shares in issue for me, and are getting well above what i consider an acceptable price in a climate of uncertainty, i cannot for one minute doubt the figures but for me, they would need to a lot cheaper for me to get onboard. regards

Rober01 16 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 churjonesYou will need to register before you can act on line. This is easy enough to do, simply go to individual self assessment on the HMRC web site and complete the details. It takes about a week from memory to get the result, then you can activate your account. You can still do your return on paper if you wish but HMRC will not automatically send you paper in future once registered.As a matter of interest you might like to take a look at MGHI/MGHU which have just announced third quarter results. Good stuff!! As you know I have just moved from trading into my ISA, which cost approx a 3% spread, nicely offset by a 6.7% increase in the 3rd qtr dividend. The share price to NAV discount and the fact that both the Zeros and the Income shares are fully covered is worthy of attention. This for me has/is a great share with a still exceptional yield despite a considerable increase in share price over time.Regards

churjones 15 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 Rober01 If you find it easier to input it all on line, i might just wait for the guidance notes in the pack from HMRC and set it up myself.the only bits that are relevant to me are the overseas shares and the vct's which are extremely low key in numbers now, since my sell off's regards

FRTEB 15 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 I think you two should get a room

Rober01 15 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 churjonesI make no claim to understanding the fairer sex.People complain about HMRC, but I have nothing but praise for their online service. I submitted my self assessment on 7/4/15, this was examined/accepted and I have received the agreed refund in my bank account today. How about them apples!!Incidentally my broker has accepted my complaint and agreed to return my £3.00, together with waiving their commission on my last trade.All in all a satisfactory conclusion.Regards

churjones 14 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 Rober01 Yes the scanners you mentions seem to be in evidence throughout all the buying markets these days, individual psychological profiling i think they call it, appears fine for men as we are basic creatures, the psychologist would need to analyse the data for a woman more closely, especially if you were to rely on it, complex and changeable that's why they fit well with men, but are never easily assessed,and never expect them to do the same thing, the same way next time round ha ha. regards

Rober01 13 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 churjones People do not realise how big a part personal psychology/bias plays in their decision making. If you read the literature the evidence is clear and with the new scanners more and more precise.Regards

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