Invesco Perpetual Enhanced Income Live Discussion

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bobsmydog 13 Mar 2017

Wrong prices Quoted SP 65p, BP 85pThe resultant loss in my portfolio amost gave me a heart attack!

Windlesham Don 26 Sep 2016

Re: issue of equity I suspect I may be older than both of you guys on this thread! (For us oldies then there is a strong reason to hold and that is a 6.5% yield. With inflation virtually zero I am getting 6.5% real growth (divis re-invested) or income (if cash divi is taken) without any capital growth of the SP factored in.For those of us approaching retirement this is very desirable and my hope is simply that management can retain the divi with bond yields so low.I would suggest that this IT is not one to be traded, but one to be held as part of a balanced portfolio. Of course, if yields continue to slide around the world then market forces may dictate that the SP increases, but I wouldn't be holding my breath on that one. The converse of course is that if management cannot maintain the divi due to sliding yields then the SP will undoubtedly collapse!

foolish learner 25 Sep 2016

Re: issue of equity I agree, a good hold if you are already in and better if you are showing any capital gain (i am only up 2.5% having bought at 76.9 71.5 and 70.7) Certainly the lows were the buy point but when your holding is showing a 10% loss (even if only on paper) only the brave rush inHope we are both saying how good this share is in a few years time, perhaps we will see a token rise in the dividend

tiltonboy 25 Sep 2016

Re: issue of equity fl,The cost saving is so minimal that it's hardly worth considering, but it would accrue to shareholders via dividends if the money is invested at an equivalent portfolio yield. Of course they may use it as an opportunity to buy slightly lower yielding bonds. The prospect for dividend growth is also minimal, but capital growth is possible dependant on when you buy them. If you look at the graph over the past few years, there have been a number of occasions when you could have bought them and made a profit.So, question is, why do people buy them? Simple answer...look at the yield. Where can you get equivalent!I hold, and will continue to hold, until such time I believe the managers will struggle to replace redeeming bonds, which would put pressure on the income account.

foolish learner 24 Sep 2016

Re: issue of equity TB,Thanks for the responseRe saving on cost, does that come to us, it looks to me as if it goes in Invesco's pocket. The increase in NAV if any should be good and increase the value of ones holding, though this is somewhat negated if every time the share price rises further new shares are issued, holding back any increase in capital value of my holding. So with a very stagnant dividend over several years and little chance of a capital gain i can't see why any existing holder will be topping up on this share as the yield is actual declining as the share price (very slowly) risesIt is also worrying if the new share issues are required to maintain a very flat dividendSo i am holding, with reservations, but have no incentive to top up unless some one can put up a good contary arguement for further investment

tiltonboy 08 Sep 2016

Re: issue of equity The new shares are issued at a premium to NAV so it marginally enhances the NAVof the shares. It also marginally reduces the running costs of the company per share. Providing they can invest the funds so as to maintain the yield, then we are net, but marginally, better off.

foolish learner 08 Sep 2016

Re: issue of equity Since the last post there have been six equity issues "to satisfy demand" Why are these issues being made? i can see that they may maintain the Yield at a regular level, but is this at the expense of a capital gain to current holders?

foolish learner 20 Jun 2016

issue of equity The issue of 250k shares is marginally below the current offer price, how does one buy at the reduced price or are the new shares for the bankers only?

churjones 09 Jan 2016

Re: Sliding downhill Budu It's never nice when your down in price in any share, but you have the consolation of yield although you probably realise now, that you are at the top end of the price curve for yield and when your there only fear of the drop takes over, i'm not gloating at your dilemma as at present i know and understand your anxiety, im in the same boat, but personally don't believe the boat will sink, if it does pump it out and carry on paddling been doing just that for 30 years and my arms ache at time but it' fun, one to look at for you GTC for longer term regards

budu 09 Jan 2016

Re: Sliding downhill A useful reminder about yields, chiurjones. It's just that I bought at 79p last April so am about 13% down at the moment.

churjones 08 Jan 2016

Re: Sliding downhill I'm surprised to read anything negative about this share, it has performed well and has continued to do so for over 6 years, although the price is bogged down in a figure of 70 pence or thereabouts, i see no reason for anyone not to buy other than the market turmoil at present, it consists mainly of bonds most yielding 7% or more so that gives you an idea of returns. i personally sold out 12 months ago for no reason other than better opportunities elsewhere and an expectation of an interest rise regards

budu 08 Jan 2016

Sliding downhill How to forum members see the future of this outfit? The dividend has been stuck at a low level for 5 years and the price has dropped, for me at any rate.

churjones 24 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 Rober01 Found the article, if it is the one about other income streams and aircraft leasing with DPA & DNA1 & 2 mentioned, very interesting, it was not negative in content about these funds. The article also gave me a few other sfm listed shares to look at. I have done very well out of this market with RECI RECP & ERII kind regards have a good weekend

Rober01 24 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 churjonesIncome Investor is a Citywire product not an overview from some else. it is produced by their own writers and is an unbiased discussion. They also produce an Investment Trust product which often contains useful information. Cheers

churjones 23 Apr 2015

Re: A little bit of insight Rober01 I do use city wire on the net but only for overview purposes, but will see if the article you mention is available to read, populist is not what i would call myself, in fact as you have said a few times, fits my bill of qualities in share buying, purchases will always be my choice set against all i read. regards

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