Looking very cheap now INSE stated only 2 weeks ago - on 11th October - that:"The Group has an established acquisition strategy in place and the strong performance in the first half of 2017 has continued with the Group trading in line with the Board's expectations".Panmure Gordon's last forecast was 1.5p EPS this year rising to 1.8p EPS next year.So INSE are now on a single-figure P/E going forward. Looks to me like stop-losses have been hit, but I agree that this is indeed an opportunity imho.
Re: Peel Hunt & Panmure both say Buy Besides their target prices being well above current share price of 18.75p, they expect upgrades to be likely. .Pretty positive outlook, I woud say. I cannot see the shares trading below 19p for long. Happy to have a substantial holding here.Cheers,ws
Peel Hunt & Panmure both say Buy Peel Hunt have reiterated their Buy and 25p target, and Panmure Gordon similarly with their Buy and 23p target. The latter conclude as follows (with the P/E's based on a higher 19.3p share price):"Valuation: after a strong run, the shares of both INSE and UTW have come off thismonth, leaving INSE with 19% upside to our fair value level. The shares currentlytrade on an undemanding PE of only 10.7x (Dec’18) falling to 9.6x (Dec’19) for 20%+expected top line growth on 35%+ margins. We expect upgrades to consensusearnings forecast in due course, and remind investors that the recent move into thelarge and ripe Irish market affords the possibility for incremental good news on new business. Buy."
Re: CEO news, trading in line Gretel - I totally agree. Share price was already low enough, no needto go down further. May well see recovery to yesterday's level before the day is out. Price target remains 25p+.Cheers,ws
Re: CEO news, trading in line Agreed. And with Panmure forecasting 1.5p EPS this year rising to 1.8p EPS, and Canaccord going for 1.63p EPS rising to 1.82p EPS, hopefully the recent slide has left INSE cheap enough for the CEO news to be already in the price and more.
Re: CEO news, trading in line Just after complimenting the CEO yesterday, I am sorry to seethe RNS today about her stepping out. lmost certainly for healthreasons, I would say.However, the Company is now well established and trading inline with expectations. Still on the right growth track then.ws
CEO news, trading in line A shame to see Janet Thornton leave- "personal reasons" implies she's had some sort of family/medical crisis. Best wishes to her, and congrats on her success over the years. As an aside, I notice that Matthew Thornton remains on the Board, which confirms that the issue relates solely to Janet Thornton.In particular, it's good to hear today that:"The Group has an established acquisition strategy in place and the strong performance in the first half of 2017 has continued with the Group trading in line with the Board's expectations."And:"With the Group structure now firmly embedded, and a proven strategy which combines organic growth with selective acquisitions, we have a very strong platform from which to continue our growth, as demonstrated in the robust performance of the Group in the first half of 2017."
Topped up Against my principle of having too much riding on one stock, I topped up today at 19.4p. A bargain price in my view. INSE is a very well managed company, with a sharp CEO at the helm.Going from strength to strength, I would say.. ws
FAO: Gretel Gretel, have a look at Redt Energy (RED), starting to look rather interesting, could become a serious winner & riser after all....?!IMHO,ws
Re: Bouncing on Friday and today Gretel - Tends to happen, a lull and share price down, but the trendoverall is up, and I reckon we'll see the next rise going to 24p+.I am well invested here, but should the share price fall to 19.5p (offer), then I shall top up. A great little Company this, very wellmanaged by a jolly capable CEO. IMO,ws
Bouncing on Friday and today Time for the bounce.....hugely undervalued imo, and simply falling on low volumes at a quiet time, with the MMs taking full advantage.
INSE nominated for an award News - good to see INSE being recognised in what they describe as a "record year":[link] Awards 2017 Finalists!15th September 2017We are very excited to announce that we are finalists at the 2017 Energy Awards. We have been shortlisted for the "Third Party Intermediary of the Year (Over 50 Employees)" category.The Energy Awards is one of the most respected energy events in the industry and the ceremony will be attended by some of the most senior operators in the energy market both locally and internationally.The winner of the Third Party Intermediary of the Year (Over 50 Employees) category will be announced at the esteemed Hilton Park Lane hotel in London, where the award ceremony takes place on December 6th.2017 has so far been a record year for Inspired Energy, and being recognised for this award is a true testament to our success. We are thrilled that the Energy Awards indentified Inspired Energy as a market leader within the sector and truly recognises our determination to offer the best possible opportunities and services to our clients."
Today I see no need for today's fall, perhaps someone else does, pleaselet me know, I am threatening to top up, thereby going beyond my self imposed maximum limit on a single Company.ws
Doing very well INSE is doing very well today.gretel -- You are supplying us with plenty of good news about INSE. Here I have something for youHave a look at ITM. . It is a hydrogen company that keeps getting more orders. I bought it at 18P and now it is 36p. You can find all you want to know from the London Stock exchange buy looking at, Regulatory News, and the Newsfeed- Alliance News. You can also read the new on the company news here on this channel.Loadsadough
Re: New all-time highs today Up 10% today as I type!