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piw 26 Nov 2019

Video: Inspired Energy investor presentation at Mello November 19 Inspired Energy (INSE) investor presentation at Mello London November 2019. Mark Dickinson, CEO, outlines the opportunity & strategy. Inspired Energy (INSE) investor presentation at Mello London November 2019 Mark Dickinson, CEO talks us through the business proposition of Inspired Energy, and his strategy going forward. Mark is an experienced pair of hands, with 20 years He’s an experienced pair of hands with 20 years’ experience in the sector, having been CEO of M&C Energy before selling to Schneider Electric in 2013.

NoQuestionMarks 21 Jun 2018

AGM Statement June 2018 " I am pleased to report that Inspired has continued to build on a strong 2017 as we continue to deliver on our stated growth strategy and are trading in line with market expectations in the first half of 2018. Our client offering has been further enhanced by the acquisition and integration of Systemslink 2000 Limited and Energy Cost Management Limited, which the Group acquired in March 2018. Integration is progressing well and the companies are performing in line with the Board’s expectations. “In the first half of the year the board also implemented a LTIP to further incentivise senior management to deliver long term value to investors. Acquisitions continue to strengthen our offering for clients and we move into the second half with confidence building on our established and robust platform with a strong team in place to drive the Group to the next stage of development.” Inspired Energy expects to announce its unaudited half year results to 30 June 2018 on 4 September 2018. A very confident statement, I will buy more on any weakness over the summer. Sooner or later a re-rate is due.

NoQuestionMarks 30 May 2018

Re: RNS: Regent Gas still buying more Couldn't agree more,Just load up while they are cheap.The LTIP seems pretty well balanced between the recipients and shareholders.23m shares up for grabs for 13 senior managers over the next five years.The incentives are there, if they hit targets the share price is only going one way.

winningstreak 30 May 2018

Re: RNS: Regent Gas still buying more Bought more myself. If anyone can find me a fundamentallycheaper share, the please let me

gretel 30 May 2018

RNS: Regent Gas still buying more Regent Gas continue to buy here, and are now above 8% with 47.85m shares:[link] bought around another 6.6m shares in the last couple of months.

NoQuestionMarks 17 May 2018

Re: Looking cheap at current levels imho Still under the radar.17.8p to buy this morning, could go lower but I had a little top up.Going ex div on the 7th of June.That divvie of 0.39p earns you just over a 2% return in 21 days (providing the share price goes no lower of course)A little test I have started applying to my potential investments is this one I picked up from an elderly chap who had a very successful time in the markets.CASH FROM OPERATIONS (Found in the Cash Flow statement)Must be higher thanOPERATING PROFIT (Found in the Income Statement)I can't remember, or understood the ins and outs of it but It is proving to be a useful stock selection tool.A great buy at 17.8p in my opinion.DYOR etc etc.

snodgrove 15 May 2018

Re: Looking cheap at current levels imho Share price movements always surprise me. They very rarely are logical or make sense. The number of times I’ve seen a Company report good results and the share price go down is very common. Of course you always get sages coming forward with their wisdom that the results where not as good as the market expected – Rubbish. There are usually wheels within wheels and MMs working their own game especially in the Aim market. As winningstreak says DYOR. If the fundamentals of a company seem good then the sp will eventually reflect that. It seems to me that this Company is in a good position. Stay with it or buy I agree with winningstreak it is cheap at this price.

winningstreak 14 May 2018

Re: Looking cheap at current levels imho It never ceases to amaze me how cheap a share price can go,also the opposite, how expensive a share price can go.Here we must be looking at a rock bottom low entry point for those who might want to come on board. Theupside potential from current 18p has to be considerable,possibly as much as 50% within one year, IMO.But as always, do not take my word for it, DYOR and/orspeak to your financial adviser. wsp.s. Meantime I am fully invested here, up to and indeed a bit over my self imposed limit for a single stock.

gretel 02 May 2018

Looking cheap at current levels imho Forecasts for this year remain at 1.47p-1.72p EPS, rising to 1.65p-1.95p EPS next year, against an 18.5p share price:2018 2019 Date Rec EPS (p) DPS (p) Pre-tax (£ EPS (p) DPS (p) Peel Hunt LLP 27-04-18 BUY 1.47 0.65 1.65 0.75 Canaccord Genuity 26-03-18 BUY 1.72 0.70 1.95 0.70 Given this bullish outlook comment, there could be substantial upside from here if the "strong trading" continues:"I am delighted to report on a very strong period of growth for the Group across all key areas: financially, operationally and strategically, which is a testament to the value of our customer proposition and the talent and dedication of our staff. In 2017, the Group completed three value-enhancing acquisitions within our core Corporate Division, a debt refinancing and a £9.0m equity placing, providing an excellent platform for the business to continue to deliver on our stated growth strategy. I am pleased to report the integration of all three acquisitions concluded in 2017 is progressing well and they are each performing in line with expectations."Inspired Energy had an excellent 2017 and I am confident that 2018 will be another year of significant progress for the Group, with strong trading in the current year to date."

winningstreak 26 Apr 2018

Re: EPS / cheap I do not have the latest EPS forecast at hand, but I am prettysure EPS for the current financial year will be no less than 1.7p. At that rate the shares are currently looking very cheapat just 19p, indeed I would go as far as to say Dirt Cheap.If I weren't already fully invested, I would be filling my bootsright now. The shares are worth at least 25p when comparingto anything else going in the market.However, do not just take my word for it, DYOR and/or speak to your financial adviser.IMHO,ws

NoQuestionMarks 27 Mar 2018

Re: Canaccord reiterate Buy, 33p target Lots of moving parts to the company now, looks very much like a company entering a new phase of growth.Out there on the Fylde coast they have access to plenty of well educated graduates from Preston and Lancaster Uni's. I have been watching for ages but finally made my first buy today.A genuine Growth stock with plenty of legs yet."The Procurement Corporate Order Book has increased to £39.0m as at 31 December 2017 (2016: £28.0m) representing a year on year increase of 39%. This remains a consistent guide to the future performance of the Group, providing strong visibility of revenues for FY 2018 and the next three years, enabling the Board to look forward with great confidence over the short to medium term."

winningstreak 27 Mar 2018

Re: Canaccord reiterate Buy, 33p target Canaccord's updated target price at 33p does sound a little optimistic,whilst at the same time being appropriate for the shares of this excellently managed progressive company. I can see a considerable uplift from the current low price of 18.5p, as buyers are bound to come in once they see the bargain to be had here.Thank you Gretel for always quickly sharing the latest news, here and

gretel 27 Mar 2018

Canaccord reiterate Buy, 33p target Canaccord have reiterated their Buy and 33p target - that's more like it, with almost 75% upside:[link]

winningstreak 27 Mar 2018

EPS There may be some confusion over EPS. This year's adjustedEPS figure at 1.57p is up by 28% on last year's adjusted EPSfigure of 1.27p But looking at the Basic EPS figure (0.48p) without taking into account the background to the reduction there, one may well get the impression (certainly at first sight) that INSE has not fared all that well. But add back theexceptionals and amortisation (all to do with the earnings-enhancing acquisitions), and we arrive back at the more realistic performance-reflecting figure of 1.57p EPS. Going by past performance and the robust outlook, II reckon we shall see EPS for the current financial year come inat somewhere between 1.7p -1.8p. Makes the shares lookrather cheap at 19p, or am I missing something? Add thenicely growing Dividend, then... what is there not to like! I hold long term, very long term I

winningstreak 26 Mar 2018

Re: Remarkable Joatmon - Never, never ever put all your eggs in one basket, that ismy motto, I do not care what anyone else says. Most of my sharesare below 10% of my portfolio, but ones like INSE can be as high as20% but that is where I ultimately draw the line. So should INSE gobelly-up (although extremely unlikely) then I still have 80% of my portfolio intact. Apart from my shares I have some other investments, so a 20% blow from an individual stock will not keel me over. ShouldI, however, have no other investments, then my line would probably be drawn at 10% or 15% for an individual stock. That is broadly how I operate. My results over the years have been good.Cheers,ws

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