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Stenic 06 Mar 2017

Re: The Petition is gaining support HiCould you delete this thread please?It is not specifically about Informa PLC and in any case the petition has closed.Thanks.

JR710 24 Jun 2016

The Petition is gaining support Apologies for board hopping; but !The petition is going quite well; ~5500 signatures so far. Although it needs a boost.[link] petition was stalled in parliament since 12th Aug 15; finally green lit on 12th feb 2016.The FCA have finally replied, saying its nothing to do with them as they only deal with market abuse & insider dealing, now is your chance to have your say.If you hate seeing buys reported as sells etc!!!!!!Has already been sent to Martin Lewis, Daily Mail, Moneyweek & Watchdog.My local MP supported this petition by writing to the petitions committee to help un-stall it.There’s 650 MP’s in Westminster, So have you written to your MP? 649 to go!If this petition doesn’t reach 10,000; then imo we might as well have not bothered as it will almost certainly be filed B1N; @ 10,000 the government should respond. ONLY 8 weeks to go !!!So – If you haven’t yet signed or indeed have but haven’t passed it on to others, then now’s the time to do so.

II Editor 03 Mar 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 4/03/2016 "The FTSE 100 (FTSE:UKX) weekly finish. Plus Betfair, Informa, and Mediclinic. Despite what feels a pretty lacklustre week, the market is now placed for coming growth to 6440 with secondary a longer term 6670 points. Unfortunately, it does not ..."[link]

oldjoe1 06 Aug 2015

Re: INF Broker Updates...... Analysts’ Recent Ratings Changes for Informa Plc (INF)Posted by Joseph Griffin on Aug 4th, 2015Informa Plc (LON: INF) has recently received a number of price target changes and ratings updates:7/29/2015 – Informa Plc had its “outperform” rating reaffirmed by analysts at BNP Paribas. They now have a GBX 620 ($9.68) price target on the stock.7/29/2015 – Informa Plc had its “hold” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Deutsche Bank. They now have a GBX 535 ($8.36) price target on the stock.7/29/2015 – Informa Plc had its price target raised by analysts at Barclays from GBX 575 ($8.98) to GBX 585 ($9.14). They now have an “equal weight” rating on the stock.7/28/2015 – Informa Plc had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Numis Securities Ltd. They now have a GBX 635 ($9.92) price target on the stock.7/28/2015 – Informa Plc had its “hold” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Investec. They now have a GBX 577 ($9.01) price target on the stock.7/27/2015 – Informa Plc had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Panmure Gordon. They now have a GBX 650 ($10.15) price target on the stock.7/27/2015 – Informa Plc had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Nomura. They now have a GBX 630 ($9.84) price target on the stock, up previously from GBX 600 ($9.37).7/23/2015 – Informa Plc had its “add” rating reaffirmed by analysts at AlphaValue. They now have a GBX 591 ($9.23) price target on the stock.7/22/2015 – Informa Plc had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Kepler Capital Markets. They now have a GBX 680 ($10.62) price target on the stock.7/20/2015 – Informa Plc had its “equal weight” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Barclays. They now have a GBX 575 ($8.98) price target on the stock.7/15/2015 – Informa Plc had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Nomura. They now have a GBX 600 ($9.37) price target on the stock.7/9/2015 – Informa Plc had its “hold” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Deutsche Bank.7/9/2015 – Informa Plc had its price target lowered by analysts at Barclays from GBX 590 ($9.22) to GBX 575 ($8.98). They now have an “equal weight” rating on the stock.7/8/2015 – Informa Plc had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Societe Generale. They now have a GBX 645 ($10.07) price target on the stock.7/3/2015 – Informa Plc had its “sell” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Liberum Capital. They now have a GBX 450 ($7.03) price target on the stock.7/2/2015 – Informa Plc had its “add” rating reaffirmed by analysts at AlphaValue. They now have a GBX 587 ($9.17) price target on the stock.7/1/2015 – Informa Plc had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Panmure Gordon. They now have a GBX 650 ($10.15) price target on the stock.6/25/2015 – Informa Plc had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Societe Generale. They now have a GBX 645 ($10.07) price target on the stock.6/18/2015 – Informa Plc had its “add” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Westhouse Securities. They now have a GBX 632 ($9.87) price target on the stock.6/18/2015 – Informa Plc had its “equal weight” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Barclays. They now have a GBX 590 ($9.22) price target on the stock.6/16/2015 – Informa Plc was upgraded by analysts at AlphaValue to an “add” rating. They now have a GBX 586 ($9.15) price target on the stock.6/5/2015 – Informa Plc had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Numis Securities Ltd. They now have a GBX 635 ($9.92) price target on the stock.Shares of Informa Plc (LON:INF) opened at 595.000 on Tuesday. The stock’s market capitalization is GBX 3.86 billion. The company’s 50 day moving average price is GBX 557.85 and its 200 day moving average price is GBX 555.80. Informa Plc has a 52-week low of GBX 440.42 and a 52-week high of GBX 605.00.The firm also recently disclosed a dividend, which will be distributed on Friday, September 11th. Investors of record on Thursday, August 13th will be issued a dividend of GBX 6.55 ($0.10) per share. This represents a yield of 1

oldjoe1 04 Aug 2015

INF Broker Buy Recos....... INF INFORMABroker BUY Recos..........29 Jul 15 Exane BNP Paribas Outperform 599.75 - 620.00 Reiterates29 Jul 15 Nomura Buy 599.75 600.00 630.00 Reiterates28 Jul 15 Numis Buy 599.75 635.00 635.00 Reiterates27 Jul 15 Panmure Gordon Buy 599.75 650.00 650.00 Reiterates27 Jul 15 Nomura Buy 599.75 - - Reiterates08 Jul 15 Societe Generale Buy 599.75 645.00 645.00

oldjoe1 26 Feb 2015

INFORMA big Upgrade........... Big UPGRADE............ 26 Feb 2015 Informa PLC INF Goldman Sachs Buy 543.00 543.00 520.00 637.00 Upgrades.SP TARGET 637p.

oldjoe1 25 Feb 2015

Re: INF Broker Updates...... <b>Informa Plc’s “Hold” Rating Reiterated at Deutsche Bank (INF)</b>February 23rd, 2015, updated 25/02/2015Informa Plc (LON:INF)‘s stock had its “hold” rating reissued by equities researchers at Deutsche Bank in a research report issued on Monday.Several other analysts have also recently commented on the stock. Analysts at Westhouse Securities raised their price target on shares of Informa Plc from GBX 554 ($8.52) to GBX 594 ($9.14) and gave the company an “add” rating in a research note on Wednesday, February 18th. Analysts at AlphaValue reiterated an “add” rating and set a GBX 591 ($9.09) price target on shares of Informa Plc in a research note on Wednesday, February 18th. Analysts at Canaccord Genuity raised their price target on shares of Informa Plc from GBX 506 ($7.78) to GBX 560 ($8.61) and gave the company a “hold” rating in a research note on Tuesday, February 17th. Finally, analysts at Investec raised their price target on shares of Informa Plc from GBX 482 ($7.41) to GBX 528 ($8.12) and gave the company a “hold” rating in a research note on Friday, February 13th. Five analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, ten have given a hold rating and six have given a buy rating to the stock. The stock currently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and a consensus target price of GBX 525.43 ($8.08).Shares of Informa Plc (LON:INF) traded down 0.37% during mid-day trading on Monday, hitting GBX 536.50. 515,661 shares of the company’s stock traded hands. Informa Plc has a 52-week low of GBX 440.422 and a 52-week high of GBX 543.00. The stock has a 50-day moving average of GBX 505.5 and a 200-day moving average of GBX 490.4. The company’s market cap is £3.236 billion.Informa plc provides academics, businesses and individuals with knowledge, information and skills and services. It operates in three segments: academic information, which includes the Taylor & Francis publishing business, provides a portfolio of online and print publications, primarily for academic users across the spectrum of science, technology, humanities and social sciences; professional and commercial information, which include Datamonitor, Informa Business Information and Informa Financial Information provides information, across a range of formats and on a global basis, to a variety of sectors, including medical, pharmaceutical, maritime and telecoms, and events and training consists of trade shows and exhibitions, large and small conferences and training courses.

oldjoe1 25 Feb 2015

INFORMA Chart Breakout....... INF Informa broken out on two fronts. First SP target 578p. Trades on a forward P/E of 12.8 to 2016, historically 18 [link]

oldjoe1 18 Feb 2015

INF Broker Updates...... <b>Informa Plc Stock Rating Reaffirmed by AlphaValue (INF)</b>February 18th, 2015 •Informa Plc (LON:INF)‘s stock had its “add” rating reissued by AlphaValue in a research note issued on Wednesday. They currently have a GBX 591 ($9.11) price target on the stock. AlphaValue’s price target indicates a potential upside of 10.99% from the stock’s previous close.A number of other firms have also recently commented on INF. Analysts at Canaccord Genuity raised their price target on shares of Informa Plc from GBX 506 ($7.80) to GBX 560 ($8.63) and gave the company a “hold” rating in a research note on Tuesday. Analysts at Investec raised their price target on shares of Informa Plc from GBX 482 ($7.43) to GBX 528 ($8.14) and gave the company a “hold” rating in a research note on Friday, February 13th. Analysts at Berenberg Bank raised their price target on shares of Informa Plc from GBX 520 ($8.02) to GBX 530 ($8.17) and gave the company a “hold” rating in a research note on Friday, February 13th. Finally, analysts at Kepler Capital Markets reiterated a “buy” rating and set a GBX 600 ($9.25) price target on shares of Informa Plc in a research note on Friday, February 13th. Five equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, ten have assigned a hold rating and six have given a buy rating to the stock. The company has a consensus rating of “Hold” and a consensus price target of GBX 523.52 ($8.07).Informa Plc (LON:INF) opened at 540.00 on Wednesday. Informa Plc has a one year low of GBX 440.422 and a one year high of GBX 538.00. The stock’s 50-day moving average is GBX 496.9 and its 200-day moving average is GBX 489.1. The company’s market cap is £3.257 billion.Informa plc provides academics, businesses and individuals with knowledge, information and skills and services. It operates in three segments: academic information, which includes the Taylor & Francis publishing business, provides a portfolio of online and print publications, primarily for academic users across the spectrum of science, technology, humanities and social sciences; professional and commercial information, which include Datamonitor, Informa Business Information and Informa Financial Information provides information, across a range of formats and on a global basis, to a variety of sectors, including medical, pharmaceutical, maritime and telecoms, and events and training consists of trade shows and exhibitions, large and small conferences and training courses.

oldjoe1 18 Feb 2015

Re: Informa Break Out On Chart.... 18 Feb 2015 Informa PLC INF Westhouse Securities Add 539.75 529.50 554.00 594.00 ReiteratesSP TARGET 594p

oldjoe1 18 Feb 2015

Informa Break Out On Chart.... ING Informa, SP breaking out on chart, target 579p. Forward P/E to 2016 12.6 historicaly over 18, looks very cheap.[link]

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