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Blanketstacker 06 Jan 2016

N! Singer note out today The research is commissioned, and clearly produced for promotional purposes. The figures it gives are not new, but interestingly they say they 'assume a strong improvement in cashflow' and suggest the 5p final dividend will be retained, presumably being paid from reserves.

casabanker 29 Dec 2015

Re: Update I have bought a few more but I am not convinced it was the right thing to do, particularly after reading Mr Scott's comments. Today's report, although disappointing, didn't state that the Middle East contract had been cancelled so I won't give up on IND yet. I made a better decision to buy RIO at 1961 later this morning and locked in a 7%+ dividend. I will do my best to sit out the turbulence.Casa.

Blanketstacker 29 Dec 2015

Re: Update I will wait until March. There are no figures, and no mention of the dividend. If the decline is not stemmed 180 beckons, then maybe even 145.

casabanker 29 Dec 2015

Update The update does not contain detailed figures but shows a return to profitability although it doesn't appear to meet the original expectations. That has resulted in the current 8.3% price fall. A Middle Eastern contract has not completed on time so that must have contributed to the missed target. It's typical of the lumpy nature of profits gained by IND. Maybe this is a buying opportunity as 8.3% looks over done?Casa.

casabanker 04 Dec 2015

Re: Update due Hello Blanketstacker,I believe IND also stated that they expected to meet full year projections. Like last time, the investors are anticipating good news and the sp has responded accordingly. Let's hope they are right this time or we might see 180.Regards, Casa.

Blanketstacker 28 Aug 2015

Re: Update due Interims confirmed for 17 Sep.

Frankseluk6 28 Aug 2015

Update due soon I think!!

Frankseluk6 28 Jul 2015

Currency weakness is the issue But I am nibbling.Soon it will be so cheap someone will buy the company just for the listing

Blanketstacker 28 Jul 2015

Re: Bought in again I agree totally: a good firm with decent products and an expanding range. (There are drone and body camera videos on YouTube: both very impressive). An RNS is due on 17 September with interims, so we should know some more then. If they are not good we could see a fall into the 180s. A decent set and we could be approaching the 300s where we belong. I hold already, but will keep my reserve powder dry until then.

dicki twang 27 Jul 2015

Re: Bought in again Lots of news if you do a 4 week Google search - Their mid range getting lots of mentions among stuff about their cameras fitted to drones!I am sure there will be a strong move into the mid price market if not we will keep getting the boom and gloom results which have been prevalent of late.

casabanker 27 Jul 2015

Bought in again I feel IND is a quality Company that has been oversold after the profit warning in April. I hope the second half of their financial year will show an improvement. |f not, then the dividend could be harmed. However, any upside to earnings will have a significant effect on the sp. This must surely happen if, as has been stated at the half year report, all products have a leading edge advantage over rivals. Let's hope the macro's support the optimism.Casa.

Blanketstacker 11 May 2015

Re: AGM Visit Report 2015 Currently available to buy at 262, which is lower than the bottom price on the day of the profit warning last month.

srsm 01 May 2015

AGM Visit Report 2015 Repost from over there and over there too. Hope no one minds. Lost count of how many of these I've been to. Arrived late so didn't get any vibes from pre-agm mingling.Thought the Directors looked a little glum during the meeting, but warmed up when the post AGM talks occured.Marcus did a short talk and Holly handled the finance stuff.Intro from the company docs"IndigoVision networked video security systems provide the best quality and most secure video evidence, and use market leading compression technology to minimise network bandwidth usage and reduce storage costs."For"enterprise market (broadly over 250 video cameras) and the mid market (those between 100 – 250 cameras)."Holly presented a graph showing sales broken down by Region. Latin America fell off a cliff - but US sales are heading up, now a close second to EMEA. Could IND finally break the US?But the main event was from two Pauls.Paul Murphy, originally in Engineering, moved to Sales but now Marketing. I think he's behind the more confident marketing we've been seeing for the past year or two. So refreshing to see a UK Tech company finally realise "it is not enough to win, others must lose". Hence the video comparing leading competitors in low light conditions. And making them look a bit inept. Excellent. More please.Some of the new products. Frontline and THE INTERCEPTOR!!!!ISC West - whose theme this year was End to End Solutions. Finally, the industry has caught up with the approach Oliver and the Team got working in the last century. Is the market moving towards IND?[link] INTERCEPTOR!!!! When you see it (took a photo but can't upload here) you can see where they got the retro 50's horror / alien invasion styling from. It looks terrifying. For a camera.[link] complete with Game of Thrones like soundtrack and horror ending![link] explained how a competitor saw Frontline at ISC West and "chin dropped".IND are the only CCTV company to have joined the dots and added people centred cameras into their lineup, where is it written that CCTV has to be stuck up on a pole? First big sale has already occured to a Middle East company. Note, these don't stream video so technically not traditional CCTV - used for evidence gathering and protection from lawsuits.They've got a new strapline coming too - I'll leave IND to launch that in their time. More people focussed than the worthy but dull of the past.Marcus explained to me over tea and biscuits. "We used to be a boring company".All good stuff.Paul Theasby is the new COO. Recruited from Bosch directly by Marcus. IND try to avoid huge head-hunting fees (still looking after the pennies). He is very impressed by the Engineering talent at IND, hinting they are better than Bosch. He did a bit of Bosch Bashing but not much as he stated "I still like Bosch".Engineering advantages abound at IND.Control of Integrated Circuitry. Bosch buy off-the-shelf. End to End IND customise for maximum control and performance.Known as the Smart Core.Best Compression in the industry.Best low light cameras in the industry. There is a video where IND gleefully name and shame the competition (excellent confidence). Can't find it just now.Just as many mega-pixels as the best of the rest. The Ultra 2K and 5K Camera range. I think this was a huge weakness in the past.hxxp://[link] for integration of other bits. Harder than it seems.Distributed Network Architecture (DNA). "You cannot fail with our system". "It just works".Best in class Video Management System (VMS - Control Centre). Paul (Bosch man of 5 years) described Control Centre as "10 times better than anything Bosch has".And Reliability too, which did dip a bit a few years ago. Current percen

Blanketstacker 01 May 2015

Re: PROFIT WARNING! Paul Scott has put out a couple of interesting and supportive tweets reference IND. I'll hold and sit for a while.

casabanker 30 Apr 2015

Re: PROFIT WARNING! I admit that I was looking for a price just under 340 but missed it on one occasion which in hindsight was fortunate. At the current price level, IND is a "buy" imo but I am concerned about the overall macro position atm. I have bought into a gold etf today in order to increase gold and silver exposure as an insurance against any sudden correction. My silver play is via FRES but it wasn't altogether sufficient in terms of percentage held against total portfolio value. So IND will remain on my watch list for the time being.Casa.

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