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holland44 05 Apr 2018

Re: 2018 head - to - head I too am avoiding IIT because of the premium; even the manager advises this!Alternative trusts in this sector that have achieved a consistent 15%+ over the last 1, 3 and 5 years, and are on more attractive discounts of 10%+, are:BRSC and its sister THRGHSLJMF, which has finally recovered from its poor performance post-BrexitOryxSLS, though this only has a 4% discount There are a number of funds too, like Jupiter UK Smaller and Old Mutual UK Smaller Companies Focus.Unusually, RIII isn't in this table, due to a poor performance over the last year (13%), but it's easily top of the tables over 3 and 5 years.IPU is worth a mention too, though it too has had a poor 2017-18. It's only on a 6% discount, perhaps due to the high 4% yield.

leftback 04 Apr 2018

Re: 2018 head - to - head Just come across this IT. It does look good both due to track record but also managers commitment to it. However, premium is now 20% and much of the performance must be due to Fever Tree which might have come to its peak and so I am also going to monitor but not yet buy.

jsan22 14 Feb 2018

Re: 2018 head - to - head holding R&M uk smaller companies fund, but the manager has gone, so casting round for a replacement. IIT would fit the bill nicely, not strictly smaller companies but I already have exposure to the Micro end of things. only trouble is, that damned premium 10% - just can't do it, especially after such stellar performance some of IIT's holdings may be due a fall.will just have to monitor and buy at a later date.

marktime1231 27 Dec 2017

2018 head - to - head Unable to decide which domestic smaller cos trust to choose for my longer term SIPP so for 2018 decided to pit two of the candidates against each other with a big chunk of each - IIT new on my radar, great momentum, tiny charges, and I like the stocks they are buying, but priced at an extreme premium as a result of stellar 2017 returnsSLS an old favourite, big Nimmo fan, strong core holdings, fees rather high but currently on a fair discount, won the 2017 foot race against my third candidate ASL by a mileIt is interesting that both trusts have laid their biggest bets on Fevertree which is now eyeing the US market having conquered our domestic appetite for drowning our austerity sorrows in fancy gin with a premium mixer. Further to run but how much further ... maybe not another double up, but ssscchh you know who might have something to say before too long?Diverge thereafter, but with a similar "conviction" investment strategy of a taking small number of big stakes in companies they like and getting it right most of the time. I would be happy with 15% growth over the year but am hopeful for twice that.

sage in the hills 04 Sep 2017

Re: Buy Thanks holland44 ...... good pointsOnly just had my attention drawn to this Inv T by the recent performance dataGood holdings points in that post, ta.SAGE

holland44 31 Aug 2017

Re: Buy The change of strategy was to have about 25% in UK construction and support services (hence Ashtead, Redrow, Crest Nicholson) for steady growth and dividends, and 25% in UK IT firms, hence FDM Group and Herald investment trust. The latter is a big holding at 7.5%; it has moved more towards tech in the US recently but still own small stakes in dozens of IT firms in the UK.Why IIT is categorized as a Global investment trust escapes me: like Oryx (OIG) it is 90% invested in UK firms and should really be regarded as a UK small caps specialist. Like Rights and Issues or SEC, it tends to invest in a small number of companies, so there is inevitably some risk there. But the performance figures are outstanding and really picked up over the last year.

jsan22 02 May 2016

Re: Buy hello Tattie, been having a look at this one. Not sure quite what to make of it to be honest!It never gets a mention anywhere, but performance has been excellent. What was the change in direction you mentioned in your post?regards.

tatttie 22 May 2015

Buy I have invested in the trust for 12 years and continue to believe that it is worth holding and topping up on general fallbacks. The directors have large personal holdings giving confidence. The manager has a proven track record and the recent change in strategy is working well.

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