IGR H1 results presentation by CEO & CFO IGR: Paul Fineman, CEO & Giles Willits, CFO present H1 results. In summary: Growing margin. Future expectations: double digit earnings growth, >75% cash conversion; ROCE >24%. Achieved through organic growth & acquisition. piworld.co.uk IG Design Group (IGR) H1 results presentation 2019 Presented by Paul Fineman, CEO & Giles Willits, CFO Paul and Giles run through a strong set of H1 results, in spite of Brexit and China headwinds. They continue
VIDEO: IGR FY19 results pres by CEO&CFO IG Design Group FY19 results presentation by CEO&CFO piworld.co.uk IG Design Group (IGR) FY19 results presentation June 2019 By Paul Fineman, CEO & Giles Willits, CFO Introduction & overview – 00:18 Revenue breakdown - 02:30 Commitment to shareholders - 04:16 Financial overvi Very strong. Future KPI’s include: EBITDA +10%; cash conversion 75%; ROCE +24%
IGR H1 presentation by CEO & CFO I agree, the results show positive performance and this has been rewarded by a reasonable SP profile which certainly does not seem to have been affected by that B thing. I have been holding this for about 18 months and am happy so far with the return, and I do not see anything yet that would warrant selling out since it still scores higghly in my particular ranking system. However, any dramatic down-turn in the US might become a concern since this accounts for about 50% of revenue. Sterling depreciation may have helped the bottom line so far, and I do not see an immediate reversal of this effect being very likely. It also seems that any disruption of UK/EU trade will have a minimal effect on group performance. The lowish yield has been compensated by good capital growth. igr chart.png2812x2054 231 KB
IGR H1 presentation by CEO & CFO Here’s the IGR H1 presentation given earlier this week by CEO & CFO. Very confident. Superb management. piworld.co.uk Design Group (IGR) H1 results November 2018 Design Group (IGR) H1 results (to 30.11.18) given November 2018 By Paul Fineman, CEO & Giles Willits CFO IG Design Group plc, formerly International Greetings Paul Fineman, CEO Highlights H1 2018 - 00:17 Giles Willits CFO Financial performance - 04:55 Managing our challenges - 15:15 Our future promises - 18:40 Paul Fineman, CEO Future growth drivers - 206 Why invest? – 30:20 Q&A - 32:48
Trading Update The October Trading Update [click to view] appears to have been reasonably received by the markets this morning, with the sp up 3.4% as I type. We have made some progress since the last Trading Update, although the sp has fallen back in line with the markets recently. Hopefully we can now resume our upwards progress.
New acquisition Oh well, I will continue talking to myself. The Telegraph Questor: IG Design’s US acquisition inevitably carries risk, so sell now and... A run-up in IG Design’s shares following its acquisition of American rival Impact Innovations leaves this column with thumping capital returns on its advice to buy last year. It looks as if Questor is being prudent. I am considering pruning my holding, rather than a complete disposal, but I have not made up my mind completely yet. It certainly looks as if others are following Questor’s lead, with the sp down over 2% today. We have had a good run over the past few years igr.png1200x904 54.8 KB
New acquisition Impact Innovations, Inc. Acquisition [click to view] This appears to be a reasonable move and the apparent demand for the placing shows it was well received. The sp seems to have reacted well this morning to the announcement. In addition, it is good to know that trading appears to be strong at the moment. Looks like I am the only one posting here!
Nice update from SCSW For the record, SCSW updated briefly on IGR as follows in its May issue 9 days ago:"IG Design(Sharewatch) IGs update confirmed that H2 trading saw an acceleration over H1. Full year sales and profit are expected to be in line with estimates at +5% to £326m and +24% to £21m, respectively. Eps forecast is 21.4p.A continued evolution in IGs sales mix towards higher margin product categories (eg. single greetings cards) together with a record level of capex/manufacturing synergies and commercial synergies has aided margin expansion. Having sold a surplus site during H2, it has moved to net cash and further acquisitions continue to be sought. Berenbergs forecast is eps of 23.2p for the current year to end March 19 and 24.9p next year.As an example, the broker notes that if IG were to deploy £33m firepower on M&A at 6x EBITDA, next years eps would rise by 14%, relative to its base-case. Await results on 11 June."
New research note from Progressive Equity Research FYI:[link] share price is at new highs, and should continue to steadily advance imo.
A nice write up from The Motley Fool [link]
Paul Scott's view IG Design (LON:IGR)Share price: 417p (down 3.3% today, at 11:23)No. shares: 63.88mMarket cap: £266.4mTrading updateIG Design Group plc, one of the world's leading designers, innovators and manufacturers of gift packaging, greetings, stationery, creative play products and giftware, announces a trading update in relation to the year ended 31 March 2018.A nice clear summary at the start of the announcement. Please take note, other companies & advisers - this is the way it should be done;The Group's trading accelerated in the second half of the year with all regions delivering strong revenue growth and increased profits.As a result the Board anticipates a full year of overall progress and financial performance in line with management expectations.More detail is given, with this comment on dividends catching my eye;The Board remains committed to its progressive dividend policy and is considering increasing the Company's earnings pay-out ratio in future periods, to reflect both the improved financial performance of the Group and the positive outlook of the Directors.That sounds encouraging, although note that the dividend yield of 1.5% is low. So it's good to hear the intention is to increase that.Management comments all sound positive.Valuation - as you can see below, it's not cheap, but good companies rarely are.5ad71f2018e7bIGR_valuationb.PNGAs you can see from the Stockopedia graphs below, this group has established an excellent track record of profits growth;5ad71f75876b2IGR_graphs1.PNGThe big jump in revenues in graph no.1 suggests a large acquisition in 2017. So I would want to check the balance sheet, to ensure it's not too top-heavy with intangibles.As you can see from graph no.4 above, the group's excellent performance has been rewarded with a re-rating upwards of the PER valuation. That's great for shareholders, but of course it does increase risk - if anything goes wrong, then highly rated shares have further to fall.My opinion - I always write positively about this share, because it looks a very well managed company, performing consistently well.The current valuation looks fully justified, in my view. So it gets a thumbs up from me.[link]
Re: Trading Update 'I suspect there is an element of "sell the news" after the rise this month.'I've noticed stocks going down lately after beating expectations or a positive trading update, from Goldman Sachs down to the £32m cap Trakm8. Positive momentum is sometimes explained by investors taking months to fully realise how good good news is. IGR's trading update looks quite positive.
Re: Trading Update Unfortunately the initial market reaction does not seem too kind, however, the overall trend over the past year seems to be reasonable despite the quite large swings.I suspect there is an element of "sell the news" after the rise this month. Hopefully we will see a return to the upward direction when things settle a little.
Re: Video: IGR investor presentation 16.4.18 Quality Presentation
Video: IGR investor presentation 16.4.18 Investor presentation by Paul Fineman (CEO) & Giles Willits (CFO)[link] by Gareth Evans, Progressive Equity Research 00:20Video intro to IGR 01:58What IGR does Paul Fineman 05:30Key facts 07:55Diversity of the business 09:28Who IGR sell to 11:35What underpins IGR performance? 13:25Barriers to entry 16:55Achievements in 2017 17:35A new initiative for 2018 215Acquisition of Biscay Greetings 21:50Financials Giles Willits 22:37IGR future promises 30
3Paul FinemanThe challenges 31
7Why invest in IGR? 35
5Q&A 37:20