IG Group Holdings Live Discussion

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veksi 30 Jun 2017

Cheap This is still cheap, yield at current sp about 5.5%. Risk of divi cut has substantially reduced since the FCA announcement. Company has no debt, plenty of cash, they should be buying back shares. I've just decided to transfer my ISA here as well, why not, it's not only for gamblers now, IG also does Sipp and ISA. I simply like their platform that's the main reason for my switch, I had no issues with previous supplier, but time to move on.

shareordie 30 Jun 2017

News today Seems like nothing to be done by the fca just yet.Share price picked up a bit.IG seem to have made changes and are well placed to tweak these changes if need be in the future.

chelseaboy999 31 May 2017

Re: Happy . Yet despite my current Algarve...every time...and I'll do you a good deal!

onedb1 31 May 2017

Re: Happy . Yet despite my current Am a Costa Smeralda fan ! Much closer lol Glad you are happy and doing well. That is all that matters .

gamesinvestor 31 May 2017

Re: Happy . Yet despite my current oneabe - good call m8.I've just transferred all my wealth to you to manage for a while - and I'm off to the Caribbean for a few months OK?Games

onedb1 31 May 2017

Happy . Yet despite my current profits am still staying long Bet a few were feeling the heat on the retrace ..lol Bet Fred is livid hahaha They all come and go . Seen this over the years so many times I was going long at 70 on Fxpo and had a ton of detractors telling me charts are useless .. All gone . £150/£ here so rather happy today .

chelseaboy999 31 May 2017

Re: Where's Fred? Disappeared back into the hole he came out of

shareordie 31 May 2017

News Revenue modestly ahead,seams to have done the share price no harm!

Hardboy 30 May 2017

Where's Fred? "Will find out soon enough, March I reckon."We're still waiting

onedb1 25 May 2017

Re: As VIX rises IGG breaks out No pressure then Game Just don't think in days .. I have been trading these since the big fall. Think in terms of following the trend and following momentum whilst keeping a trailing stop . Scale in and scale out .

gamesinvestor 24 May 2017

Re: As VIX rises IGG breaks out oneabee -- I just increased my holding to 1.1% of my portfolio on your say so m8.Games -- holding you responsible if it goes txts up -- just kidding!!

onedb1 24 May 2017

Re: As VIX rises IGG breaks out I think we reached peak shorters, I reckon that the stats will show the beginning of a decrease here. Which is not substantial and quite standard at just over 2% for the over 0.5% disclosed shorts. Chart is on an uptrend and this is were am the master . Its my game. Always takes a while to establish but once these setups come in to play they are glorious Up 57p so far plus the divis ! So am in a great mood here . Not to mention there is a lot to come . What more can you want than trade a beauty like this chart ? Plus on a fundamental view the divis are a bonus

shareordie 19 May 2017

Re: As VIX rises IGG breaks out Yes but the shorters are the ones that allow us to pick up bargains.

onedb1 19 May 2017

As VIX rises IGG breaks out Still averaged at 513p ( I always say that my strategy produces good results when I can scale in on a trend ) we have this now IMO . £150p a point as stated many times . So quite happy with this . In the 600s now and drinks on the house . I remember when a certain poster spent all day bashing this ... the chap has disappeared lol .

II Editor 18 May 2017

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 19/05/2017 " FTSE FOR FRIDAY & GOLD too (FTSE:UKX & GOLD)  We don't usually cover GOLD in this section but something ridiculous happened Thursday which proved worthy of mention. When we issue our lunchtime FUTURES update, sometimes we highlight an item as ..."[link]

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