IG Group Holdings Live Discussion

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shareordie 24 Aug 2017

Seeing some positive price movement here lately,big boys finally catching on to this bargain or something else?This is cheap for an American company to purchase.

g4ry13 31 Jul 2017

Top up I decided to use the retrace to add to my position (~£5.35/share) this morning and it's going well so far. I still think this has more in it and £8+ isn't an impossible target.

veksi 18 Jul 2017

Re: divi X-divi date is September 28th andpay date is October 27th.

veksi 18 Jul 2017

Re: Even happier today Well done on the trades onedb.And where is Fred???Hiding under a rock i suspect.

onedb1 18 Jul 2017

Even happier today My only regret was not adding to reach £200 a penny and sticking to £150Still a nice earner this one . As stated from day one on this bb. Remember the character that was allegedly selling every two seconds .. must be livid now lol

Damp Seaweed 18 Jul 2017

Re: divi Last years final divi was 22.95p. That is less than this years 22.88p.The rise in the full year divi is due to the earlier rise in the interim .I've now sold up. Possibly prematurely, but happy to book profit and be sidelined for a while.

shareordie 18 Jul 2017

Re: divi " Final dividend of 22.88 pence per share; full year dividend up 2.9% to 32.3 pence per share"But full year dividend is 32.30 2017 up from 31.40 in 2016 so it looks up to me.The results are really pretty good as we have had low volatility,when volatility goes up dramatically which at some time it will the profits will do the same.In the meantime I'm happy with the increase in dividend and the steady progress .The share price drop in igg was heavy and was pricing in a big drop in earnings and the earnings are pretty good.

Damp Seaweed 18 Jul 2017

Re: divi The divi hike has already been paid. The next divi in Sept is actually fractionally down on last year.The results are OKish, but hardly great. They seem to be spending a great deal to make limited progress.Pretty underwhelming IMHO

veksi 18 Jul 2017

divi I can't see the x-divi date anywhere.Does anyone know when it is?I'm pleased with the divi hike.Well worth holding.

shareordie 18 Jul 2017

Results These results don't look to shabby at all,I like the dividend increase .It's about time the share price started recovering fast by the look of this.

gamesinvestor 11 Jul 2017

Re: Earnings Yield - 10 year return Damp -- over the long haul I'm assuming the platform stands up against competition?The safety barrier here has to be - 1. no debt 2. no significant pension concerns3. low capital expense needs4. The share price has been battered5. The generated profits are still within a reasonably narrow margin considering the regulatory scares -- so it's still making substantially the same return6. The return on capital and margins are very high due to 37. They have worldwide exposure which seems to have been in place for some time - so not a high risk expansionary experiment that's untested.8. The yield is exceptional and seemingly adequately covered - for now at least.The overall market is experiencing pain, but I would imagine the most pain has already been felt in IGG's stock price -- (famous last words I know)Games

shareordie 11 Jul 2017

Re: Earnings Yield - 10 year return The report could give price movement up or down depending on how good it is,Regarding the platform,it's usually very good,but all platforms have problems sometimes,let's hope they were struggling with high volume !

Damp Seaweed 10 Jul 2017

Re: Earnings Yield - 10 year return I've bought a few of these today. But do be aware that they report in just over a weeks time on 18/07, so we could see some surprises and price volatility.ps The IG trading platform was carp today....maybe things aren't quite so rosy ?

shareordie 10 Jul 2017

Re: Earnings Yield - 10 year return This is the kind of investment I look for,something that's fallen to far and even if very small earnings growth are achieved the really low valuation will see us shareholders have big profits.Especially if you re invest the dividends.

gamesinvestor 10 Jul 2017

Earnings Yield - 10 year return If you look at this article from Phil Oakley comparing Fevertree with Britvic - i.e. a high and low P/E and a high and low expected growth rate respectively, and apply the same principle to IGG and assume even only a modest couple of % growth rate, the 10 year return going forward could be very handsome indeed, as IGG is already starting with an earnings yield of close to 8%.Earnings yield = P/E reversed.[link]

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