IG Group Holdings Live Discussion

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Gamesinvestor1 22 Jan 2019

Results Still out of this one - regulations are hurting. Financial Summary · Net trading revenue £251.0 million (H1 FY18: £268.4 million) - down 6% · Operating expenses excluding variable remuneration £122.1 million (H1 FY18: £117.6 million) - up 4% · Operating profit £112.5 million (H1 FY18: £136.5 million) - down 18% · Own funds generated from operations £100.1 million - 89% of operating profit · Basic EPS 24.9 pence (H1 FY18: 29.5 pence) - down 16%

Gamesinvestor1 04 Dec 2018

Regulations impact revenue [link] ““Online trading provider IG Group Holdings updated the market on its first half ended 30 November on Tuesday, reporting that revenue for the period was expected to be around 6% lower than in the same period in the 2018 financial year, which was a record for IG.”” Games

shareordie 27 Sep 2018

CEO Steps Down - Ex Divi Same here Games, you seem to have played it the same as me, I sold a big stake in May, but kept the rest for dividend and as they said only 10% hit in profits I thought I could take that, and back to growth after 2019. Something doesn’t sound right now, and ceo going this morning made me re think, so sold all this morning. Still made a profit this morning, and made a killing on the ones I sold in May. But should have sold before the last review. Something seems wrong, cmc said 20% hit

Gamesinvestor1 27 Sep 2018

CEO Steps Down - Ex Divi This is looking a little sick at the moment and I think it could have further downward selling. I got out of 1/3rd of this at the top, but mistakenly didn’t sell the lot. The dividend cover is shrinking and the CEO stepped down today – doesn’t exactly say he’s retiring either so something isn’t 100% here. [link] Sold the lot this morning, fortunately all of it has gone at a profit, just a lesser one on the last tranche, and a small loss on the mistake add of last week. Games

Gamesinvestor1 20 Sep 2018

Added …some more just now at 785.5 – seems like a little well oversold for the moment. Nice dividend looming, same low debt, no pension company. Payout ratio is high, but then it’s a low capex company so it’s sustainable unless the business falls of a cliff of course. 1.57% of my wad - up from 1.3% Games

Gamesinvestor1 20 Sep 2018

Trading update Taking a bit of a beating :- Looks like it was, the share price is down 8.74% and the revenue and clients are also significantly down. But this was expected due to the change in the rules – top slicing this was a good idea, perhaps I should have sold the lot. “”"IG Group Holdings plc (“IG”, “the Group”, “the Company”), a global leader in online trading, today issues an update on its revenue for the three months to 31 August 2018, the first quarter of its FY19 financial year. The trends and figures highlighted below refer to this period and the corresponding period last year. Revenue was £128.9m in the first quarter of FY19, 5% lower than in the same period in the prior year, which was a record quarter. The heightened level of volatility in financial markets and client activity experienced in FY18 have not continued into FY19. “”" The UK was down 8% on the largest business EMEA down 12% - was 2nd largest business APAC up 7% - now 2nd largest business US up 14% although this is a very small business Games

Gamesinvestor1 20 Sep 2018

Results Looks like it was, the share price is down 8% and the revenue and clients are also significantly down. But this was expected due to the change in the rules – top slicing this was a good idea, perhaps I should have sold the lot. “”"IG Group Holdings plc (“IG”, “the Group”, “the Company”), a global leader in online trading, today issues an update on its revenue for the three months to 31 August 2018, the first quarter of its FY19 financial year. The trends and figures highlighted below refer to this period and the corresponding period last year. Revenue was £128.9m in the first quarter of FY19, 5% lower than in the same period in the prior year, which was a record quarter. The heightened level of volatility in financial markets and client activity experienced in FY18 have not continued into FY19. “”" The UK was down 8% on the largest business EMEA down 12% - was 2nd largest business APAC up 7% - now 2nd largest business US up 14% although this is a very small business Games

hopefull2 17 Sep 2018

Results Thanks for the reminder of those Director sells GI1, maybe not insignificant for the forthcoming Up date/Results I don’t know.

shareordie 15 Aug 2018

Results True but the US and crypto currency could make up some of that hit, and if the markets get volatile again (crypto or share markets) IG could do alright.

Gamesinvestor1 15 Aug 2018

Results Is it that simple though – the regulatory crack down is on IG’s main product - CFDs - they expect a 10% hit on revenue, which is not insignificant. Also on 7th August all the main directors dumped not inconsiderable amounts of stock at a shade above today’s price :- 07-Aug-18 Sell Peter G Hetherington 889.20p 171,787 £1,527,530.04 07-Aug-18 Sell Paul Mainwaring 889.20p 29,765 £264,670.39 07-Aug-18 Sell Jon Noble 889.20p 18,626 £165,622.40 07-Aug-18 Sell Bridget Messer 889.20p 15,877 £141,178.29 Games

shareordie 13 Aug 2018

Results Results look good, dividend up, everything looks fine here. Expecting profits slightly down 2019 then back to growth. Sounds good to me.

shareordie 18 Jun 2018

RNS today Not that important something about management and job position, but the important thing is, I didn’t miss it because of the London South East site and advn.

shareordie 23 May 2018

RNS Great RNS today, I have sold some but I did need the money for another project, and I have kept the lions share right here.Happy holder.

shareordie 16 May 2018

America loosens betting rules [link]

shareordie 01 May 2018

Plus500 [link] us a lift by the seems of it.IG have a big market share of cryptocurrency trading on spread betting/CFD

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