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onedb1 22 Feb 2017

Blackrock adding today Surprised it was not mentioned here . From 20m to 27m Good to see . Typical institution buying comes sub VWAP , annoyingly we saw the price reduce as probably Black Rock was buying . post RNS price started to rise again ... [link] at the intraday chart lol ! RNS was at 12.55

onedb1 22 Feb 2017

Re: Am Long at the 3 levels - SOI Hi SOI ,Sorry for late reply I trade mostly equities , mostly breakouts that become trends . So a Trend trader IGG was not such strategy . But FXPO , Ithaca , Enquest just to name the last 3 are Long/Short for me . I do trade Ftse100 & S&P ( I am still long ) and Brent . Plus commodity Fxs mostly Aussie , Cad pairs . All applying the same strategy . To diversify I occasionally look at bear bull traps as it's clear that RR is good ( at least clear to me ) and the odd 0.5 or 0.618 trade reversal , like in IGG case . I once attended a Rob Carver's presentation ( ex Man-Ahl hedge fund manager managing $1.5bn and was stunned by the out performance of diversified multi strategies ) as you know Trending is the best when you get a Trend but the market can go sideways for years . The bulk of my profits come from my main strategy Trend Trading . I often don't need to do much once I find one , I scale in and let it run . Not so dissimilar to the Turtle traders if you know who they were, my SL follows that principle . Except for I swapped their use of the donchian channel breakout with something else. Hope that gives a decent overview. Cheers onedb1

leperky 21 Feb 2017

Re: I have to agree with FP @sumtingswong" cant really see what he called wrong..."...Er.... try his (fred P) post on 12/12/16 suggesting sub 300 p for startersI personally would be careful shorting this at this point (518p)GLA

AllGonWong 20 Feb 2017

Re: I have to agree with FP chopper, lots of assumptions based on guess work in your reply, your not an assuming sort of chappy with your investments are you? not a good strategy if you are.With regards to FP, yes I think the person is great TBH, cant really see what he called wrong so yes I have actually been swayed by his posts on certain stocks and yes I have taken a similar position in some of the stocks he has flagged up for better or worse, so far I am doing quite well, so as the saying goes "don't fix what aint broke".Going back to assumptions, Im going to make the "assumption" that one of us is going to be wrong on IGG, care to assume which of us it will be chopper? Just out of interest, how do you assume punters will feel and trade once they can see the actual P&L of client positions on any given stock?the way, we had a kid at school called chopper, he turned out to be a right nobb.Happy assuming chopper, me, I would rather be the unassuming type.AGW

chopper89x 20 Feb 2017

Re: I have to agree with FP Allgonewong- Thank you for your message - I was hinting toward the fact that your avatar has a new stamp next to it and that you and fred seem to have awfully similar taste in stocks further to that you seem to be singing his praises left right and centre - one could therefore assume that you and he may well be joint at the hip.Your investment strategy sounds a good one -all or bust I like it - whats your r/r on that ? For someone so clueless to be using something sophisticated like equity swaps I would imagine you would be the ideal case study for what the Fca is trying to clamp down on e.g- uneducated investors using leverage in high risk strategies with products they don't understand and betting the house on it.My history with IG is that I moved all my execution only dealing over to IG in November 2016 and have not looked back since - its going to be a serious growth area for Ig over the next few years - as demonstrated in the last statement.I bought into IGG at a similar time paying £4.79 a share and then buying again recently at around £5.26 so I am happy hold for the growth and the dividends.atb

soi 20 Feb 2017

Re: Am Long at the 3 levels Hi onedb1I hope you don`t mind me asking an off topic question.Do you also trade any indices or do you just stick to individual equity trades?I do both but am curious as to your approach or opinion.Thank You & GL with your IGG positions.soi

markiebr 17 Feb 2017

Re: I have to agree with FP Mr Wong,Where you went wrong:I was listening to all the rampers and analysts targetsDon't be lazy do your own research otherwise you are just gambling.I would also like to know where you found spread betting is going out of fashion, it seem to be a growing market to me especially due to our current climate.Mark

veksi 17 Feb 2017

Re: I have to agree with FP RSI maxed at 100?What are you smoking Wong?

AllGonWong 16 Feb 2017

Re: I have to agree with FP your not Fp-clueless are you ========== ========Chopper, forgive my ignorance but what does "Fp-clueless" mean, is it some teenage synonym for something?While I'm at it, as far as I can see Fred has called this stocks direction very well, maybe his posts could have been a tad more "eloquent" shall we say, however, had I have listened to him I would not be in this mess now, my avg with IGG is 840p as I was listening to all the rampers and analysts targets of 1000p plus, it didn't do me any favours though. I can only hope the many on here are right and it will go back to where it was before, although I do not hold out much hope as I think that spread betting is going slightly out of fashion per se, one can only hope that the next trading statement is not showing a decline in revenue or profits or without a doubt my 400p PT will be reached.Before you ask, I took a swap out on IGG a while back, so short term I expect the price to go lower, of course it would be good not to have to write my long term investment in IGG, although I am prepared to lose my entire investment, as after all, any form of share buying is for all intent and purpose a "gamble".Good luck with your investment in IGG Chopper, out of interest did you buy in above 540p expecting a rebound or are you a long term holder of this stock?AGW

chopper89x 16 Feb 2017

Re: I have to agree with FP ay rsi at 100 ? think you need to have another glance buddy -you know we've just gone ex div right ?your not Fp-clueless are you ?

AllGonWong 16 Feb 2017

I have to agree with FP the chart and 200sma is not looking healthy. RSI is maxed out @ 100 as I type, yet failing to rally, more like trying to prop itself up.I would like to be proven wrong but I'm afraid its a sell from me too. My target is 400pAGW

onedb1 15 Feb 2017

Re: Right said Fred I have not had any impact on trading activities and every year I sign all the relevant forms and meet my rep . Lots of myths about IGG . The only reality I see is that bigger players than myself ( I am fairly big too ) are all trading away and they are the bulk of IGG's revenues . This is not someone with a £10k account but £1m plus . The FCA is not actually targeting the big firms like IGG , CMC , PLUS etc but the smaller provider with insane leverage I agree myself with the FCA and as far I have had conversations with IGG reps , management thinks that the rules will be beneficial to IGG. The sad truth is that a lot of the mendacious drivel spouted around is often the disgruntled, £5/10k armchair player that lost it all very quickly ( usually a person with no trading background attracted by stories of £5k a month returns etc ) . Ask these people " were you a qualified market technician ? were you ever trading professionally ? "were you geared correctly ? " The answer is NO NO NO to all of those questions . Lots of myths sadly . The FCA should crack down on quite a few , all pro traders agree with that.

hopefull2 14 Feb 2017

Re: Woof Woof Open your mouth then ... ho ho!

Fred Prior 14 Feb 2017

Woof Woof someone give this dog a bone.....RegardsFrederick.

EssentialInvestor 14 Feb 2017

Re: Right said Fred If you are making money then well done.I don't spread bet, just stick to ordinary shares only.Closed my small position at 5.32 Friday + the divi,a little annoying it then spiked to around 5.38, but made a modest amount so no complaints.If IGG can navigate any regulatory changes then longer term this looks very cheap IMV only.

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