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chopper89x 01 Mar 2017

Re: No idea why 'chaos' is in my subject doing CMT onedb ? good luck pal

onedb1 01 Mar 2017

No idea why 'chaos' is in my subject I am typing from an iPad on a break from my exam studying ( TA related )

onedb1 01 Mar 2017

Looking good chaos As I said all along ... I feel that once 540-542 is finally broken this will start its rise to at least pre RNS that caused the dive . We are on the right of 2 moving averages now . So it's looking much better confidence wise .With my average I hope to bank in excess of 200 points . Good luck to all

onedb1 28 Feb 2017

Re: Share buy I use both CMC and IGG and am as busy as ever . Any fairly big sized trader I know hasn't changed anything in terms of trading volume .I remain long with my 3 publicised levels . Nearly 20p plus divis in the money minus holding costs . Can't understand what all the fuss is .Spread betting and CFDs are a legitimate business and are here to stay . IGG already has complied with all these FCA recommendations . Same goes for CMC . I have a yearly compliance online form to fill , and am happy to continue with them. Am no way near over leveraged too. I think it's the smaller outlets with turbo leveraged products that need to be more scrutinised not the big 2/3 providers .

chopper89x 28 Feb 2017

Re: Share buy Top Trading Soi-I am still currently holding my buys from 4.79 and 5.26 +9.42 Divi.I am still convinced that the market is underappreciating Ig's execution and Sipp business.there is a huge amount of market up for grabs in that sector where being a price leader wins in the end IMo and IG currently only have a small % but its growing at a very fast rate.Ported all my execution only over to Ig late last year and have not looked back since.atb

soi 28 Feb 2017

Re: Share buy HiBack in with a buy @ 520.8 ( shares not SB ) ( 14/2 )Nothing set but after a recovery to 533 + or so......535.18 sold + 15 less costs.Now out, happy with overall result.GL to those looking longer term.Totally out so now will make a comment, those predicting the demise of IG will I think be proven wrong.They are not just in to leveraged trading, they also offer a good ordinary share dealing service, low commission rates, tight spreadsI use them for both SB trades and for some share dealing.GLsoi

soi 28 Feb 2017

Re: Share buy 2nd buy @ 518.3 ( 14/2 )......................533.4 sold + 15.1 less costs1 left.I`m very much in to short term trading so sell does not reflect where I think IG will go to( higher IMO )GLsoi

onedb1 28 Feb 2017

Re: Looking good here Long and about 15p up excl divis If the trend sets in as I think it will we are in for a treat .no change from me

soi 28 Feb 2017

Re: Share buy 516.3 buy.3rd and final.( 14/2 )...................Sold this @ 529.6 + 13.3 less costs.I had been targeting 532 +Leaves me 2 tranches in.ATBsoi

veksi 27 Feb 2017

Re: F.A.O Fred Prior SomethinWong.You post on exactly same boards as Fred.Igg, sle, pdg, amc...You Fred seem very desperate on your propaganda.You been found out.Fred = SomeThinWong. account opened 15.2.2017to enhance your deramping. Clueless iidioot!

veksi 27 Feb 2017

Re: F.A.O Fred Prior SomeThinWong. You are Fred.Why post with two aliases?It's proven by the fact your account says "NEW".

SumTingsWong 24 Feb 2017

F.A.O Fred Prior hi Fred, I was just wandering what your opinion is on my post below regarding what I have heard the FCA may want to implement in its rules and regs on the spread bet houses.Thanks in advance.Mr Wong

SumTingsWong 24 Feb 2017

if this gets passed its light out at IGG I have heard that the FCA may try to implement a way in which any given spread betting company will not only need to expose client losses and profits on any given stock but also what actual position (if any) the company itself is holding in any given stock, now being as IGG openly admit in their small print T&Cs that they do actively trade against their clients, they could find themselves having to show their hand to the punters before anyone puts any money on the table, that will give a huge advantage to the punter, something that IGG would certainly not want to happen and would no doubt have catastrophic consequences for the spread bet companies themselves.I am thinking about opening a spread betting account myself and I certainly will do if these laws are enforced on the spread bet companies, as IMO it will level the playing field somewhat. I take it all you IGG shareholders here would be totally in agreement with IGG having to not only disclose client positions but that of their own and none of you would object to such a stipulation?I think its a great idea don't you?Mr Wong

onedb1 24 Feb 2017

Looking good here Nice to see that I collect divis and my average is in the money . Still at 513.5 average ( the 3 buys 538 - 460 - 542 ) I have 1 further position I can add too.

gamesinvestor 24 Feb 2017

Re: I have to agree with FP "With regards to FP, yes I think the person is great TBH, cant really see what he called wrong so yes I have actually been swayed by his posts"Sumting -- You are not a long term investor are you?It's such a waste of time tittle tattling around buying stocks, panicking on poor news flow and being influenced by those who term themselves experts in this and that chart, for the next 5 minutes or so, or this and that level of supposed expert knowledge.You simply need to look at the fundamental profitability and growth of the company and look at the returns it has given, and will give - this type of trading is not going away, and the regulation will long term be manageable. There are far too many people who will continue to trade in the blind belief that they can make a quick buck -- It's just like the housing market - everyone believes they will always be on the up - it's an in built human sickness - almost like the opportunity to go to school, study basic mathematics and then ignore it (the UK housing market is possibly a classic case in point).It's pointless to sell a stock and then sit back for a year, watch it probably recover when the world has not gone to hexx in a handcart and you are them tempted to buy high again because you suddenly have a feeling you have missed out.Games -- You either believe in the company or you don't - hopping in an out seems pointless, it's a bit like you are suffering from St Vitus Dance or somat!!

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