India Capital Growth Fund Live Discussion

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coldascheese 01 Jul 2016

Re: Do not miss this Shares up again today as well as Indian index as I have said before these are a bargain and could still yet go much higher before conversion in August. Check it out as not many have seen the potential here yet.

coldascheese 29 Jun 2016

Do not miss this Price of these subscription shares now starting to move up-could easily be a 100% gain in my view by mid August as India Capital Growth Fund itself has a huge discount to asset value which is now starting to narrow. 1p gain in its share price = 1p gain in these which is a 20% + rise

coldascheese 07 Jun 2016

A good bet on India and Brexit These sub shares could be a very good bet short term. Currently Indian Capital shares are 62.5p to buy with assets over 80p.The sub shares have the right to buy at 61p in August.Indian index is moving up fast and with possible Brexit wil be even higher if sterling drops.So if Indian Capital Growth shares move up a penny so should these-well worth a look-a possible doubling up on your cash in a couple of months.

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