India Capital Growth Fund Live Discussion

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coldascheese 05 Oct 2016

Re: About 6 months ago I corresponded with the Chairman and he advised that they were addressing the discount issue by the issue of additional subscription shares as the smaller number then made the shares a bit illiquid. That was done a couple of mmonths back.As there is now more shares in issue I am expecting that the discount will start to narrow significantly over the next few months. So in my view we could experience both an increase in assets but also a big increase in share price. Probably not a time to sell.

Hangover2 04 Oct 2016

coldacheese my last post was probably a little unfair as I purchased in 2007 and so am still underwater nearly 10 years later. I appreciate if you purchased at others times you may be sitting on a healthy profit. But compare it to other funds in India and the record is not impressive.......

Hangover2 04 Oct 2016

coldacheese my last post was probably a little unfair as I purchased in 2007 and so am still underwater nearly 10 years later. I appreciate if you purchased at others times you may be sitting on a healthy profit. But compare it to other funds in India and the record is not impressive.......

Hangover2 04 Oct 2016

I do hope so this is such an awfully poor investment by me and yet India was not the wrong country for me to back - why is this Fund always at such a discount and will some authority make them take the word Growth out of their title in due course????

coldascheese 04 Oct 2016

Re: 30% Discount bargain Asset value now 95p-price (71.75p) will catch up with asset value sometime quite soon I expect when value and growth recognised here.

coldascheese 09 Aug 2016

30% Discount bargain India Capital Growth-now trading after subscription shares fully taken up .Share price still at a 30% discount to assets which should close up to 20% or less over a few weeks. This trust is doing very well indeed and well worth an investment IN THE iNDIAN MARKET WHICH IS ON A RUN.

coldascheese 15 Jul 2016

India on a spurt Read this and see why[link]

coldascheese 08 Jul 2016

Research note-undervalued India Capital Growth Fund Ltd - Update research from QuotedData8th July 2016Indian powerhouse India Capital Growth's (IGC's) net asset value (NAV) is up 28.8% since QuotedData's last note was published on 23 March 2016 (its price is up 20.1%) yet, in recent weeks, its discount has widened to 20.4%. The managers cannot see any obvious reason why the discount should be widening. India shines as a bright spot in a world beset by economic problems: GDP growth is running at 7.9%. The managers of IGC believe, that whilst a series of sometimes painful, but very necessary adjustments is ongoing, India's economy is now on a more stable footing and earnings growth, to date the missing ingredient in the bull case for Indian equities, is set to materialise. IGC, with its focus on small- and medium-sized stocks in India, is ideally placed to benefit. IGC is poised to expand its share capital by 50% as the August exercise date for its subscription shares approaches.

coldascheese 29 Jun 2016

Am I the only holder of these ? Keep posting about IGC-discount to share price is now near 50% and Indian stockmarket is now rising quite well.At some point investors will realise how cheap this trust is and how well they are doing, at this time discount will come down to a more realistic level and share price will rise accordingly.

coldascheese 27 Jun 2016

Re: Indian trust at 40% discount ? A excellent buy for this undervalued stock -discount wont last long in this Brexit era.

coldascheese 06 Apr 2016

Indian trust at 40% discount ? Price is way to cheap, surely the discount of 40% here will be spotted soon.

sage in the hills 24 Apr 2015

Why NAV and sp falls lately ? Anyone know why the NAV and sp for India funds dropping over the last couple of weeks ?SAGE

coldascheese 13 Apr 2015

79p Asset value price 62p- its so cheap Its about time this company was highlighted-great performance and share price discount of just under 30%-way to cheap.

sage in the hills 10 Mar 2015

Even better buying price now ...... ..... since the drop from 69p ishAnd political stability and strength, and with all the internal markets with growth potential ....SAGE

coldascheese 08 Jan 2015

Asset value 74p This trust is still way below asset value and some big stakes are being taken in it by institutions,soon the large discount will be noted and the price catch up accordingly. So a gain of 15% or so could be on the cards.

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