India Capital Growth Fund Live Discussion

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Hangover2 22 Sep 2017

I feel maybe this time it is a little bit different in that the fund size is such that it is perhaps taken a little bit more seriously and the a share price over £1. I hope the discount (and I accept a discount) will find a new range of -5% to -12% and am hoping we may still find a little bit more in the share price yet.

Ramptastic 21 Sep 2017

Buying Well someone is buying this investment trust heavily as the SP has been on a tear. The discount is now down to 10%. If it keeps narrowing I may start to sell some as historically it ebbs and flows between 10 and 20%.Jim

Ramptastic 20 Sep 2017

Re: In Profit Got a nice write up in the FT.Discount narrowing so enjoying the ride at present.Jim

Hangover2 19 Sep 2017

In Profit Having held my first shares for nearly 10 years and I'm back in profit on those today! Wow......perhaps it will keep moving up with share price now above £1, India doing well, a big discount to perhaps reduce further.....I do hope so......anyone else watching......

Ramptastic 05 May 2017

Re: India & Value 2 I've started selling down some holdings as everything (including this fund) seems to have had a fabulous run.Time to take a few profits IMHO.Jim

Hangover2 05 May 2017

India & Value 2 I should say I have held these in 2 tranches as lower posts show (should bought in 2007) I was underwater on early purchases but was tempted back in a year ago and my comments are on the recent performance and not the long term performance now blaming myself for my previous poor timing! Hopefully, the discount should now start to unwind in our favour. Anyway we will see

Ramptastic 05 May 2017

Re: India & Value I agree, I have 20% of my portfolio here.The chart looks stretched, but one can't argue with the long-term story - this has to be a great route to market what with the small cap exposure and discount. it ought to be trading at a premium.I note that AUM went over £100M the other day and this might help.J

Hangover2 05 May 2017

India & Value Everyone has been championing India and I like it but I particularly like this given the exposure to SME sector, discount and recent track record. It seems to sit nicely under the radar but has performed well for me. Others may want a look....

coldascheese 24 Nov 2016

Re: India Well the Indian stock market has dropped back a fair bit last week or so and so has IGC,however it has gone up a lot this year but I am expecting it to move forward again shortly and IGC with it as Indian growth progresses. Lets see

Ramptastic 20 Oct 2016

Re: India Yes, the SP climbs daily yet the underlying progress of NAV is slower. I can see the discount moving to 10% maybe - possibly even a premium. Either way, unless sentiment on the underlying market changes it looks very positive.J

coldascheese 20 Oct 2016

Re: India Welcome aboard-discount should keep narrowing-I am suprised that I have not seen India mentioned anywhere despite the market roaring away and me pointing this out for quite a while now-lets hope it continues.

Ramptastic 19 Oct 2016

Metrics The Indian market looks a bit expensive to me, but you could argue that this is justified; PE 22, yield 1.3%.Encouragingly, growth over previous 12 months in the Nifty only +8.3%.J

Ramptastic 19 Oct 2016

India If I spot an item about India I'll try to read it. Recently, there has been huge tax reform which it is claimed will make the economy a lot more efficient and will reduce corruption.Its a great investment story and makes me wonder why we should bother investing the the UK.J

Ramptastic 19 Oct 2016

Re: Excellent--Asset value now over £1... Hi CC,Just found this and am buying heavily enjoying the 20% discount. Just wish I'd found it when the discount was so much higher.I reckon the managers haven't got much of a reputation - but this company has a super track record and they've been going quite a few years now, so maybe everything's coming good.I note that a number of funds hold it (eg Aberdeen) and one company who specialises in trading discounts.Jim

coldascheese 19 Oct 2016

Excellent--Asset value now over £1.00 Excellent--Asset value now over £1.00-this share is going well in India

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