India Capital Growth Fund Live Discussion

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Ripley94 30 Aug 2019

It is Still Expensive IGC… XXXX Another ( D ) will not let me buy … i can sell it lol

Ripley94 25 Sep 2018

It is Still Expensive IGC… XXXX 86.5p now … discount 11.13 % 12 month average 13.11%

frusset 04 May 2018

Re: Question about how IGC invests Thanks for the perspective. I'll try to find time to read the annual report.

EBloodaxe 03 May 2018

Re: Question about how IGC invests The rationale provided on the website and in the annual report is about local expertise. I guess there is also consideration given to the easing of regulatory and cost burdens because the assets are held locally and not by a foreign investor.

frusset 02 May 2018

Re: Question about how IGC invests I just found that JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust does have a Mauritius based subsidiary, which negates most of my previous comment. From the INVESTOR DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT [link] CompanyThe Company owns the whole of the issued share capital of JPMorgan Indian InvestmentCompany (Mauritius) Limited, which is registered in Mauritius (collectively the ‘Group’."It's odd how I couldn't find that until seconds after I posted that I couldn't find it.

frusset 02 May 2018

Re: Question about how IGC invests Thanks EBloodaxe.Now I'm wondering why they need to invest through a subsidiary in Mauritius. I had a quick look into JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust and I couldn't find anything about them investing through a subsidiary, or having any dealings in Mauritius or other such territory. But, I don't know if or where they have to disclose such things.From "Retail investment funds in Mauritius: regulatory overview" sc.Default)&firstPage=true&bhcp=1" target="blank" rel="nofollow">[link] "Mauritius has consistently strengthened its position as an international financial centre and a domicile for investment funds. Investment funds are usually structured as either retail or non-retail funds."That's reassuring, but when I googled "mauritius fraud" the first result has "4 Mar 2018 - Mauritius said it has taken cognizance of reports about the purported fraud allegations with regards to Punjab National Bank, Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi.".I've decided I don't know enough to give a useful opinion about whether or not the Mauritius subsidiary should matter to investors, but I also don't know enough to buy IGC with confidence.

EBloodaxe 02 May 2018

Re: Question about how IGC invests Why not ask at the source, from the front page on [link] Capital Growth Fund Limited is a closed ended investment company registered and incorporated in Guernsey. The Company was established to take advantage of long term investment opportunities in companies based in India. Investments will predominantly be made into listed companies through a subsidiary in Mauritius."So the indirect investment is through a directly owned subsidiary company.

frusset 01 May 2018

Re: Question about how IGC invests I've had a very quick look into the chance of IGC being fraudulent, thinking they were on AIM, but they aren't, they moved to the main market in January. It doesn't rule out fraud, as some former Tesco execs are going to get a retrial (the first was abandoned after a defendant had a heart attack). Also, the 2017 accounts got a clean audit from Deloitte Guernsey. The big auditors aren't foolproof, e.g. PwC and Tesco. Still, using a big audit firm and moving to the main market increases the chance of detection, so maybe fraudsters are unlikely to do that. Famous fraudster Madoff's audits were signed off by "Friehling & Horowitz, a little-known accounting firm in New City, New York", according to Wikipedia.

frusset 22 Mar 2018

Question about how IGC invests Hargreaves Lansdown's business summary for IGC [link] says "The Company's investment objective is to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing (indirectly) in companies based in India.". Can anyone say in what way the investment is indirect?

casabanker 02 Feb 2018

NAV There's not much cheer atm. The FTSE is down around 4% from its high point in January. The gbp has strengthened against to the dollar to $1.42 which has negated increases in gold and silver and the NAV for IGC has fallen to 118p. This looks like a buying opportunity but the market has the feel of the "falling knife" so I will wait a while longer.Casa.

coldascheese 12 Jan 2018

Full listing on 24 Jan could see price up Share price is moving up nearer asset value of 131p as full listing from aim time(24 Jan) nears.Quite possible that another 5-10p could be added to share price.

coldascheese 06 Nov 2017

Up 40% in a year Up 40% in a year and ticking along very nicely. With the asset value at 124p now share price has to catch up a bit. This is a great share to hold for continuing growth.

Ripley94 28 Sep 2017

Re: It is Still Expensive Picked a few up 98.25p ..

Ripley94 24 Sep 2017

Re: It is Still Expensive Tipped on this site by fund managers 21/09/17, and fancied by Marksman looking for a place to put cash.I saw a lunch date of 22 DEC 15 , so bit odd to find this link may 2006 ?Guernsey registered... 1.79% annual charge, i can not see extra performance charge ?Discount 8.16% . 12 mth average 18.23%.Year high 105p low 69.5p

Ramptastic 22 Sep 2017

Re: I gather some trusts are ignored by the institutions until you hit £100M, which IGC just did.J

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