Impax Environmental Markets Live Discussion

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Jar-Jar Both 31 May 2018

Halifax Sharedealing Above sharedealing will no longer allow me to deal in Impax Enviro shares....says they are advised to no loger let private investors do so! Anyone else come across this?

schovald 27 Apr 2018

Discount Virtually no discount now, presumably due to very strong support for environmental companies and markets. Impax Asset Management have expanded by acquisition recently, which has probably helped raise their profile and that of IEM. I have holdings in both for the long term, but might top-slice IEM if it goes to a significant premium.

schovald 14 Jun 2016

Re: Recent strength And still available at a double digit discount ...

schovald 14 Jun 2016

Recent strength Recent sp strength is impressive, given Brexit fears and general down-turn in world markets. Tipped in this month's Money Observer by Peter Hewitt, who is F&C's IT specialist.

azzalyzarc 17 Dec 2014

Re: Anyone out there ? I built up a holding some years ago too and have sat on it too since then. I have same concern re oil price taking the heat of this for the short term (long term this is still a good sector I think) - so may take some profits and get back in later as there is no divi to pick up while we wait. However I want to look more closely first on how much is energy based - there are other cos in here in water, waste etc and demand for that is not going away. Also - will a falling oil price, and so falling price in conventional energy costs, make it easier to maintain / raise subsidies for renewables, as it will not be seen as driving up the cost of energy even higher? The long term energy position and drivers is unchanged by the falling oil price - and surely now is the time to set aside the money to fund the future. Could this in fact be a contrarian opportunity to top up?az

Oenos 17 Dec 2014

Anyone out there ? This has done well for me - up 45% since purchase in March 2012. However the price has softened since April. The drop in oil prices won't have helped sentiment towards the sector.With the market generally looking rather fragile, I am tempted to take profits, with the aim of buying back in when sentiment improves.Any views on this?

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