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zulu principle2 03 Jul 2017

Re: 3000p Coming soon!! I think it's. Good stock but don't come on here putting down utter rubbish about £30 a share soo

wahlberg 29 Jun 2017

Proactive Check interview published today! The story has only just begun!

wahlberg 28 Jun 2017

Re: 3000p Coming soon!! It's your biggest holding yet you think it 'maybe has a chance' of moving 33% from here?Right. Obvious lack of foresight. Keep watch.

zulu principle2 27 Jun 2017

Re: 3000p Coming soon!! Sorry has to be one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever seen. £30. It's my biggest holding so I like it but £30 just a utter ramp. It has a good chance of going up maybe to £5

wahlberg 21 Jun 2017

Re: 3000p Coming soon!! Why not? £30 might be conservative in the short/medium term.- £30 would equate to c. £375m mcap. HC compares the potential of IDP to FEVR and cites the L'Oreal acquisition of IT cosmetics ($1,200m) and the acquisition of NYX cosmetics ($500m) - both valuations around 7-8 x top line revenue at the time of purchase. That considered, perhaps IDP may attain such a value with annual revenue near £40-50m, which may not be far off. The success to date has been driven by SkinnyTan but consider the other brands - Body Glow, Charles + Lee, Stevie K, Prolong, Leimo. Rapid expansion and roll out in UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Hong Kong and South Korea. Consider the trading update and what wasn't included:•ST Distribution deal with ASOS•ST Distribution deal with London Beauty School•Skin whitening product to 600 pharmacies in Korea•ST Distribution deal with Boots IE - instantly upped to 65 stores due to customer demand and will expand to Boots UK .•SkinnyTan has >200,000 unique customers, over 24,000 deliveries per month and growing.•Cosmetic brand Stevie K which "is going to be quite significant".1. Very large portfolio of scalable brands.2. Excellent leveraging of social media & digital.Clients growing by over 15,000 per month.3. Growing vertically and horizontally. In 3 continents and about to go into 4.

TuscanNutter 20 Jun 2017

ISA Topped up ...with another £1k of these beauties. It's where I'm prepared to add in the short term then move across profits to AMC and SXX... GLA TN

brightonboyaswell 12 Jun 2017

Re: 3000p+ Coming soon!! Not sure about £30.00 but pretty sure good things will come of this share.Its only just starting, if its other products take off like Skinny Tan and continue to be taken up in all markets, its going to keep rising.Start turning an increasing profit and it will fly.

alltold9 12 Jun 2017

3000p+ Coming soon!! Thought ASOS was a great buy a few years ago, and IMHHO Innovaderma will surpass their success. Stream of news coming out in the pipeline. Very happy days ahead.

discomixx 02 Jun 2017

Re: 300p is coming soon Intense buying pressure,boots UK want in,asos ramping up orders

TuscanNutter 01 Jun 2017

Re: 300p is coming soon ...and there it went! Chart support looks good...

TuscanNutter 01 Jun 2017

Re: £10+ Realistic short term target! With news flow and new products world wide £10 an absolute minimum for me. £50+ in 5 years!---------- ---------- ---------- ------Happy to vote you up on this Alltold as there are ridiculously few shares in issue the growth could be immense as they get a foothold abroad.... Please all DYOR TN

TuscanNutter 01 Jun 2017

Boom And someway to go. Great share to have as part of my portfolio GLA

discomixx 01 Jun 2017

Re: 300p is coming soon Didn't take longWhat a growth story here

Disorder 31 May 2017

Re: £10+ Realistic short term target! Alltold.Have you grabbed yourself any ASH?ASHLEY HOUSE: "ASH"From The Update and 76% interest held by ASHThe additional 24% of shares can revert to the minority shareholders once the enlarged F1M has achieved profits of more than £4m over the next three years.“The £4Million Profit, is as large as the whole market cap of the enlarged group.!!!!!!!”The stock has the potential to multibag many times over.DYOR etc.[link] House is a property developer. In case the phrase ‘property developer’ sends you scurrying for your shotgun – think again. Ashley House is a property developer with a conscience; a conscience that it puts into practice in its business. Last year it won the ‘Social Impact Company of the Year’ award at the Small Cap awards. It was a founder member of the Social Stock Exchange in 2013, and it has a clear statement of its beneficial mission: “to develop the most cost-effective health and community care property solutions, through enduring partnerships and proven expertise.”To put some flesh on the bones of this I spoke to Tony Walters, Ashley House’s CEO. I started off by asking how the company made a remarkable financial turnaround, turning an £11 million pound loss in 2015 to a small profit in 2016. “The nature of our business is lumpy. We are reliant on schemes closing and deals being done so that we can recognise income,” said Walters. “We have expanded our offering into developing affordable housing, particularly for the elderly which is funded through government housing benefit. But there was a challenge for us with the Chancellor George Osborne’s Comprehensive Spending Review of 2015, where he capped the housing benefit allowance. What the change didn’t consider was people living in specially developed housing with communal areas. For example, our purpose built elderly care development in Grimsby, of 60 apartments in one building, has communal living areas, communal kitchens, with the ability that care can be delivered directly to people’s own flats or the communal spaces. The cap on housing benefit doesn’t work in that scenario. The government recognised that after the event, and agreed it will solve this problem by top-up grant payments. But almost two years on it’s not clear exactly how this will work. There’s no question it will be sorted out – the question is how and when. It is the case that this policy change has caused a slowdown in these developments. We have a pipeline of about £170 million, particularly of those sorts of schemes like Grimsby, but the councils and registered providers (housing associations) that we partner with for those schemes find it difficult to say yes, because at the moment the way the legislation sits, it doesn’t work. The rental streams they would receive from it are not enough to justify the cost of the building. That’s meant that we have had to slow down on these developments, which in turn meant income dropped.”One of the weaknesses of Ashley House is arguably that it has, in the past, been too reliant on government funding of projects. Which is a terrible irony because, as Walters says, “what we do in the social spectrum is absolutely what the government wants to see done, first in terms of housing provision for people with care needs, we are providing much better value and improved health outcomes than the alternative of state-run nursing homes, and second the health buildings that we deliver can make the NHS more efficient. These things tick the right boxes for government. The problem is that – because we have been totally reliant on government for our income streams – we are susceptible to governments saying, ‘actually we’ll just change this policy.”A similar challenge occurred in 2010, when funding for local health care such as GP’s practices was suddenly whipped away by government – which also hit Ashley House’s bottom line at that time. The schemes don

alltold9 24 May 2017

£10+ Realistic short term target! With news flow and new products world wide £10 an absolute minimum for me. £50+ in 5 years!

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