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dubzy 19 Oct 2017

Re: Taking a Pasting Indeed, but at least the BBC updated the article indicating this was old news with the response from IDP:InnovaDerma acknowledged the ASA's ruling, adding: "This relates to online advertising in 2016 that was subsequently removed and the company is working with the ASA to ensure all online presence is ASA compliant."

clancywiggum 18 Oct 2017

Re: Taking a Pasting Story is getting around now[link]

dubzy 18 Oct 2017

Re: Taking a Pasting Lovely buying opportunity. Already been dealt with. Onwards....

clancywiggum 18 Oct 2017

Re: Taking a Pasting Down to this I would guess[link]

gatheringdust 18 Oct 2017

Taking a Pasting As they say the chart is your friend, this is taking a pasting and looks to be going a lot lower still.

brightonboyaswell 06 Oct 2017

Re: Misty I'm a bit peeved as price they have got fundraiser away at is in my view a significant discount. Why do we not get the chance instead of dilution.I know price had dropped to around £3 a few weeks back and that may have been when all the talks were going on originally which may explain the discount to yesterday's price.

Misty Creamybib 06 Oct 2017

Re: Misty Ignore previous message - The company has successfully raised money.

Misty Creamybib 06 Oct 2017

Re: Misty A fundraising may not be needed but would certainly speed up growth.This placing is at a shallow discount to the share price and doesn't look underwritten. The price could easily drift below it.Also the placing is only available to institutions - I don't understand why they couldn't just find investors rather than go through a placing process.Long term a good company but why buy at this price..

discomixx 14 Sep 2017

Re: Misty Haris confirmed yesterday at proactive prezzo no fundraising needed£2m stock canbe turned into cash within 48hrs via DTCExciting times

brightonboyaswell 13 Sep 2017

Misty Good call Misty..I don't see why it's falling still but hey ho. It's probably the 2 to 3 days rule.I think prices move up or down over 2 to 3 days unless new news adds to whatever momentum.If there is a fund raise, as you believe may be coming, I would be happy to add.The PE is much lower now and medium term I can only see further sales and profit growthAimho.

Misty Creamybib 13 Sep 2017

Re: Misty Classic bought on the rumour and sold on the news...Will re-enter when the price hits a support level.

brightonboyaswell 12 Sep 2017

Sorry about below Sorry about last post.I was using my so called smart phone.In all its wisdom it decided to take PE and turn it into its on phrase.The sentence later with all the words without spacing was me not double checking before posting

brightonboyaswell 12 Sep 2017

Re: Great Results I don't see the US expansion costs as being too significant in the scheme of things.Even so, if the release of products into the US and other markets goes to plan, the old People will come into play quick enough, You could be right about a dip to sub £3 misty, however we have seen many dips like today, onlyforrecoverythenext day or so. It does'nt take much buying or selling to move this tiny company

middler2 12 Sep 2017

Re: Great Results Not sure I agree p/e is the best way to judeg early doors shares Misty CreamBib. I do see an ever growing range of fascinating products that seem to be rapidly expanding in niche markets. Can you imagine the multiplier effect if and when these products start to get cross marketed by some of the retailers. In my view it is a near certainty, as the products do so well once in store. You may be right about the costs of USA expansion, but it is probably more a question of timing and applying the resources where there is most benefit. We shall have to wait and see, but I topped up today.

Misty Creamybib 12 Sep 2017

Re: Great Results Sold this share on Friday - Prospective P/E too high and does not fully consider the cost of rolling out the brands in the USA.Small possibility of a fund raise to provide a marketing boost.Don't get me wrong but this share in on watch list for a further entry point but until news about future sales in the USA come through this will drift down.Sub £3.00 coming - fill those boots then

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