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frusset 02 May 2018

Re: Launches and share price rise Thanks Pattie K, and the link worked fine.

Pattie K 02 May 2018

Re: Launches and share price rise there is a Prolong website I think and also if you go on Innovaderma's Investor relations pages there's a really detailed presentation from 2/5/17 when they purchased prolong.It's a small plastic device that I think de-sensiitivies a specific point on the shaft.It seems to work well based on clinical trials and has no side effects.I think you are paying more for the technique than the device (devised by doctors) - probably only costs a few ££ and is being sold for £200. even with marketing costs margins will be high and market size is massive - supposedly 1 in 3 men suffer from PE and I suspect many others could do with a technique for lasting a bit longer.Placing in October time was partly to get this to market - assume they need a fair bit of stock in place - noticed H1 results showed £3.6m stock in total, a lot for such a small companyHopefully this link works for you [link]

frusset 01 May 2018

Launches and share price rise The stock is up 44.66% today, presumably on todays news:"Launch of ProlongTM, the world's only FDA-cleared medical device for premature ejaculation in the United States and AustraliaLaunch of, a 'sex positive' platform for men that aims to de-stigmatise male sexual health issues"[link] tried going to the new site to find details of the device, but it played a recorded voice straight away, which I hate, so I closed the tab. No doubt I'll still get adverts targeted at me that I don't want (from general tracking, I'm not blaming IDP). Does anyone happen to know what the Prolong device looks like and how big it is? I think for any device, sales can depend a lot on looks and size. I don't know if it's likely to be different for Prolong.I don't like the new site's name, but I suppose it gives the image of being informal or casual rather than clinical. Presumably they wouldn't just think up a name without doing some research?

frusset 14 Mar 2018

Re: 3000p Coming soon!! The stock has its positive points, but the cash flow hasn't been great, as is often the case for growth companies. From the interim statement, cash at the end of 2017 was £2.05 million, after raising £4.45 million from issuing shares. "Net cash used by operating activities" was £2.03 million. It was £0.30 million (used) in the half year a year previously, and for the year to 30 June 2017 it was £0.61 million (used). That's all before the investment outflows, which were £0.17 million, £0.26 million, and £0.24 million, for the half to Dec 2017, half to Dec 2016, and year to June 2017. I don't have enough info to project the cash burn. Management seem keen on investing for growth, but an item under "Strategy" in the interims could mitigate the burn: "This successful digital direct strategy de-risks and delineates the business model, reduces the reliance on the bricks and mortar retail channel for growth, improves ownership of the client base and negates the need to spend significant marketing dollars to on-sell and cross-sell. In addition to enhancing cash flow with all revenues realised within a couple of days of ordering, we can access real-time market intelligence to optimise the development of promotional activities and new product portfolios."From the "Risks" section,"The principal risks the Company faces relate to a) the regulatory requirements in each country to which it exports and b) cash flow. ... Cashflow is another principal risk as, while the Company is in its growth phase, working capital is under demand to fund the purchase and manufacture of stock in concert with trading terms to retail buyers. The Group has alleviated this risk with recent capital raisings and stands well prepared to meet the requirements of it growth plans."The last sentence might mean there isn't much to worry about. I don't feel very reassured, but it's a matter of opinion.Maybe the rate of cash burn will be a lot less than in the latest half year, or maybe the share price will recover or some good news will lift it so new shares can be issued without excessive dilution, but I wouldn't like to be relying on such things if I had a large holding. I commented on 29-01-18, "I'm long IDP, but only with a small holding because I think the stock is quite risky.", and that hasn't changed. If there are good reasons to be more positive about the cash situation, as a shareholder I'll be happy to learn them .

Ripley94 09 Mar 2018

Re: 3000p Coming soon!! Seemed to hit low @ 8.30 am buys showing @ 118p ( 6% lower then close ) Back to 124.5 @ 10 am.

Ripley94 08 Mar 2018

Re: 3000p Coming soon!! Took a gamble on 30% fall .. profit warning RNS.Green morning will not say anything.Limit in 127 ( D ) lifted 126p .Sign it will fall more ??

TSEngineer 07 Feb 2018

Re: Roots use 2 months on - me too Depends on how long you see as long. I'm in for at least another 2 years and probably 3+. One of the least risky shares going by progress so far especially with the current hugely undervalued sp. Haris is very good at what he does....spotting great products, buying cheap and re-marketing them. Last year revenues doubled. This year I expect 50% growth followed by 70% [new launches, new markets] for another 2 to 3 years. I'll re-evaluate after that.

frusset 29 Jan 2018

Re: Roots use 2 months on - me too It looks like Innovaderma doesn't own the IP for the active ingredient. Innovaderma's page for Roots [link] has " Roots™ contains a high concentration of Procapil®, the latest technology in active ingredients to fight hair loss. ". Rekze Laboratories [link] say "This compund is called Procapil® by Sederma, a trademark name for the patented compound Biotinyl Tripepdide-1. Procapil is a new breakthrough formula that strengths hair and prevents hair loss naturally. This compound combines vitaminated matrikine with apigenin and oleanolic acid to that target the main areas of hair loss. It is completely natural and topical, and has no demonstrated side effects.".So who owns Sederma? From a search, "Croda Personal Care :: Market sectors - Sederma - active ingredients, a subsidiary of the Croda International Group, is a worldwide leader in the development of active ingredients for the cosmetic industry."Croda's market cap is a £6 billion. It isn't cheap with a PE of 33.6, and revenue and EPS have grown fairly slowly in the last 5 years (the stock has gone up faster). I might do more research on Croda but I'm not very hopeful.The site has a page for "Products" [link] which lists "1. Provia– All Natural Scalp Treatment For Thinning Hair", "2. Nourish Beaute- Advanced Hair Loss Shampoo For Men & Women" and "3. Cover Your Gray- Fill In Procapil Powder For Gray or Thinning Hair". There was also an ad for a Rekze product claiming "Clinically Proven".Innovaderma could still have success with Roots, based on effective marketing and a good formulation.I'm long IDP, but only with a small holding because I think the stock is quite risky. If the company proves it's consistently good at marketing, or acquires good key clinically-proven IP at a good price, I probably won't be able to add anywhere near todays price, but until then I think the risk is quite high.

discomixx 06 Jan 2018

SkinnyTan on hotukdeals! Vote up Let's make this hot![link]

middler2 19 Nov 2017

Re: Roots use 2 months on - me too WOW. Forget Skinny Tan. Roots is the one! A hair restorer that works! See the reviews on Superdrig:[link] am in my late sixties and follicly challenged. I have used it for a few weeks now and I may be imagining things, but twenty years of disappearing hair might be starting to return!!! Early days I know, but form what others say I am very hopeful AND this product will do wonders for IDP.

gatheringdust 08 Nov 2017

Re: Opportunity This looks like resistance + therefore time for investing now.

brightonboyaswell 25 Oct 2017

Roots use 2 months on On 15th Aug I wrote.New product launched by Innoverderma.Roots, helps thicken and regrow hair.I have purchased some and will let you all know if it works. been thinning on top for years.Packaging has a decent enough design but has a cheap feel about it though, although the true test is if it works. To Date:My experence to date as an individual who is folically challenged at 52 is that I believe the product works as described. I do not see 5 or 6 hairs in the sink every morning when I wet my hair and try and look human again after a nights sleep.In fact I can only recall seeing 1 hair a couple of weeks ago.Is it working, on the basis that I don't seem to be obviously losing hair so much, I would say yes, my hair also feels thicker.I don't appear to be re-growing any hair on top, but to be fair it does not claim to make your hair grow back, just slow/stop hair loss so that your body can catch up on regrowth. Maybe a bit early for that to show yet.Product couldn't be any easier to use than it is, it seems to be a strong solution/product with only a small quantity of shampoo and conditioner used each time, meaning that even though it seems a bit expensive it lasts a long time, I have not even used half a bottle yet and I use it nearly every day.Shall I get the hair replacement gizmo they sell, hmmmmmmm, not sure on that one yet.Does anyone have any experience of that ?

gatheringdust 19 Oct 2017

Re: Opportunity This could well be a buying opportunity but dropping 20% in two days should be sounding some alarm bells. I too would like to in reinvest but not until some sort of resistance arrives! The trend implies a lot further to fall yet to be highly likely. Tomorrow will be interesting, another 10% potentially.

quackers1 19 Oct 2017

Opportunity Looks like an over correction to me on well supported products. I'm in !

waytogo333 19 Oct 2017

Support Topped up as hoping 200 dma will provide support

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