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BADDOGREX3 06 Jan 2016

A serious danger Today's news of Islamic States acquisition of technology to enable terrorists the world over to make use old heat seeking missiles to target commercial airlines is a very worrying development and a serious threat to the industry. I am out .

axolotl 17 Dec 2015

Re: seedy ba business practices You are right, Dr Trustme, the airline needs to defend itself against people who make reservations without paying and then don't turn up. But this was someone who paid the full business class fare up front.. What moral or other justification can there be for not honouring the booking?As for your opinion that this was a 'made up story' what grounds do you have for making that nasty little suggestion? BA did the same thing to a friend of mine and at first refused to offer even the legal minimum compensation. They are clearly serial offenders.

bigmacone 17 Dec 2015

Re: seedy ba business practices Had enough of slagging off M&S and moved on to BA?

Dr Trustme 16 Dec 2015

Re: seedy ba business practices Absolute nonsense. All airlines have overbooking profiles as booked passengers don't all show up (no-shows). It cost the passenger nothing (in most cases) to make a reservation and costs nothing to just not turn up. The airlines have very clever algorithms to work out which aircraft on which routes and on which days will be overbooked so that (ideally) given the number of no-shows, the aircraft will leave will all capacity taken. To add flexibility on heavily booked flights, voluntary offloading (with compensation) is offered and when all else fails upgrading/downgrading and even offloading can occur. If a passenger booked and paid for a business class seat, they certainly would have been offered compensation to downgrade, so the article appears untrue or all the facts have not been revealed. Looks to me like someone seeking free airline travel on the basis of a made up story. Just my opinion.

axolotl 15 Dec 2015

seedy ba business practices There was an interesting piece on BBC Radio 4 You and Yours last Friday about BA's disgusting practice of deliberately overbooking flights then trying to avoid compensating passengers. One woman had booked a business class flight to give her elderly mother the holiday of a lifetime. BA had given the seats to other passengers and offered to 'downgrade' them but refused compensation. Their excuse was that this was 'common practice in the industry'. To my mind it is attempted theft and grossly immoral. If I pay for a seat on a plane then it is incumbent on the airline to leave it available for me - not try to sell it twice in case one of the purchasers fails to turn up. BA's reputation has already sunk below that of some low-cost operators and this kind of behaviour will drive it down still further. The BBC said they had invited BA to appear on the programme but nobody was available. Shameful. Of course they were available - they just didn't have the guts. Airline customers should be aware that if they pay for a full price flight on a BA plane all they are really getting is a standby.

Pallium 14 Dec 2015

Re: Dividend Submitting Form 210 to reclaim 9.5% of the Spanish Withholding Tax is a pain. If you submit it online you firstly need to register with the Spanish Tax Authorities which the advice note says is "complex". It says it would be easier to appoint a Spanish Tax Representative and a fee would have to be paid. Also and I quote, "If a Qualifying Shareholder does not claim a refund of Spanish withholding tax when entitledto do so, the Qualifying shareholder may be unable to claim a credit for that Spanishwithholding tax against any UK tax liability arising on the dividends to which the Spanishwithholding tax related" So, if a UK shareholder doesn't jump through hoops to submit Form 210 then he'll be subject to UK Tax as well!It might be better to sell.Pallium

uncthebunc 09 Dec 2015

Re: Dividend There is more info now available on the IAG website regarding Spanish tax:[link] investors may not have to pay the tax depending on circumstances, there is a document to download explaining it all. Not sure if it means we won't have to pay it or we'll pay it and have to reclaim it from Spanish tax authorities.On another note the exchange rate for the divi to be paid in sterling was due to be announced either yesterday or today but I haven't seen anything yet. Anyone know what it will be?

Fareham 07 Dec 2015

Re: Dividend Thanks for the calculations .

uncthebunc 30 Oct 2015

Re: Dividend Yesterday's announcement of the interim dividend, as posted on the company website, shows withholding tax at 19.5% so based on your calc that puts the total div at roughly 16p.

Frankers70 30 Oct 2015

Dividend Ok, doing the math:2.2bn Euro annual profit = £1.6bn at an exchange of 1.39 euros to £.25% dividend payout of profit = £400m. Shares in issue 2,039m.Dividend payment 20p per share or 3.5% return on today's share price of 570p. Not sure of the Spanish corporation tax rate so have omitted so the 3.5% will be slightly lower.Not tempted back in at 570p. As ever, GLA that are holding.

Otter2 29 Oct 2015

Re: Dividend ! Thank Heavens....a message of real interest to IAG s/holders. Excellent stuff - as usual; and now expected.

6 inch heels 29 Oct 2015

Dividend ! The Board of Directors of BA's parent company IAG has today approved the distribution in cash of a gross interim dividend, against the 2015 financial results, of euro 0.10 per share.

Ripley94 28 Oct 2015

Re: Big fall *

Dr Trustme 07 Oct 2015

Re: Big fall The fall in share price is most likely a reaction to the escalation of activity in Syria caused by the Russians firing missiles from their warships. This could quickly get out of hand and affect flights in/near that region. Fuel supplies may also be affected.Watch this space.Yes, a good time to buy if you've got steady nerves.

themanxman 07 Oct 2015

Re: Big fall I think that this isn't far away from another buying opportunity.Every movement in the market at the moment is very erratic and Oil is no different. The reaction here is typical of what we are seeing at the moment.On the watchlist.

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