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marktime1231 09 May 2019

And the last of this year's ISA money goes on Eeek, have I made two of three mistakes here? Not least an rns this afternoon saying the regular dividend is subject to 19% withholding tax … eh, a uk taxpayer receiving divis in a uk or uk listed company net of an unrecognised rate of tax? At the very least the default or neutral rate of witholding tax between regions sharing tax treaty status should only be 15%. Makes a mockery of my holding IAG in an ISA. Unless my broker has a standing arrangement to receive the divis gross this unexpected tax has just cost me about 3p of the 44p July payment I was expecting. Plus, no thanks to a couple of huge sells late yesterday and again late today the sp has slipped under 490p, so I jumped the gun at 502p yesterday. So another 12p per share to the bad. And it adds to my fear that Q1s will be materially bad. Why else would a major shareholder be offloading at such a discounted price. Inside knowledge, or strong doubts over a Brexit resolution pointing us back down towards the 400p level caused by the Out vote in 2016. How very exciting.

marktime1231 08 May 2019

And the last of this year's ISA money goes on IAG. Or will that be iaaaaaaaaggh! At 502p which is about a 27 month low. A dividend including a one-off special of around 44 p in Jul already declared never mind how good or bad Q1s might be reported on 10 May. Otherwise yield prospect is only 5.4%. And Q1 may well be bad, all sorts of concerns, but at this price they are just under a p/e of 5 so how bad would it have to be to push the sp down steeply from here? At which point I would have to sell something else and add, my biggest drag is LLOY but which is too cheap to trim. But if Q1s are not so bad, or even if I have to wait a year or two, this has a 20% rebound chance. So a gamble on “jam-today” for my ISA income portfolio which is now in danger of an overall yield above 7%. And head above water thanks to a couple of lucky income+growth picks (NAH, VGAS).

Uncle_Doug 26 Mar 2019

Big fall Waded in long @512p

Ripley94 06 Mar 2019

Big fall IAG… XXXXX Back to Nov 2018 565p levels .

SaraRacano 06 Feb 2019

Miami -Orlando? Any of you guys know the best route to get to Orlando from Miami? I was under the impression that the high speed rail link would be finished this year only to find it had been cancelled in 2011. I can find a shuttle for around $60, are these things reliable? I normally only have used these shuttles as airport transfers. I would go to Orlando direct but there isn´t a flight from Madrid, otherwise it means a 13 -16 hour flight route. God knpows what happens if the madrid london flight is delayed.

SaraRacano 10 Nov 2018

Does the deal for Norweign make sense? Perhaps I am a bit late to this BB, but I am of a bit of a perpetual bear. This aggressive expansion of Norweign has resulted in some, shall we say, peculiar financials for 2017 which attracted the attention of Norwegian fiscal regulators and led to truly mind-boggling losses. Bjorn Fehrm of Leeham News estimated in the first half of 2018, Norwegian had an operating loss of NOK 5.2 billion (about $690 million), or 50% of revenue. To raise short-term liquidity, the company has sold most of its shares in Norwegian Bank (down from 20 to 4.8%) and sold 28 of their Boeing 737-800s and rented them back from the new owners. While this raises a lot of cash up front, it comes with higher costs mid-term, as Alitalia discovered all too painfully. It ended up in the Italian version of bankruptcy in 2017. How long can a company last in such conditions, even in an financial environment of plentiful and cheap debt, is anybody’s guess. Just why do Lufthansa, Air France-KLM, and IAG hold such a love affair with Norweign?

Ripley94 09 Nov 2018

Big fall IAG… XXXXX Good job i did in hindsight dropped to 560p Turner Pope Tec / fundamental e-mail said buy @ 585p 26th October 2018 not a bad call

Ripley94 20 Jun 2018

Big fall IAG… XXXX Took another slice 10am ( D ) limit lifted strait away @ 725p hit resistance @ 726p. Just to cover other trades.

Ripley94 14 Jun 2018

Big fall IAG … Maybe you can not edit after so long ??

II Editor 11 May 2018

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 11/05/2018 " FTSE FOR FRIDAY (FTSE:UKX) We joke about our world famous "FTSE for FRIDAY" but last weeks report had a visitor from Chile which impressed us. For some reason, South America - aside from Mexico - rarely features when we check the web stats. ..."[link]

Ripley94 28 Oct 2017

Re: Big fall Bought half the last slice back @ 630p

oldjoe1 20 Oct 2017

IAG Chart Breakout @ Stock Looks Cheap NOW IAG International Airlines looking strong after the breakout at 640p. Forward P/E just 6.6. comparison EZJ forward p/E is 13.2. Dividend cover 3.96. Buying back shares to CANCEL as well.<img src="[link] year chart.....<img src="[link] broker note.....18 Oct 17 Credit Suisse Outperform 662.25 686.00 721.00 ReiteratesSP target 721p.Hmmmmmmmmm looks tasty. Think Ill take a short term bite.

Ripley94 19 Oct 2017

Re: Big fall Noticed on stock market wire .. they have been buying back shares for cancellation last few days.

Ripley94 19 Oct 2017

Re: Big fall Took a slice here yesterday on alert @ 650plast slice's Sept 15... 600pJune 15 .. 518pLooks like Big fall after last slices Oct 2015 in hindsight should of topped.

TalygarnTom 02 Aug 2017

Re: IT problems again Resolved within a few hours.

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