whats Zac saying Barney? i cannot get access?
not sure i do believe him Pro, however why would you ay something like this if untrue? - if it is lies then all credibility is shot
I know nothing about HTIG, just bought some to keep ST and BAO happy Tell me more BArney
OK Barney , lets see
ST you don't believe him do you ?
hmmm... i hope you are right Barney - Thanks.
where are you hearing this from then Barney?
flurry of buys
Moving north
NEW JV, Hightex GmbH Nordstrasse 10 Rimsting 83253 Other Germany Contact: Mr Mark Nolan Tel: +49 8051 6888-0 Fax: +49 8051 6888-290 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL: www.hightexworld.com simple solutions to complex challenges Directors and Secretaries Karen Walker [link] David Walker The Velatex team first worked on tensile membrane projects in the pioneering days of the late 1980's. From typhoon tested roofing to bomb blast safe airport canopies through to some of the most iconic Olympic and World Cup stadia, we have successfully created structures using materials such as PTFE coated glass, PVC coated polyester and ETFE foil with architects, engineers and contractors worldwide. Experience matters and the Velatex team are able to offer their wealth of knowledge from design through to production, installation, inspection and maintenance. They will ensure each and every tensile membrane project is carried out efficiently and economically and will then continue to fulfil its expectancy for many years to come. There are no limits with the use of tensile structural membranes and many architects and engineers are breaking new ground in design and function. Therefore it is even more important to have confidence in this specialised building technology through people that have the greatest understanding and familiarity. Having completed decades of fabric projects across the globe, Velatex brings together a proficient team with expertise in delivering solutions in tensile membrane structures.
HTIG New partner [link]
spekky 19 Nov'14 - 156 - 2456 of 2459 0 0
Something very strange going on,I have just come across a new player in this field going by the name VELATEX.
Even stranger is the website which is using images of previous Hightex contracts including Maracana,Busan Stadium,and the Leicester Space Centre.
How can they get away with that?
onceatrader 19 Nov'14 - 15:10 - 2457 of 2459 0 0 edit
Look very like rumours are correct we have a new JV/Partner
NEW JV PARTNER, spekky 19 Nov'14 - 156 - 2456 of 2456 0 0
Something very strange going on,I have just come across a new player in this field going by the name VELATEX.
Even stranger is the website which is using images of previous Hightex contracts including Maracana,Busan Stadium,and the Leicester Space Centre.
How can they get away with that?
provisions.....? draw down on the load of $8million