Re: Another 10k down the AIM pan ! I think that would be too much like work urrff1, getting their hands dirty. Why do that when you can sell the Golden Fleece.
Re: Another 10k down the AIM pan ! The intention to succeed with this venture is defined nowhere better than on the complany website...Not updated since December 13th........HER still own Paguanta....A company that's given up on updating its own prime information portal is not one that intends to go anywhere. The fact that the infomartion on there is virtually misleading just points to a complete lack of interest. Just remember, there are still people mining at Picachos (as far as I recall), just not for Herencia.What a shambles.
Another 10k down the AIM pan ! So ,it maybe simplistic but in discussions with Major shareholders to access funds is a commmon AIM RNS claim. Forgive me but in business that I have been involved in it's quite usual to have a plan to bring a project into fruition ( ok some get knocked on the head due to cost and changing needs but usually once approved come into being ! ).HER for many years seem to have had viable quantities of minerals to mine . But all they and others seem to do is dig more holes and acquire more prospective site to dig more holes ! If, I had a viable product surely I would be discussing with shareholders to dig it up and buy the necessary equipment to do it to start the cash flow ? No one ever talks of actually starting the work. How many years have they told us they have significant deposits of minerals ? I would have more confidence if they said we plan to start digging on such a date and we need this amount of money to finance this work and at a rate of so many kg per week and at current values this will generate this much cash I being too simplistic ? Ok it could fail but it must be better than the last few years of downward spiral .
Re: Call the vet broomfielder - Your last para is right on target. I got out of here in time but that's no boast. Range Resources, Arian , WRES have taken their toll of my punter's hopes over the years. Sure...some fat cats have lapped at our cream but minnow miners are all about the prospect of "jam tomorrow". We have a saying in my State ..."Casinos weren't built for winners" but I still enjoy a trip into town (Las Vegas) and sometimes (like yesterday) I win!The most important thing is knowing when to stop....and that applies especially to exploration and drilling.proposals 'cos eventually "jam tomorrow" gets eroded by placings, dilution and directors' remuneration. You really need to have regular good communication from the Company and a clear "road map" of targets and dates for their achievement to underpin your faith and stay the course. When rats start leaving the ship - it's high time to get off.
Re: Call the vet Unfortunately, Herencia has become somewhat of a classic 'case history' for PI's as an illustration of how apparently excellent prospects can be turned into a sump for investors' cash as clearly a succession of management had no idea or perhaps no desire to see these prospects turned into commercially viable operations.All with hindsight I would concede, but as I have mentioned before that despite the known risks with any mining co prospect I believed that this Co had genuine prospects of success and for these reasons it became my largest investment. Although sold out in the most part over the past year or so, it was my biggest investment loss. The small lump of shares I currently have left probably wouldnt cover the selling fees.In the meantime a lot of so-called management have made a very good living at our (i.e. investors) expense but I guess it wasn't the first and it certainly wont be the last such company - I'm just not sure we can avoid repeating such a situation if we want to continue to invest in AIM companies.B
Call the vet This nag has been limping along long enough. Time for it to be put out of its misery.Oh the heady hights of 4pOh the optimism of the grades at Paguanta, the Potential at PicachosOh the blinkered hope that lead me to stay in here long afer it became apparent to anyone with any sense that the cash bucket had a hole it in, and it wasn't getting topped up fast enough.What a disappointing end to something which could have been so much better.To any other long term lingerers here...My condolences on the passing of this once proud looking foal, now a broken down nag headed to the knacker.
Re: Last nail Well done Mr Sloan or is it Slime? From his taking over from Mike Bohm at between 2-4p at our highest, he has decimated the company to zero. Incredible incompetence - but I am sure he drew a nice wedge from us all in the meantime. Must look great on his CV.
Last nail They've been waving it about for a year now, finally they've found somewhere to hammer it home.
Re: No recent update Eddie - kinda Woo-Hoo or Boo-Hoo / ?
No recent update No update since mid December but still trading - light at the end of the tunnel - or is that a train coming towards us?
Re: Corbs For anyone on LSE there is this post:Yesterday we were informed that one of the most respected and informed posters on the BMN BB has died after a long illness. Some of you may remember Corbine and his well-thought-through 'musings'. In his memory and as a mark of respect, we are trying to make him the top recommended poster on LSE (his sister reads the BMN board and will see what we are trying to do), so if you have a few minutes to spare could I ask you to go the the BMN board and track back to his posts and recommend as many as you can find. I'm told he will need at least 1500 recommendations. His last post was on 21st September, on page 86 (although that has probably been pushed further back due to the volume of condolence messages), and I'm reliably informed that, to save people wading backwards through pages of posts, if you set the 'Posts per page' to 50 you can just edit the current webpage title to replace the page=1 part with page=86 Thank you in advance.
Re: Corbs Very sad news, he was always very genuine.
Re: Corbs So sad, RIP Corbs.
Corbs Hi all. Sorry to bring bad news but wanted let you know that Corbs (Corbine) family just let me know that he passed away at the end of September. Can somebody let the LSE lot know as don't have a log in. Wishing you all a more prosperous new year.
Tick Tock If further funds are not identified by early January then there is no guarantee that the Company will be able to continue trading after that date. Almost at year end, I hope that doesn't mean in the literal sense for HERMonk