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Number Seven 30 Jun 2016

New banking agreement Phil/Scarlet, I can't post on Advfn just now as they are having big technical problems - Great news today regarding the newly agreed banking arrangement!!! Onwards and upwards

Clarence Beaks 14 Jun 2016

The HAWK is dying (nm)

Clarence Beaks 08 Jun 2016

Sort that funding Rick then this company should be renamed Phoenix Energy or something as it will have risen from the ashes yet again, and that must be about the 3rd or 4th time.Then again it could be game over shortly.

Clarence Beaks 18 May 2016

Re: cogcc i hope so too. so upset i didnt dump during SG's time, thought rick would take us to a new level but was wrong.

no1scarlet 12 May 2016

Re: cogcc CB you may be right!!But i have a lot riding here, so i have to keep the candle flickering in the wind. lolAnd hope there is light at the end of the tunnel

Clarence Beaks 11 May 2016

Re: cogcc & RNS I wouldn't hold hope on the water flood project convincing banks HAWK is a good investment No.1. Where is the money to fund the water flood coming from exactly? The banks want their money back for a start.

no1scarlet 11 May 2016

cogcc & RNS Well i have looked at cogcc figures for March, which have been published early by Cogcc via Hawk!!I have the followingWe have 23 wells producing, and production has slightly increased from 1388 to 1433 bopd.Monarch doubled its production for the 12 producing days to 8.5bopd approx.Knoss trebled its production for the 11 producing days to 5.5bopd approx.Steamboat Hansen maintained its doubling of production for the month at 140bopd approx.So imo, these figures bolstered by the RNS today stating we have 80% approval for waterflood from landowner, which should be approved by Cogcc next month, gives the BANK a solid yes vote to approve our loan basis.GLA

no1scarlet 05 May 2016

Read & digest article...[link]

no1scarlet 04 May 2016

Re: Wow, flood approved CB if you read it, it does not say the water flood is approved!!!!

Clarence Beaks 04 May 2016

Wow, flood approved [link]

Clarence Beaks 29 Apr 2016

This is will be bust very shortly and what a failure you have been since being in charge Rick.Lost me and many others a ton of money.

no1scarlet 22 Apr 2016

Re: court case update!!!! made in HKTwo additional dockets were filed on wed as per link below.One refers to docket 110, which you refer to as per 21 days.alas i do not have an account to open up pace monitor!![link]

Made in Hong Kong 21 Apr 2016

Re: court case update!!!! The original judgement that NH reported to the market on 05/04 was made on 30/03:[link] is the end of the 21 day period that RFP had to submit evidence to prove any loss on their second claim.

Clarence Beaks 20 Apr 2016

Re: court case update!!!! i think most of us have lost interest knowing the company is near collapse and our wealth wiped out by Rick's performance and oil price to just help him a bit).

no1scarlet 20 Apr 2016

court case update!!!! 4 motions/amendments/withdrawals have been added 19/5/16 regarding our court case!!I have no account, so no idea what is going on or what they relate too!!!any one here have access????[link]

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