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Clarence Beaks 21 Sep 2016

Re: Strong buy. Barno, just because that litigation has gone away (finally), doesn't mean that HAWK isn't still a tiddler oil company producing smalls amounts each month with plenty of debt and a bad oil price.Those factors haven't changed. I don't see it going anywhere much in hurry without increased sustained production and a higher oil price.

Clarence Beaks 21 Sep 2016

Re: The Phoenix Rises Yet Again Didnt think that joy would last long. got it above 1p again for the moment I suppose.

barno99 21 Sep 2016

Strong buy. At this level and up to 3p I strongly believe this is a buy..MM. Have made some money in the past 24 hrs and fair play that's what they do.I see a steady rise to the results up to 2p and beyond...It must be very reassuring for the company with all the distraction of the ligation out of the way.

RegalPrince 20 Sep 2016

Re: undervalued Been watching this share for over a year but litigation had put me off, but know it seems positive to move forward. Onboard now, good luck to all holders.

barno99 20 Sep 2016

Re: ALL ABOARD!! I agree Altold... The price has been hel back because of the litigation for a very long time.The cloud has gone and there's a long way to go, but Nighthawk are heading in the right direction now and free from the shackles of litigation..This should be a multi Bag share from here.

alltold9 20 Sep 2016

ALL ABOARD!! Ship-shape and ready to sail with a clean sheet and plenty of wind. Heading North and a fair trade wind we could again see double figures. Eye eye captain well done getting rid of the pirates.

knight1307 20 Sep 2016

Re: excellent news good luck, Im 3500% down, it might take a week for me to break even

Clarence Beaks 20 Sep 2016

The Phoenix Rises Yet Again This silly little company just never wants to lay down and call it a day, I don't know.Seems Rick might just deserve a fragment of credit for a change.Don't forget in the "hype" of todays news, oil price, cost of drilling holes, cashflow, debt.But let's not ruin today perhaps just as such days are rare.

barno99 20 Sep 2016

Fabulous news All the doubts are now gone.This could treble in the next few days easily now the black clod has gone.What a result!!I wasn't expecting that ..

hereford bull 20 Sep 2016

Re: excellent news It is an overcrowded boat that many of us here share with CJFODY.Can we see land ahead ?

CJFORDY 20 Sep 2016

excellent news Great result, only 90% down now, just need 1000% increase tomorrow and out

no1scarlet 09 Sep 2016

Todays RNS Cor this is a first for our Rick .... lots of news, and ALL POSITIVE!! LOLA good strong update, more or less telling us exactly where we are at now!!Somehow it looks like the plot thickens with regards to RFa) It looks like RF may NOT want their day in court for whatever reason!!!""Based on participation in the pre hearing conference and related court filings, the Company has recently been approached about the two parties trying to negotiate a settlement prior to the scheduled court date of September 20, 2016""b) RF just cant leave us it looks like they has linked up with ""In addition, Nighthawk Production has recently filed a formal complaint against Running Foxes Petroleum and American Patriot Oil and Gas Limited, an Australian company listed on the ASX, for a seismic disclosure breach in connection with a Joint Venture the two companies have announced involving acreage near us.""...How have they been able to get a seismic disclosure breach!!!!c) it looks like my hunch regarding BC 12-14 being Shut In to enable waterflood prep work to proceed was correct..."The Company has commenced working on the Pilot with the final engineering design phase now completed and the equipment procurement phase beginning. Construction and installation of the water gathering lines and the water injection lines should commence in the second half of September. The water injection and the polymer facilities are currently being manufactured and are anticipated to be delivered, installed, tested, and become operational in late October.""So late October, if all goes well with works, we could start production late October.d) i wonder, if this will be a $$$$ or land/acerage settlement!!!! ""Nighthawk has been negotiating with Cascade (Denham) in regards to the last two commitment wells located within the Monarch Joint Development Area. Nighthawk believes the parties may soon finalize negotiations around a proposed settlement. Once this is reached, Nighthawk will announce the results in a future news release.""

ftsebull 17 Aug 2016

Re: New banking agreement Personally I think the swedes will take this private soon, lets face it, HAWK have no money, still impending court case, rapidly declining wells, waterflood scaled back to smaller 'pilot' area again financed by someone else and possibility of failure or less than the estimated return (wouldnt surprise me with HAWK). There is little chance of a decent rise even in the medium term, either bust or private is my bet..

no1scarlet 10 Jul 2016

Our year high has now fallen to 5.22p!!!! what a sorry sight that is, but we trade at our current sp of 0.0085p!!!!I am wondering if JC is taking some convincing, that the current "team" are capable of pulling off the waterflood! Rick came from a good background pulled of many changes there, but possible in a different financial/oil market.Remember it is not to long ago that JC stumped up for the JV drills, look what happened there!!AND, yes, a big AND, we are yet to see RICK STUMP up any of his CASH into the Co and buy into HIS dream!!!I just hope we turn the corner, soon, JC is probably in to deep to walk away, thank goodness!!!Something must be holding up the negotiations for the funding, for the water flood. Why wait a month after the bank came to an agreement...a wasted month in my view, waterflood could have proceeded, had all been agreed then!!GLA

Clarence Beaks 01 Jul 2016

Re: New banking agreement Good on them, it's still alive for a little while longer yet. the HAWK refuses to die.

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