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no1scarlet 12 Mar 2016

Re: Resurrection cb...oh such a dilemma!!!Hopefully me being a "Brave man" will reap some rewards for me!!!See what happens....GLA

Clarence Beaks 11 Mar 2016

Re: Resurrection I think this is the second time we've now mentioned rising from the phoenix for HAWK. Quite amazed personally, leaving me in two minds now what to dump for tax purposes.

ftsebull 11 Mar 2016

hawk lol a little bit of movement and people are already screaming 10P SOON !!! lolololol patience guys

alltold9 11 Mar 2016

Re: 10p Agree a typical mm's tree shake to fill large order then at 1.00p.m whoooosh up she goes. I would not be surprised to see a close of +295%. Hold on tight!!!

TassOil 11 Mar 2016

Re: 10p This will definitely go above 3p today. MM are trying to tree shake as many PI's as they can to fill a large order. Thats the only way to explain them going from above 3p to 2.65 in a minute.#Hold on tight

no1scarlet 11 Mar 2016

Re: 10p bring it on i say, i have many sub 1p purchases!!!

Nige the snake 11 Mar 2016

I see this back at 10p plus short to medium . Certainly 200% short term. Watch out for spread thou

Nige the snake 11 Mar 2016

10p I see this back at 10p plus short to medium . Certainly 200% short term. Watch out for spread thou

dave297 11 Mar 2016

Resurrection Who would have believed it- & like a Phoenix Hawk emerged from the ashes of the North American oil boom/crash !!

Clarence Beaks 10 Mar 2016

Re: rns snipit Oh good on them. This little tiddler just refuses to lie down. Pleased they have got their approval. will read rns later.

no1scarlet 10 Mar 2016

rns snipit extract from rnsThe final estimates are closer to the high side preliminary estimates shown above. The original estimate for the high end of the range was 40% estimated recovery resulting in 6.64 million barrels, whereas the third party simulation model puts the estimated recovery at 38.8% and 6.57 million barrels. This engineering projection shows monthly production rates to more than double the current production under primary recovery for up to the next 5 years. The Company will be posting on its website, shortly, a presentation which provides a more detailed explanation of the Project and its benefits.CB perhaps being brave may pay off after all!!!

Clarence Beaks 18 Feb 2016

Re: Almost decision time for me Brave man No1. Appreciate you responding. Maybe it's only us two left?! And some Swedes Glad he sacked the HofG, bloke hasn't found much oil ever. At least it showed me one thing positive about Rick I suppose, he isn't scared to get dirty when required. Well, unless the HofG decided himself to resign. my view is though he was pushed.Experience over all these years told me that they would want more info on the waterflood project, I didnt really have an issue with the delay, just for once I expected it. has an environmental impact and not everyone will agree initially. If they dont get approval though, they have little left now which is a shame.Think I will wait to see if approval is won/lost or push back again for even more info. should be before end of tax year.

no1scarlet 17 Feb 2016

Re: Almost decision time for me Well Opinion and it relates to me & my holding..which is now close to 4m shares!!!I have bought 4 lots at sub 1p and this has brought my av down to 4p....So i am praying, whatever we want to call it....that things will improve q2/q3.... otherwise i will have a long wait or a huge loss!!!! i wont sell until i at lease b even.Now to you question.Rick came here the wrong time...poo falling glut of oil!!! not his fault.Wasting money with the did he pin point them or was it the H of geology!!! this i do find strange as he was there pre Rick...something went wrong there & someone had to carry the can!!The swedes have been very patient with Rick...are they mis-guided??? i certainly do not know!! They have a huge loss on paper too.I am concerned that Rick has not put his hand in his pocket & bought shares..we may be in closed period now...but he has had plenty of opportunities...does he not believe in himself or his time??? i wonder!!!!waterflood...i was surprised to read that drawings etc were not ready for 1st application, which caused the delay...SO WHO IS CALLING THE SHOTS!! HAS RICK GOT HIS FINGER ON THE PULSE!!!dyor etc... but i am in till the death, whichever that will be!!!

Clarence Beaks 15 Feb 2016

Almost decision time for me Do I bin it and use the substantial losses money to reduce my tax overall OR do I believe Rick, the guy who has overseen a devastating 96% drop in share price recover it somehow??What's peoples thoughts? Rick has done nothing with production, wasted a load of money drilling duffers at a time, to his credit has helped sort the banking covenants and probably holds everything on the water flood which may or may not get approved.Pretty convinced hitting 20p share price will never be seen again unless a miracle occurs.

max flanagan 28 Jan 2016

volume traded! Volume indicated and price guide are out of stepwith reality. Hence do not be influenced by any infoshown with iiiiiiiiii move to ADVFM for confirmation.SP will eventually move forward although may need a couple of kickssssss.

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