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Clarence Beaks 15 Apr 2016

Careful No.1 This stock just gets played with at this price, up 25% one day, back down 30% another. I know your forever optimistic, but this is the play of a share this price and you could get caught out.Still expect bad news, highly likely as theyve never given much else in past 1-2 years.

Clarence Beaks 12 Apr 2016

From AOL Money [link]

Clarence Beaks 11 Apr 2016

Bust soon? Just asking!

no1scarlet 05 Apr 2016

court case Nighthawk updates on Running Foxes' litigation5 April 2016 | - One of three claims against Nighthawk Energy by Running Foxes Petroleum has been removed and the court has indicated it intends to find in Nighthawk's favour on a second.Nighthawk said that on 30 March theUS District Court of Colorado granted the company's motion for summary judgment on two of the litigation claims. Accordingly, on the breach of contract claim, this claim has been removed from the litigation.On the second claim regarding RFP's claim for breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, the court regards that RFP's inability to prove a loss to be "fatal to its claim" and intends to enter judgment in favour of Nighthawk. However, the court has granted RFP 21 days to provide further evidence and a further announcement will be made based upon the court's findings. One further claim exists under the litigation as to RFP's claim of an overriding royalty interest on a lease. The company continues to believe that the plaintiff has no reasonable claim and plans to continue to defend the claim vigorously. Further information will be made available at the appropriate time- See more at: [link]

Clarence Beaks 04 Apr 2016

Re: RNS the only thing kept this going was the oil hedging, now it's over they are quite literally ***ked. Rick has taken this from 10p to bankrupt in less than 2 years. I know hes had a tough time with oil price, but they have achieved little to counteract it really.

MetalMuppet 02 Apr 2016

Re: RNS The Oil man sums it up...[link] bother for Nighthawk (HAWK) who have announced that their Resource-based Lending from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia has been reduced from $23 million (£16 million) to $13 million. Given that the company has $23 million outstanding on the loan and $2 million of cash, the situation continues to look grim; Mr Micawber would be miserable..

Andy Reilly 01 Apr 2016

Re: RNS CB - I would have taken any rise in the SP to exit with a reduced loss IF I still held, but its amazing how some still refuse to acknowledge HAWKs deathly palour - see the simply daft calls for 10p soon earlier in March -

Clarence Beaks 01 Apr 2016

Re: RNS not very well no.1 sadly, but ive given up really on HAWK now anyhow. I dont think it will survive anymore.

no1scarlet 01 Apr 2016

RNS well it looks like we had the april fool rns after all.could affect sp!!!see how day pans out!!!

no1scarlet 21 Mar 2016

correction!!! I have looked at the recent presentation again, in particular slides/page 6 & slide/page 10i have quoted 15 AC wells whereas slide 6 refers to 11, so i have cross reference with the wells i have.Slide 6 does not include Crested Butte, whistler & S Sky 14-11 both 0 bopd.or snowbird 16-15The wells to be used as injector wells currently produceTelluride 0 per monthS Bird 16-15 1426 per monthB Sky 5-11 1672 per monthB Comb 12-14 342 per month, approx 3440 or 111 bopd!!!Slide 10 refers to extended production forecast..Year.....No injection....with injection aided at 28th November each yr2016......950.......1800 all being BOPD AND APPROX!!!!!!!2017......700.......16002018......580.......13002019......500.......10002020......400.......9002021......380.......8002022......380.......7802023......380.......7002024......380.......650FAR MORE OIL TO BE GAINED FROM THE WATERFLOOD FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIMESO WE NEED THE WATER FLOOD TO BE APPROVED, AND I MEAN GAIN THE 80%!!I SEE ANOTHER 2P RISE ONCE WE GAIN THE 80%, WHICH WILL THEN ENABLE US TO START WORK ON THE WATERFLOOD.IMO DYOR etc

no1scarlet 17 Mar 2016

Read & Digest a tidy read about water flood...posted on lse by ian b[link]

no1scarlet 17 Mar 2016

jan production 2016 production for Jan was 43,782 Bo for the month.Divided by 31 days=====1412 bopdso production being maintained

Clarence Beaks 14 Mar 2016

Re: Resurrection Im pleased for you No1. Good on you. I'm just pleased to see a bit of my losses reduce, only a little, but better than they were sub 1p.CB.

alltold9 13 Mar 2016

Re: 10p Another Blue day tomorrow, stepping nearer that 10p+level?

alltold9 12 Mar 2016

Re: Resurrection Agree with you 'No.1' and these are staying strong in my portfolio. still believe we are massively undervalued at these levels.

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